The Builders Who Rebuild the Lost Engines

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DD, Rhys, and Mia had been working hard on the railway, but newer engines were appearing every day. Now, new as in engines that had been made in the 1900's, not the newest electric or diesels, but older classes. "Now there is a theory to this, and this theory is that people rebuild engines from the dead, using their scrap metal and adding it to fresh designs. They do this and give away the engines to save them from the cold hand of death. It's called the state of darkness, where the engines are lost." Said DD to the others one evening, preparing to go home. "Says who?" Asked a skeptical Rhys. "My mom told me about it last night, she said that my dad is one!" DD replied excitedly, "Oh, it makes my knees buckle to think about it!" "Mia watched the two go back and forwards giggling when DD spoke. "DD, you are being silly, no person would believe that, and I don't either!" "Oh, but it's true, you can ask my dad!" Rhys then walked to his house after saying a pouting bye. "I think your story is good DD, said Mia as DD sat on his steps, upset his best friend didn't believe him. "But it's not a story, it's true!" Said DD. Mia put out her hand, "Come on, I got to get home you know, Edward is coming and he can pick us up." She said as DD grabbed her hand. They walked over to a tramway station that was one of the last few stops on Edward's planned path before he would begin to go back the other way.

The two waited, and waited, and then they heard a whistle, not a bell. "I wonder who could that be, Edward doesn't have a whistle, does he?" Asked Mia. "No, he doesn't." Replied DD, and he and Mia watched the location where the whistle had came from. A tender engine that was wearing Dan's coat of Black paint with Blue lining slowly puffed by with some trucks. "Peop pop piop peop! Hello!" He said as he began to slow. "I'm Jeff, the new 56 on the line!" He puffed down the line and stopped at the station. He weashed as some people began to unload the fruit vans. He waited a few minutes before they had to go. Just then, a J70 tram engine rolled over to pick up passengers. "Edward, you're a little late, don't you think?" Said the tender tram engine. "Oh, it's these new timetables! It's hard to keep up with." Moped the tram engine, looking down at his buffers. "Ah, don't worry bout it, come along, we must keep this tramway running!" Jeff yelled as he weashed, whistled and started off. "I'm sorry you two, I would be on time, but my axles and pistons have been locking up. I've been needing to go to the works but Hanna thinks otherwise." "All you need is a touch up of oil and a handful of grease and you'll be as fine as a fiddle!" Said Hanna, sort of in a scoff. The kids rolled their eyes and hopped into the cab as they puffed off.

DD was walking Mia home after getting off at the station and Mia held his hand as she looked down at him. "You're pretty short, ya know?" She giggled as she softly smiled, "Yeah, I get that from my mom." DD replied, also giggling. The two were walking towards her house when a man stopped them. "Who are you?" He asked in a deep voice. DD was shocked but firm, "I-I'm DD, grandson of the controller of the railway!" His knees began to buckle as he shook in fear. "I'm Mia's dad, so I guess you're dating my daughter, right?" He asked, looking down, grabbing hold of his cap, the sunset turning the man into a shadow, unable to make out any facial features. "Yes, I am, sir." DD replied again. The man took a step forwards, "Well then... why don't you join us for dinner, we're having pizza." He said, the sunlight then shined on his face. "His face was chiseled. On his left cheek, he had a few small scars, they looked like knife marks. He had a clean shaven face, one that looked as though it would shine if it wasn't covered in a dust, perhaps coal or a dark stone. "Oh, um, I guess I could." DD said as he texted his mom letting her know he would be a while.

He walked into Mia's house. With the light on, DD looked at the man again, he saw that the man had brownish blonde hair. His dark brown eyes almost looked crimson, and his skin looked very rough and tan. He had hair on his arms and he wore a big jacket that went to his knees. "You know, it's rude to stare." He said as DD turned his eyes away, and he noticed his hand had been gripped tightly by Mia. DD took off his shoes, but Mia and her dad didn't take them off. "Your parents raised you well." Chuckled the man as he looked over at Mia with a small smirk. She rolled her eyes as she replied, "Well what's that say bout grandpa, huh?" She smirked back smugly. "Touché." Her father replied. "Oh, I haven't introduced myself, I am Joseph, Mia's father. And you are DD, right?" "Oh, yes sir, I am sir!" Replied DD. "Mia talks a lot about you. Is it true you pushed her out of a moving train to save her?" He asked, DD looked down at his socks, with a look of embarrassment on his face. "U-uh, y-y-yes sir." He stuttered, "Well, thank you , you kept her safe and protected and even tried to stop your engine, I commend that. Reminds me of something I did to save someone I held dear.

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