The Terrier Gala

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Diana signed one morning. She had heard from her driver that The Terrier Gala was going on that weekend on the Bluebell Railway on Sodor. "I wish I could go." She said as she puffed out of her shed. She went to pick up some trucks, and then she saw the controller. "Hello Diana, what seems to be the matter?" He asked the tank engine as she stopped at the station to wait for her guard. "I've heard that the terrier Gala is going on. And driver says we're not gonna be able to go." She answered. The guard then got in the brake van. "I must be off sir, bye bye." She whistled as she puffed away. The controller scratched his chin for a moment as the trucks clattered along. "Hmm, maybe." He said as he walked back into his office. He then got on the phone with a man and the two chatted for about ten minutes. "Why thank you, I shall send them over tomorrow!" Sir William V said as he hung up the phone. He then called his grandson, who was in school. "Hello DD, wanna go on a vacation with your girlfriend?" He asked.

The next morning when Diana woke up, she was greeted by Dan, DD, Mia, and her crew. "Hey guys, what are you doing here?" She asked, yawning a little. "We're going to The Terrier Gala!" Dan exclaimed. "That's g- WE ARE?!" She yelled excitedly as she nearly jumped off the rails! "Yep, for a whole week, we'll be on the Bluebell Railway!" Her Driver said as he got into her cab. Her Fireman lit the coal and a massive fire started, perhaps of excitement or a bunch of spare lighter fluid. She steamed up as Dan began to roll backwards. "Hurry along." He said as he got to the junction. "I am, I am." She said as she began to roll forwards. The two trundled along until they reach the NWD&D junction. They stopped and waited for a green signal. Then, a whistle was heard in the distance followed by the puffing of an engine. "Look! It's Evan!" Dan said as the engine rolled into view. "Dan! It's been so long!" Evan said as he rolled into the station. "I know, how have you been?" "It's been amazing! I've been taking passengers and goods everywhere, and we've got some more friends on the line too! There's an electric fellow who takes express service. And a shunter that's pretty nice when you get to know him, but the two are getting repairs at Crovan's Gate Works right now. Oh! I learnt about this other part of the branch called the Brendam branch, I'm sometimes sent there to work, and I met this engine called Edward, he's a sweet fellow and is quite wise. And then Boco is a great too, keeping Bill and Ben in order. And Salty and his stories." He said as he was uncoupled from his trucks. "That sounds amazing! My branch has had a lot of fun times too! Like when I got back at my Driver's Aunt for being entitled and rude, and then my long runs with my passengers! Now me and my sister Diana here are going to the Bluebell Railway for the Terrier Gala!" Dan said. "Splendid! It's nice to meet you Diana, and maybe when you guys come back to my station in Sodor, we can triple head a train together and just have a nice good run with the sea breeze flowing past, it does wonders for engines I tell you!" "It's a pleasure to meet you too Evan, and I at least will take you up on that offer." Said Diana as the signal turned green. "We must be going now, farewell!" Whistled Dan as the two began to puff off. "Safe Travels and Smooth Rails!" Wished Evan as he began to marshal his trucks into sidings.

The engines arrived on Sodor along the Brendam Branch, seeing Suddery Station, and a Stout Gentleman waiting at the platform. "Welcome, Dan and Diana! I am Sir Richard Topham Hatt!" He introduced. "It is an honor to meet you Sir." Said Dan as The Far Controller stepped into his cab. "Ah! You must be DD, and you must be Mia!" He said as he shook their hands. "Your Grandfather has told me much about you." "Very highly I assume." Mia said. "Why yes he has." "Well that's good to hear, so where is this Bluebell Railway?" Asked DD as he began to open the reverser. "Ah yes, just down this line is Wellsworth, we'll turn around there and then head down the mainline until we go to a junction North-East of Crovan's Gate." He said as the engines began to weash into action. "Thank you sir." Said Dan as his wheels began to grip the rails and move forwards. They made their way to Wellsworth. It looked like it was abandoned. "Oh dear, it seems Bill and Ben are held up at the quarry, I hope you two don't mind shunting trucks so we can get to the turntable." Sir Topham Hatt said as they entered a siding. "Not a problem sir. Though I would recommend stepping out of my cab to give my crew a little more space so they can work efficiently." Dan replied as Diana puffed to the station. "Quite a nice idea!" The fat controller said as he disembarked from Dan's cab and stepped onto the platform. The two terriers began to shunt the trucks into order, but when Diana bumped one, there was a very loud, "UMPH!" That came from something in front of the truck. "Who's there?" She asked, backing away from the truck. "These visitors are quite rude!" Said another voice. "Thinking they can go around and mess with our trucks. "Bill and Ben, is that you?" Asked Sir Topham Hatt. "Uh oh." The twins said as they switched over and were now visible. "You two were meant to have this yard sorted by the time these engines got here! Now Henry will be late with his next train to Knapford!" "We're very sir, we were just tired from our last train, it was an unbelievable large load." Said Bill. "Yeah, it was so bad we need Derek to push us out of the clay pits all the way to Upper Brendam!" Added Ben. "Um, beg pardon sir, but what if I arrange Henry's train with these two while Diana gets turned around?" Asked Dan as he pushed a brake van into a siding. "Hmm... I suppose, but we mustn't waste any more time!" The Fat Controller said after some consideration. "Right!" Said the three tank engines. Dan, Bill, and Ben pushed and pulled trucks all around until Henry's trucks were in order. "Wow, never seen a tank engine shunt like that before." Bill said when he added the brake van. "Yeah, where did you learn how to do that?" Asked Ben. "Why, it was Edward that taught me how to when I worked here. The railway had just merged when I was sent here, though I was painted as the W&S number 4." Dan explained as they heard a, "Peeop Pep!" In the distance thundering towards them from Gordon's Hill. It was Henry, and he whistled louder again when he saw Dan. "Dan! Oh it's been so long! What are you doing here?" He greeted as the big engine came to a stop. "I'm here for the Terrier Gala! How have you been Henry?" Asked Dan as the points were set towards the goods train. "Amazing, I met a new van, and then The Flying Scotsman came to Sodor again, and he's recruiting engines to go around the world! He picked Thomas and they're setting out with some others in a month or so!" "That sounds amazing! I wish I could tour the world too." "Yeah, can't help but feel jealous of the Blue Bugger." Henry's guard blew his whistle and waved the green flag. "That's me, I'll be off now!" Whistled Henry as he began to roll slowly out of the yards. "Bye bye!" Dan whistled as the big green engine rolled away. "Alright you guys, we must be off! Bill and Ben, you better have the rest of this yard sorted by the time I get back." Sir Topham Hatt said as he climbed into Diana. "Yes sir." The twins said as they set back to bumping trucks. Diana and Dan set off, whistling goodbye to the twins. "Really, a heavy train?!" Ben yelled. "It was!" Bill defended.

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