End of the strike

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The engines had all gathered around Levi sheds, bringing all the other tender engines across the island with them on either flatbeds or on the rails. "Jojo! I must say that the this is a very bad era for my railway! If you keep this up, we will have to either send everyone away, or everyone must be forced to be put into sheds until someone can open the doors again!" Boom d the controller. He was fed up with the tender engine's strike. "The coal supply has dwindled to almost nothing and the diesel are overworking themselves trying to pick up all the slack! You must come back to work or we will be forced to shut down." He said. Jojo stared at him. Then he looked at all the engines and finally sighed. "I want to come back sir, but you must understand my view. I've been in the most horrifying situation trying to save the express. Then after that happens, The people look at my girlfriend Liz as some sort of monster for what happened, putting all the blame on her. Then Tracey and her fall out of grace with the incident with the turntable was published in the news, and she became a laughing stock for days after. And most recently, Josh getting covered in clay and being made fun of just days ago. You must see to it that the people who board our trains see that we aren't just their entertainment, we have feelings too." The tank engines were now beginning to feel sympathetic towards the tender engines, for they were as well going through their own troubles of insecurity. "I see. Well then, if that is what it takes to get you back to work, then I will accommodate your request. Though I can't make all the passengers do this, I will do my best. In the meantime, I have a meeting to go to, so you all must be ready for work when I return tomorrow." Said Sir William V as he then walked over to his car. He then sped off in the backseat and rocketed along the road. The engines soon dispersed, all except Dan. He was staring into the nothingness in the sheds as he thought of a horrible thought. "I do to want to be put back in that rotting shed." He then slowly rolled away with the thought still running circles around his head.

At Levi yard, there are three trucks that run the yards. Ava, a dark pink truck used for coal, Tommy,  general goods van that tends to take fruits most of the time, and Jarrid, a tanker that mostly takes water and is used on the fire and rescue team. However, there is one final truck rarely anyone talks about. Traveling deep into the yards, beyond D14225, there is a truck. It is quite small, and it is used for coal. It was the old leader of the trucks, but Ava was favored as the leader because she didn't harm other trucks when they crashed, mostly just herself, a few faceless trucks and the engine. But this truck will go out of its way to make the engines crash even if that means sacrificing a few trucks. He is called, "Havoc". Dan was deep in the yards looking for more trucks when he buffered up to a few. They were old and rusty, one of them was smaller than the rest. But Dan didn't care because he had just found the right amount of trucks, and the faster he could leave the deep yard the better. He coupled them up to the rest of the train and waited for the guard. The van was newly restored, now painted in a pink livery with a tannish roof. The guard soon arrived, Isabel unpinned the brake van's brakes, and the long train set off.

The trip was smooth on the way to the coaling plant, all be it a little slow, but they made it on time. Dan began to shunt the trucks when a familiar voice came from one of the mines. "Dan, is that you?" It asked. Dan jumped in surprise, "Talyllyn?" He asked, and the little engine puffed out from the dark mine. "Hullo Dan, what brings you here?" Asked the old wise engine. "Oh, I'm just getting some coal to stop at some of the stations and refill the coal bins, we're running low along the mainline. "Oh, well I suppose that must mean that you're going to be very busy today. I must say you shouldn't overwork yourself, I heard that tank engines in the strike are being overworked and are being sent to the works now, are the rumors true?" "Yeah, they are, I was almost one of them, with having to take over The Flying Kipper and all. But at least the strike is over tomorrow." Dan replied. "That's very good to hear, now, good luck on your travels, I have to go to that rotten quarry." Said Talyllyn with some coal trucks of his own. Dan then finished shunting, and all the trucks were filled to the top with coal. The guard was readying her tools, when something compelled put one of her green lamps on the side of the van. No one know why, maybe a pipe burst and sounded like a whistle or maybe a bird flew overhead. But Dan whistled a response to a guards whistle and he set off! Only the one problem was there was no guard to be found in the brake van!

The trucks were cooperating along the line. They stopped at Lickey station and some of the trucks were unloaded. "Come on, come on, come on!" Puffed Dan. "We're on time, We're on time." Said the trucks. Dan went quickly up the hill, and he saw that sign that told him to slow down. He began to pin his brakes, but then Havoc and D14225 screamed out, "NOT SO FAST, WE WANT TO GO FASTER!" They bumped into the other trucks, and Dan then picked up speed. "N-no! Stop!" Yelled Dan as they thundered down the line. They crossed over The Grand Gap and and then Dan saw a signal. Red. His crew were holding onto the controls, trying to brake quickly. Dan then looked forwards, "What's that- AHHH!" There sitting on the line was a freight train, and Dan wouldn't be able to be switched onto another track and he knew that he had no more room to stop. Suddenly, a diesel began to oil along with the train, Dylan was moving along the line, unaware of the coal train rocketing towards him. He whistle loudly and Dan shut his eyes, Dylan looked back in surprise, he then began to roll faster. "Oh my god!"

Dan hit the back of the train hard, he and the train hopped the rails, smashing the smallest truck on the train. Dan crashed into a tree, and then trucks spilled all around. The brake van on Dylan's train was crushed on one side, but luckily the guard was safe, he jumped clear before Dan plowed into the brake van. Something odd happened to Mia, she was in a clear blue ball, and she was perfectly fine. DD however took a heavy beating. His face had a small cut on it, with bruises on his arms and legs. Along with that, he had a very large bruise on his chest, and he was very sore. Dan was covered in dirt and dents all over, his tanks had opened and then little engine was spilling water all over the ground. He was on his side, and Dylan began to panic, "O-oh my god Dan, I'm so sorry! I'll get Eddy!" And he began to shunt his trucks in a nearby siding, picked up the guard, and skidded away for help.

"There's been an accident! Dan has come off the rails and needs help!" He yelled as he reached reached the works. "I'm not ready, I'm low on coal." Said Eddy, and then he looked to one of the sidings. "Hercules! We got a job for you!" He called. There was a loud weash, a shadow began to move, and the name, "Hercules," began to roll toward the turntable. "What's the job?" He asked. Hercules was an odd spectacle. He was a 0-6-4 tank engine, his back bogie carries a very large crane that is the strength of two breakdown trains. He was a painner tank engine with gold lining around his cab. "Mainline train came off the line, you got to start the cleanup. I'll be there as quick as I can." Said Eddy. "Alrighty, you there, diesel. I request that you take me to the site." He said, he had a high pitched voice and sounded like a you boy. "Yes, right this way, my dear engine." Said Dylan as he rolled down the track.

"One bottle of water on the wall, one bottle of water! Take one down, pass it around, no more bottles of water on the wall!" Sang the crew, Dan had been laying on his side for a while and was feeling sick. Mia felt unwell as well. "DD, when will someone come and get us?" Asked Mia. DD was laying on the ground holding his stomach, "I don't know, and at this point, I don't care. Since my crazy aunt started living with us, she's been arguing with my parents and grandparents, trying to get me off the railway. I'd rather camp out here." He said, a tear forming in his eye. "That's horrible!" Exclaimed Dan. "That's not fair to you! This is your dream, and she wants to take it away from you." Mia then dragged DD towards Dan. She sat down on Dan by his smokebox and held DD. The sun began to set. Dan looked at the two above his smokebox and sighed. "You know, I get this isn't the best moment but sitting around with you guys are the best, makes us sort of like a family." "Yeah, I guess it does." Said Mia. "I like that thought." Said DD as he drifted to sleep.

"AND—LIFT!" Yelled a man as the three woke up to Dan being pulled upside up. "W-what's happening?!" Asked Mia as she walked over to the workmen. "We are helping an engine in need!" Said the engine. It was Hercules. "Are you and the crew alright?" Asked the head worker. "I'm fine, but DD took a beating." She answered, and she led him and him along with another worker to him. "Well then, get the paramedics, we'll get him home by nights end." Said the head worker. The trucks were staring at something horrifying. A truck had been split in two. D14225 stared, "No... his reign of power is over! It can't be! Havoc my lord!" Havoc, the little truck, had been crumpled and cut in two. The face was no where to be seen. The unharmed trucks had been saved, and one of the empty ones was used to take Havoc to the smelters yard. But, Dan was picked up and put along the rails. The paramedics arrived, taking Mia and DD away into the dead of night. "Well, let's get y to the works big guy." Said Hercules as he coupled up to Dan, who was then pushed all the way to the works, the two shadowy engines dissipated into the darkness of night.

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