Josh and the Circus

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Josh was sitting in his shed one day. He was cross with the controller. "Sir, I just want to pull something special! Jojo has the express and Tracey gets her turns with it, so why shouldn't I?" He argued with his case. The controller looked like he was about to yell, but then he turned around and scratched his chin. "The Topham Circus is coming to town, it will be here in a few days. You can pull it around and then take it back to Blue Harbor when the day is over." He said, "And if you do this well enough, I will consider putting you on the express." He then left without another word. Josh smiled and called out, "Thank you sir! I'll do my best!" And he puffed onto the turntable.

The days went by, Josh was working harder than ever. Then engines all noticed it, but they said nothing. The day then finally came. Josh was washed up for his big day, his wheels were waxed and washed very nicely. His blue dome shined in the bright sun of the late morning. His wheels had been greased up by the axles and his tender had the same treatment. He went to the station, preparing for his trip. He got an express head code made with lamps and then he set off.

He puffed onto the branch to Blue Harbor. He whistled as he went past the signal box. The signalman waved to Josh and his crew as they puffed pass. Josh then saw the bridge that meant the harbor was fast approaching. He then put on his brakes. He then slowed a little bit, but not enough! "Uh oh." He said as he skidded along the tracks. The tracks were wet and slick, not helping Josh! He was then switched onto a pier, there sat some clay trucks! "Oh no!" He yelled as he kept skidding along. "I want to stop! Let me stop!" He yelled as the Scottish engine moved down the line. He then crashed into the trucks, covering himself in the clay! The brownish gray clay began to harden on the engine, the heat from his boiler began to make the clay heat up. Bubbles formed on the engine, some popped and got more on his paint job. "Oh dear! I will look sillier than the clowns in the circus!" Groaned Josh as he backed up and rolled slowly toward the train. This time, he stopped and began to take the train to the station.

The station was waiting as the passengers clamored around. Josh's whistle could be heard in the distance as he thundered towards the station. "Look! There! An engine pulling the circus!" Yelled a girl. "But where is Josh?" Asked another. "I think that is him!" Yelled a boy. Josh rolled in as the adults bowled in laughter as they saw him enter the station. "Silence! All of you!" Boomed a voice. It was Sir Topham Hatt. "You should all be grateful that Josh here has brought you the train at all. He could have not done it after his accident or he could have delayed us by getting a wash down!" He said sternly. The passengers then looked down at their feet. A few said sorry, others looked ashamed. Tracey then rolled in. She giggled a little before bursting out laughing. "You look like you're part of the circus!" She was unhooked from her train and then she puffed away to tell the others. Dom came and took the trucks away. He looked at Josh for a few moments before puffing off with the trucks, the trucks were also silent and respectful to the blue engine.

The circus was splendid, everyone was having a great time as the circus preformed beautifully. Cotton candy and popcorn was served and there were visitors from all around. Even Josh was having fun, cheering on the actors and actresses. Josh then had to take the train back to the harbor. When the men were loading the trucks behind Josh a boy walked up to the engine. "I think you look very nice, very hard working Mr. Josh." He said as he began to walk away. Josh smiled happily as the guards whistle blew. He set off slowly towards the harbor. The trucks were very heavy from some reason. Some of the brakes had been left on and nobody knew! The trucks were screeching along the line as they went along. "Come on! Come on!" He yelled as he slowly rolled along the track. The trucks guard then waved a red flag and blew his whistle for a long while. When Josh stopped, the guard nearly fainted. "I'm so sorry!" Josh said as the guard caught his breath. "Oh... oh no, i-it's fine." He said through deep gasps of air as the Fireman gave him some water. The driver had began to unpin the brakes, and checking that all the rolling stock was fine.

Jojo rolled past with the returning evening express. He then saw Josh begin to roll forwards, and that's when Jojo got an idea. "I'll do it tonight." He said to himself. Josh was chuffing down the line, whistling loudly as he passed signals and signal boxes. He was then sent down the harbor line and began to slow down. He made it back and Steve, the class 08 shunter, shunted the train onto a ferry dock as the train went back to Sodor with everyone onboard waving goodbye to the island.

Josh returned to the sheds as some cleaners were sent to clean Josh again. His paint began to shine in the shed light, and Jojo began to talk with some of the big engines there. "You know guys," he started, "We tender engines should go on a strike!"

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