The Serpent's Demands

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Dan puffed into Drenk station one day, Delilah was the only one working with him as DD was in school. "Right on time and really reliable, as always." Dan said as he pulled into the station with his coaches, they had new paint and Dan had some new parts. "Well done Dan! And Delilah, I have a feeling that you are going to be a great part of the railway." Sir William V said as he walked into the station. It was a splendid Thursday Morning and the cool breeze whistled through the station. However, no one could have imagined what would happen later that day. DD, Rhys, and Emma were in school, all in their boring classes, waiting for their gym class. The bell rang at 9:00 A.M. and they hurried to their next classes. "Z, I'm tired of this!" Said Serena. "You promised us that you would when they returned, but yet here we are!" Said Jessie. The two were furious which Z, who promised them that they would get the two boys, "All For Themselves." Z was annoyed by their whining. "I tried, and I did get them here, but neither of you took the opportunity to take them." He said, putting his face in their faces. "If you want them that badly, then go get them." He said as he walked away, he slammed a door behind him into his work station. "So, what's the plan?" Asked Joe. "Listen, I don't care. To be honest, I wanted to make them suffer and modernize this railway, but if they want to bring them here, then get them after school with the Mia bot or something." Z said, and Joe set off to do as he was told.

A few hours later, DD and Rhys awoke, tied back to back in chains. "Wake up sleeping beauty." Said Rhys, "I really hope this is a bad dream." The two were in a very dark room, they could barely see their feet if they squinted, but they couldn't tell where the walls were and what was in the room. Then they heard a small, "Sssssssss." "What, do they have a boom this time?" DD said chuckling. "No, dude, it's worse!" Rhys said, he was face to face with Serena. She had no respect for his personal space. "Oh boy." Said DD as there was another "Ssssssssss," in front of him. "Hello Danny boy." Said Jessie. "How did you guys get us into Z's fortress?" Rhys questioned as Serena scratched his chin. "You don't remember?" Asked Jessie. "It was quite simple." Added Serena. "Maybe this will jog your memory." Said Z, he appeared from the darkness. With him, the Mia Robot. DD looked away angrily with a scowl on his face. Then the two boys began to remember. "Hey DD!" Said Mia at lunch. "Hey Mia, what do you want?" Asked DD. "I wanted to say sorry for how I treated you the other day. I was just in shock from the whole thing." "Well, apology accepted." "Also, do you wanna go out after school? As a way for me to make up for what I said." "I dunno." DD said as he picked at his food. "Let me think about it." Rhys came over to the table and sat down. "Hey DD." "Hello Rhys." Said Mia. "I'm sorry about how I treated you when you guys rescued me." "It's whatever." "Oh, how about you come with me and DD to hang out." "I never said I agreed." "If DD will go, I don't suppose it would hurt to go. Sure, I will." "Alright, see you boys after school." Said Mia and she walked away. "So, you seeing her too?" Asked Rhys. "Dude, I'm going out with Delilah and Delilah alone, I'm not going back to her even if she says sorry. Plus, I thought you and Emma want me to date Delilah." "We do, but we also just want you to be happy." DD rolled his eyes at that. Later that day, DD and Rhys saw Mia waiting outside for them, Emma had left the two for an afterschool club, so it was just the two. "Let's make this quick." DD said, and the two walked over to Mia. "Come on, this way." She said and the boys followed Mia to this park. There were some shrubs that were out of the way of everything and that's when their memory went black. "I knew it." DD said as Jessie sat on his lap.

Emma went to Rhys' house after her club, knocking on the door. "Hello Emma." Said Rhys' mom. "Oh, hello Mrs. Hunter, where is Rhys?" Asked Emma. "I don't know, though I believe that he's hanging out with DD last he texted me." She answered. "Oh, okay, I'll be on my way then." Emma said as she walked off. "Have fun darling." Rhys' mom said. She then hurried to DD's house and knocked on the door. She knocked on the door and Lacey opened up. "Hey Emma, come inside." She invited. Emma took her shoes off and walked inside. "Delilah is in DD's room, I think she's with DD." She said, Emma said thank you and she went upstairs. She walked in to find Delilah pacing. "Delilah, what's wrong? Where are DD and Rhys?" Asked Emma, putting her hands on Delilah's shoulders. "Look at this." She said, giving Emma her phone. It was a text exchange between her and DD. "Hey, I'm seeing Mia. Sorry." "What? But why?" "It's my life, and that's how I wanna live." The texts read. Meanwhile, DD's phone was plopped into his lap, Z had been the one texting Delilah and laughed as he walked away. DD shook violently as he read what Z had wrote and ended up waking up Jessie who had fallen asleep next to him. "I didn't know you wanted me that bad." She began cuddling him and DD tried to move away. "Wait, look, we can track his location!" Emma said as she looked at the phone. She opened maps and saw where they were, she gasped loudly and showed Delilah the location. Delilah and Mia hurried out the window and to Drenk sheds. Dan was relaxing, the sun was setting and he was alone in his shed. His old rusty snowplow was fitted as it was forecasted to snow that night. "Dan! Dan!!!" Yelled Delilah as the two ran into the sheds. "What's wrong?" Asked Dan calmly, he heard the panic in her voice. "We have suspicion that DD and Rhys were kidnapped!" Emma answered, and the two got Dan moving onto the turntable. "Let's go!" Dan said as he went through the open shed doors. Dan hurried down the line, racing to Z's fortress. There was the gated fence! Dan charged and hit the fence, ripping it to bits. Then there were some wooden doors that led into the building. Dan broke through the doors, his snowplow had some dents in it, but was relatively fine for work the next day. "Alright Delilah, let's go." Mia said, they hopped off Dan and raced towards the doors that held DD and Rhys. Then the three heard a loud cackle from the darkness, Dan knew the cackle from long ago. "You two go, I'll take care of Jonah!" Dan said as he stared into the darkness. Jonah came charging out of the darkness towards Dan, his claw ready to break an engine down and turn it into scrap. "Dan! How nice to see you! Heh he hu hehe ha!" The diesel cackled maniacally. Dan blew steam from his nose with an angry face on. "Come on, charge me!" Jonah said with an evil grin on his face. Dan reversed back down the line, and Jonah tried to charge Dan, but he wasn't ready for Dan to charge him with his plow. "OH!" He yelled as he came off the line. Meanwhile, Delilah had punched the door open and saw DD and Rhys, asleep and chained up. "DD!" Yelled Delilah, but then, she felt a sharp pain around her neck as she was lifted from the ground and struggled to be freed. "Nuh uh uhhh!" Said Jessie as she turned Delilah to face her. Jessie then was hit with a kick in the back of the head from Emma. Delilah gasped for air as DD and Rhys woke up. "It's not polite to hit others." Serena said annoyed. She jumped into the air, but was stopped, a blue ring grabbed her by the hair and held her in the air. DD finally pulled it together and got into the swing of using his powers. "Now then, think you can help us out these chains?" Asked DD, "Not right now, let's just go." Said Delilah. "I'm fine with that." "Oh no, you can be freed, he can't." Said Emma. "What, why can't I be freed guys?" Asked DD. "Because you're dating Mia now!" Delilah said, she was angry. "What?! Delilah, that's not true!" But DD was just picked up and slung over Delilah's shoulder. "Come on! We've been tied up for hours!" DD said to Delilah, pleading. Dan was waiting with a smile, and Jonah was cursing the five. "I really can't stay, buh bye!" Dan chuckled as the five raced back down the line. The snow began to fall as they rolled into the sheds. Rhys had the chains cut off in the cab and DD sat pouting the whole time. "You know I didn't send those texts, right?" Asked DD. "Yes, I know." Delilah answered. "Then why do I have to be tied up?" "Because, I feel like it." "Oh, look at this! The chains are rusty, I think I'm getting tetanus!" He said, pretending to lock his jaw. "Ha ha." She said as she walked over to DD. Then DD stood up and the chains fell off. "See, they were rusty." He said as he held some chains. "How did you-?" "You think that if I could grab a a Serpent woman mid air and hold her there with magical powers, you think I can't break out of chains?" Delilah nodded her head. "Man, you really don't know me." "Uh huh, then tell me something else about you." DD walked closer to her, "I love you a lot, and I hope it stays that way." DD said as he gave her a hug. "Aww, cute. But if you really loved me, you would have kissed me." Delilah said. "If that's what you want." DD said, and he pulled her head close to kiss before Dan went, "AHEM you have an audience." And indeed there was. "Aww, look at that. Young love." Said Hanna. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" Asked Rhys. "I hear wedding bells." Said Edward. The two just starred into each other. "Do you wanna...?" Asked Delilah. "Yeah, it's getting late." DD said, the two said their goodbyes and left.

They waited at the bus stop. Delilah shivered silently as the snow fell. DD could hear, so he decided, very stupidly, took off his jacket and put it on her. She shivered out a, "Thank you." And the two huddled together until Brian the Bus pulled along. They sat in the bus and DD fell asleep on Delilah's shoulder to the smooth ride on the road. He snored lightly as they drove down the road. "Hey, if I don't pick anyone else up, want me to drop you off at your place?" Asked the driver. "Yes please." Said Delilah and a few minutes later, the two were home. "Have a good night." Said the driver to them. "Thank you, you too." Said DD as the two got off. DD looked for his keys, but they were his jacket pocket. "Here." Said Delilah. "Thank you." DD opened the door and saw the dark house. It was warm downstairs, but up in DD's room, the room was cold. His window was cracked and the cold wind blew in. He shut it and went to the bathroom to change. Delilah took off the jacket, turned into a werewolf, and laid down her mattress, rolling in her blanket. The blanket was big, but thin. DD returned and he saw Delilah lying down. He went into his bed and tried to go to sleep himself. But he couldn't help but feel bad for Delilah, who had been tossing and turning, whimpering as she was cold. "Pssst. Delilah. Delilah!" DD whispered. "Hmm?" "Do you want another blanket?" "No thank you." "Then get in my bed." "W-?" "Just do it." DD said as lifted his blankets, inviting Delilah to crawl in. Delilah grabbed her pillows and blanket and crawled into the bed. DD and Delilah laid next to each other. "Better?" Asked DD. "Uh huh." Delilah said as she turned her head towards DD. "You know, after everything that happened today, I think today was the best part." Said DD. "I guess, thank you." "For what?" "Letting me in the bed you dork." "Well, you are my girlfriend, so you shouldn't sleep on the floor." The two were silent for a bit, just staring at each other. "Goodnight." Delilah yawned as she went to sleep. "Good night." DD said, getting a contagious yawn. He kissed the werewolf good night and the two fell asleep at once.

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