~Going Home Pt.2~

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Nighttime in Storybrooke was magical,at least to me it was. It was so beautiful when the city turned their lights on because the sun has set,it looked like a firefly of a city.

Mary Margaret, "Another curse? It's happening again?" Emma, "Gold,this curse,is it going to work like the last one?" Gold, "The last one was created to service the Queen's wishes."

Gold, "This will be done per Pan's desire. I would count on something hellish" Regina, "The curse was built to be unstoppable. There is nothing that can be done."

Gold, "It is possible to stop it" Regina, "What?" Gold, "It can either be done by using the scroll itself but that can only be undone by the person who used the scroll. That's you,Regina."

Emma, "What's the other option?" Gold, "His soulmate" Gold points to me and they all look at me. My eyes grew wide like a deer in the headlights, "What?" No one answered me and I became shy, "Can we go with the first option,please?" Rumple smiles and almost laughs at my embarrassment, "Of course we can,dearie."

Regina, "Okay,what do we have to do?" Gold, "You must destroy the scroll. Both yours and his curse shall be ended,but know this-there will be a price:a steep one."

Regina, "Well,what do you suggest?" Gold, "Instead of going to him. We bring him to us with a spell." She was confused and he concluded with, "One that will return Pan and Henry to their own bodies."


Felix looked inside the well and then to Pan, "Are we missing something?" Pan, "Yes" Felix, "What is it?" Pan, "The heart of the thing I love most." Felix, "You mean your son's heart,Rumplestiltskin?"

Pan, "No,I never loved Rumple" Felix, "Sasha? She is your soulmate" Pan blushed, "She is my soulmate and I do love her but it is not her heart either. I could never take her heart."

Felix, "Well then,whose heart do we need?" Pan, "Love can be many things,Felix. It doesn't just come from romance or family. It can also come from loyalty: friendship."

Felix, "That's me" He became frightened and tries to back away from Pan but Pan won't let that happen, "Don't be afraid. Be flattered" He took out Felix's heart as Felix yells, "No!"

He squeezes his heart over the well as Felix's body drops to the ground in anguish. The heart has now turned to dust and Pan disposes it into the well below.

Belle,Henry and Regina enter from the back room and sit down. Emma walks over to Henry, "You ready,kid?" Henry, "Yeah. Just ready to be me again." Gold, "Not much longer,Henry. Once we have the wand,all will be as ensured." David enters, "She's back. The Blue Fairy. She gave us the wand."

Gold pulled out a bracelet that is meant to render anyone with magical powers-powerless. Regina looked to Hook, "I haven't forgotten all about that by the way."

Henry let Gold perform the body switching spell. Henry in Pan's body began to convulse. I ask, "What is happening?" Gold, "Henry's spirit is leaving Pan's body." As soon as Henry's body stopped shaking,we all followed Emma out of Gold's shop except for Gold,who wanted to talk to Pan himself.

It wasn't that long after that Henry,now back in his original body ran to us from the library, "It's me! It's me! It worked!" He hugged both Emma and Regina, "Mom,mom."

Henry gave the scroll to Emma,who gave it to Regina,but when she did,a burst of purple light came from the scroll and she passed out onto the ground.

Mary, "What is it? What happened when you touched it?" Regina, "I saw what needed to be done." Henry, "Mom,are you going to be okay?" Looking at me,Henry and Melinoe,she said, "The important thing is that you three will be."

We hear Pan's voice, "No,they won't" I whisper to Melinoe, "Get behind me and no matter what happens,stay there." I pull her behind me and she stays there.

Hook, "He has the..." Pan froze everybody but it didn't work on me. It must be the soulmate thing. He held up the scroll, "Curse? That I do" he was going to try and kill Neal if it wasn't for Rumple,who pulled him back.

After they talked for a while until Gold's shadow gave him the dagger and he held it against his father,who struggled, "What are you doing?!"

Gold, "You see,the only way for you to die is if we both die. And now, I am ready." I whisper to Mel, "Go behind Aunt Regina,okay?" She nodded and obediently did as I said.

I yell, "No!" And I vanished in a cloud of white angelic like smoke and I appeared in between Pan and Gold, "I'm sorry but I can't let you do this."

Gold, "I understand but if it is not me than you have to do it." He hands me the infamous dagger, "I understand. Keep him close" I was sadly able to plunge the dagger into the both of them and I let Gold take the dagger.

I know that Rumple wanted him to die but I sent Pan back to Neverland without his knowledge. As soon as they both disappeared,Belle began to cry.

Emma to Neal, "I'm so sorry" Neal, "My father did what he had to do. He saved us." I went and got Melinoe and we tried our best to comfort Belle.

Regina, "Pan is dead" I'm not going to break the news that he isn't just yet. Emma, "What's the price? Gold said that there is one" Regina, "It's not our price. It's mine. It's what I felt when I first held onto it. I have to say goodbye to the things I love most."

Emma, "Henry,Sasha and Melinoe" Regina, "I can never see them again. I have no choice. I have to undo what I started" Mary, "The curse that brought us to Storybrooke?"

Regina, "That created Storybrooke. It doesn't belong here and either do any of us." David realizes, "Breaking the curse,destroys the town."

It was all decided that they would all go back to the Enchanted Forest except Henry and Melinoe because they were born in places opposite to the Enchanted Forest.

Except that Emma will take Henry because she is the Savior and can escape the curse. It was not an option for them to go as well because if Regina did not pay the price than none of it was going to work.

I then received a call from Hades. He sent me some magic to sprinkle over her head just so she stays with me. Me and Melinoe hugged everybody along with Henry and Emma.

When the curse approached us,Emma and Henry got in her car and took off. Regina was able to change it from green to purple but it stopped at the town line just before it could reach them.

We disappeared and I sprinkled the magic over Melinoe's head, "This is from your dad. It is so you will stay with me." She nods her head and to our surprise,it worked.

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