New Home

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Dan got home that night, but this place wasn't his old shed, instead it was eight berths, with three berths full. Inside were Jojo, a tender engine that looked like Tatum, and a small blue saddle tank. The little driver hopped out of Dan's cab and walked over to him. "Well Dan, here is your new home! Oh, I haven't introduced myself, my bad. I'm DD, the Grandson of the controller, Sir William V!" Dan rolled onto the turntables, there were no walls, but big beams that supported the ceiling. Dan to the birth that had a line leading out of the turntable (The birth on the very left). Dan looked around, Jojo was asleep, and then other two engines were awake and were chatting quietly amongst themselves. "H-hello" said Dan, he wanted to be kind and make more friends. The other two engines looked at him. "Hullo there!" Said the tender engine, "I'm Josh, a pleasure to meet you!" The other engine decided to stay quiet. "I'm Dan-" Dan was quickly cut off by the small tank engine. "You?! Your dead, you were scrapped!" The tank engine began to get angry. "Go back to your scrap pile and k-" Josh cut him off. "Oh, shut ye trap! Ya needs to leave him alone!" Dan just starred; he began to think to himself. "W-why would a steam engine want to scrap his own kind? What has this world come to?" Then the two new engines came into the sheds, they rolled alongside the small tank engine. They soon went to sleep. Everyone fell asleep, everyone except the tank engine. "Well, well, well" A voice came from the shadows. "A fine specimen you are. loud footsteps came from the voice. "What do you want? An autograph?" The tank engine chuckled nervously. "No, I want you... to join me. I like the way you handled that engine, you're just the engine I need." The voice became louder, and the footsteps came closer. "No, I'm a D&D engine, I won't betray my kind." The voice chuckled; it sounded as if it was backing away. "Suit yourself." It disappeared into the darkness.

The next morning, Dan awoke but his driver was nowhere to be seen. "Driver? Where are you?" he and the small tank engine were the only ones left in the sheds. "Ha, your driver won't be coming at all! He's still going to school!" The small engine laughed as he puffed away. Dan caught the engine's name it was painted on his sides. "Ryan? Hmm." Dan sighed as he now had to wait in the sheds for a very long time again.

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