15. Investigation

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If there was something that school taught me, anything on the internet could be easily found if you use the right keywords.

The screen was the only source of light as I stared at it in the dark. There wasn't anything that really caught my attention.

After twelve years of fighting villains, I knew to check up on the regular villains I fought over the years while referencing the legal sections regarding activities that villains were allowed to do.

Nothing was coming up. They were either plotting against heroes publicly on their social media or talking about upcoming union strikes. I didn't seem like I was going to get my answers any time soon.

I even tried to see if I could stalk Sheldon on the internet but there was nothing. It was as if he never existed on the internet. Sure, there was the odd article and fan page but nothing that solidified his presence. It made me wonder if Sheldon used it under an alias or anonymous account or just... didn't use the internet at all. The second option seemed the most plausible since he didn't carry a phone with him at all.

But what if he just kept all his internet usage at home so people don't catch onto what he was doing?

I switched the tab and checked my email, seeing if the hero association had emailed back. Nothing.

I sighed and removed my glasses before I rubbed my eyes.

This was turning out more complicated than I thought.

"What you doing up still?"

The lights flickered on. My head whipped towards the door and I saw my dad standing there in his basketball shorts and a baggy t-shirt.

"Ah, was just..."

"Doing hero investigation?"

I pressed my lips together before giving a nervous smile.

"You may have superpower but it don't mean that you super-powered."

"Pa, I am super-powered."

"You understand though?" He pointed a stern finger at me.

"Yes..." I meekly let out. He was always worried about my health ever since I became part of the hero scene.

He walked over and kissed my head before patting it. "Now go sleep. Computer bad for eye in dark."

I nodded and turned off my computer screen. He gave an approving look before leaving my room. Dad gently closed the door behind him and I waited a few moments before turning on the monitor again.

I couldn't rest until I figured this out. I knew I was close.

That was when I had an idea.

Villains that I haven't encountered in forever.

After a few taps on my keyboard, I found myself on a black and white site filled with goose-themed art.

This was as good of a guess as any.

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