I Feel Fine

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The next day, DD woke up. He had school, so he had to get ready, so he brushed his teeth and went to change. After doing so, he left the house to catch the bus. When he reached the school, he got a call from his mother. "DD, where are you?" "I'm at school ma." "Why? We're not sending your siblings to school until next week! "Because, I caught up on the work they sent me over the two months I was gone and I don't think I need to skip another day." "Bu-" "I feel fine mom." DD said. "Alright, I got to go mom, I love you. Bye." "...Okay, have a good day at school." He hung up and hurried into school. "Hey DD!" Said a boy. He had short blond curly hair, was a little taller than DD, and wore glasses. "Oh, hey Billy." DD said as Billy climbed up the steps to catch up. "What's wrong?" Asked Billy, he could hear the sorrow in DD's voice. "I feel fine, don't worry Billy." "Are you sure?" "Yeah." Then DD hit what seemed like a wall, but then the wall picked him up. "Watch where you're going, Punk." Said a jock, he had wavy brown hair and dark brown eyes. "Right, I'm sorry." DD said as he stood back up and walked away with Billy. "Get a load of that, he's cowering in fear because he doesn't have his buddies to help him." Said the Jock. "Don't listen to them DD." Billy said as they walked into the school halls. "So how was your trip?" "Oh, it was fun. I went to India, then America, and then we ended in Ireland, where me and Dan beat the Mallard, Flying Scotsman, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Thomas the Tank Engine, and City of Truro. "Oh yeah, I saw that on the news." "Oh, and I met a friend in America, she's going to enroll here next week." "Oh, it's a she?" "Billy, not you too." "Come on, be honest." "Billy, really, it's not like that! Okay, I just dealt with a major break up." "Wait, you were dating someone?" Billy was now very interested in hearing this. "Yeah, and somehow no one remembers beside Rhys, Emma, and the girl I met. "Who was it?" "Mia." Billy paused as they stopped at DD's locker. "That's a funny one! Ha! You really got me there!" DD's face was all too serious though. "Wait you're serious?" "Yes Billy, and no one remembers. Which makes no sense, you were one of the first I told we were together." "Huh, I don't remember that. I remember you told me you had a crush on her before but that was it." "Wait, Billy, did Mia come to school while I was gone?" "Uh, yeah, why?" Because, look at this." DD pulled his phone out and showed Billy a photo of him and Mia taking a selfie on the cruise ship. "What?!" Billy was now very surprised. "Okay, that is weird." "I know, so I don't understand how everyone forgot that I was dating her." "Oh, I got to get to class man, we'll talk later, see you!" Billy said quickly, he patted DD on the back and went off. "Okay, bye...." DD then went to his class, he sat down and school began.

At lunch, DD sat alone, he had gym the next period and knew that if he wanted to do well he was going to need the energy. He searched his bag for his lunch, but then he realized he didn't have any food because he didn't pack anything! "Aww nuts!" He said, and he put his bag on the ground. Then another one of his friends came to sit next to him. He was a little shorter than DD with short, straight black hair and glasses, his name was Webly." "Hey Webs." DD said as Webly sat down. "Hey DD, how was your vacation?" Webly asked as he sat down. "It was good, you know, ups and downs, but uh, it was good, you know?" "Yeah, but I got to know, how did you keep up with all the work?" "I requested it before I left, I just did it before I left and turned it in at the end of the day." "Oh okay. Also, are you okay man? I heard what happened this morning with the jocks." "Yeah, I just wasn't paying attention." "That's not like you, are you sure?" "I feel fine." DD said after a pause. "Alright man. Just making sure." Webly said. The two sat in silence when Mia walked past them, she sniffed indignantly. "Oh man, she's ruder than normal." Webly said. "W-what do you mean?" "Well, you know, normal she's a bit mean from time to time, but you should have seen her this morning, she was throwing insults someone older than her because she tripped over Mia's shoe, and accidentally scuffed it." "That's not the Mia I know. She's sweet and caring. Or at least she used to be." DD said, he looked down. "What do you mean?" "You aren't going to believe me, but I used to date her. Rhys and Emma can back me up on that." "No, no, I believe you dude. Like, it's weird, it's like I have conflicting memories or something, but my brain is fighting itself to remember something hidden in my memory." Webly explained. "I see." Then a bell rang, and the two boys went their separate ways.

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