Apologies And Milkshakes

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A few days had gone by when Rhys had pulled apart Tommy, and the trucks were furious! "We'll teach him a lesson!" Screamed a van. "He won't know what hit him!" Yelled a tanker. And the trucks in the yard began to laugh. "Silence!" Yelled Ava, "Me and Rhys were talking and he said he did not mean to do what he did to Tommy. Now while he did, that does not mean he feels bad for his actions, and two wrongs do not make a right!" "Now, let us be civilized-" She was cut off by a diesel horn, "YAWN, good morning trucks, hope you all had a good night's rest." Said Steve kindly and drowsy. "Come now, let's get you all ready."

Some time later, almost all the trucks were in a line, all except Jarrid and Ava, so the trucks had no leader. Rhys came in and he buffered up to the trucks, Walter had been attached to the back of the train, and they set off. The worst truck of the yard then began talking to the other trucks. "Come on guys, are we really going to listen to Ava?" The trucks began to bicker loudly, "He's right!" They finally said, "Like, she's not even here! She won't know!" The trucks were getting louder, and Rhys was getting annoyed, "Pipe down!" He yelled as he bumped them. That was the final straw. Meanwhile in his cab, his driver whom was also named Rhys drank a chocolate milkshake in the cab. "What's that, Driver?" Asked Rhys. "Oh! It's my chocolate milkshake my mum made for me. It's really good." "I wish I could have some." Said Rhys to himself.

Lickey Incline is the steepest rail gradient in the UK. Some engines have trouble handling the hill and sometimes require a banker. Rhys normally doesn't, and this time was no different. But on the way down, he forgot to pin his brakes at the top, and the trucks took their shot. "ON ON ON!" Screamed the trucks! As suddenly, Rhys lost control! He tried to stop, but he couldn't! He screamed for help, but no one could!

Rhys was on a track that lead into a siding with some tankers of Milk and Chocolate Syrup. He thundered through the station where disaster lay ahead. Rhys crashed into the tankers with a thundering blow! Breaking the first two tankers and throwing a milk tanker into the air, it fell on its side, and the milk along with the chocolate syrup from the broken tankers flew into the air and landed all on Rhys. Rhys' wheels left the rails and the buffers at the end of the siding were smashed to bits. Eddie arrived with the crew, along with Sir William V. "Rhys, now you can't be running around the railway smashing into tankers." "I know Sir, the trucks bumped me at the top of the hill and I came flying down, I'm sorry Sir." Said Rhys sadly. The controller chuckled a little, "Well Rhys, we can't have engines making milkshakes, can we? We'll get you cleaned up and repair, and you can apologize to Tommy at the works." He finished as he walked off to his red sedan.

At the works, Tommy sat in a shed as workmen walked to get lunch. Lydia pushed Rhys into a siding, Walter was with him. "There you go Rhys, get better soon." She said as she puffed off. Rhys looked over. "Hi Tommy. I wanted to say sorry about what I did to you." Walter then cut in, "I'm so sorry Tommy, I pinned my brakes and I didn't want that to happen to you! I didn't think this would happen! Honest!" "Boys, calm down, I get it, y'all didn't mean it, and it's cool. I was being a jerk, and I got what was coming to me. I accept your apologies, but don't think I'm not a troublesome truck still, cause that'll never change!" The truck laughed, and the engine and brake van joined. The three friends then began to drift off to sleep.

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