Operation: Revenge

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Rhys, Ryan, and Tracey were the first three to be released from the works, only having to wait a little less than a day, and were ready for work. They all had fresh paint that shone in the sun, glistening as they passed rivers. Though they were a little late to their work. "Alright guys, I hope you have a good night and have an easy work day tomorrow." Said Rhys as he puffed towards Drenk Sheds. "Bye Rhys." Ryan said. "We'll catch you later, also tell Edward I said hi." Tracey said, and the two left for Levi sheds. "Where have you been?" Asked Sally, she was worried when Rhys didn't return from the night before. "The works, I was repainted, see? I feel splendid!" Rhys said as was turned around to reverse into his berth. "And even better than that, Dan's home!" "Really?! He's home? I've been waiting forever and-" Lydia stopped herself as Rhys and Sally stared. "So, someone likes Dan." Sally chuckled. "Maybe I do, maybe I don't. But listen, our history goes back far! Like before the Second World War far!" Rhys raised an eyebrow. "Keep going." Then Lydia responded with, "We used to be lovers, and no one listened to us when we pleaded with the harbour manager to either transfer us both or to find someone else to go to that port. But it was for the war effort, and if someone didn't go, we would lose that port, a major source of revenue for the railway. So we divided, and promised that we would find each other in time, but then the Killdane Bombing occurred, and Dan died a hero in the news, but survived in the real world. After that, I wouldn't hold it against him for forgetting most, if not all of his past." She sighed miserably and the two engines comforted their friend. Then the three went to sleep.

The next morning, Rhys awoke to his driver starting up a cold start. The tank engine shivered as he moved slowly forwards. The sun wasn't even up, but he didn't question anything about it until they had left the shed. "What are we doing driver?" Asked the tank engine. "I'm calling it, Operation: Revenge." Rhys answered. "What? I'm too tired for this." "Oh, and you won't be seeing Mia again, I'll explain what I know on the way." "Where are we going?" "Z's hideout." Rhys said as they puffed down the line. As they arrived, Rhys parked Rhys in front of the wired gate that guarded the entire fortress. That's when the two separated, "Be safe driver." "I will." He said as he hopped the fence. Rhys then rolled behind a bush to stay out of sight from the guards. "Sir!" Said a woman, "Rhys is here!" "Well, that punk has returned?" "Yes sir, just as you said he would, though my nephew isn't here with him." "A shame, I suppose we could just give him a scare." Z chuckled. "Alright, get Serena and Jessie." "Yes sir." Said the woman, and she hurried away. Rhys had entered a dark room, he could barely see two feet in front of him when he felt a tap on his shoulder! He turned around, but there was no one there. The tap had felt quite scaly, and when he turned back around, there was Serena's scaly face, a light under her. "Boo." She said with an evil grin. Rhys' face went pale as he tried to back away. Then he bumped into another scaly figure, but it wasn't Serena because she was in front of him, he turned to see a horror he thought was impossible. "Not you too." He said, his face turning into a pure white. "So... how's Danny boy been?" Asked the serpent, and Rhys moved away. "Rhys, hasn't anyone taught you manners? It's rude to let yourself into someone's house. Though, I suppose I'll warrant it this time." Said a voice from above, it was Z, flipping on a light switch, and he revealed two people Rhys knew all too well. "Joe?! Christina?! B-b-!" "B-b-b! SURPRISE!" Joe smiled as he was about to jump down and do who knows what to Rhys when Z stopped him. "Please, don't hurt our guest." Z said as he put his hand in Joe's face. "Rhys, I want you to give DD a message. Tell him, if he wants Mia, to come get her." Then he snapped his fingers. A large door opened, and then Jonah rolled out, and a massive claw was attached to his roof. He cackled as he grabbed Rhys, not crushing him, but he couldn't get out. "Take him to the front door, I'm sorry I had to cut this visit short, I'll see you again very soon." Z said with a sinister smile on his face as Jonah rolled out towards the gates. "Now take your engine and get out!" He yelled, and he threw Rhys over the fence into the bush, "Driver!" Rhys yelled as he puffed over. "We need to get back to Deedburg, now!"

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