...And All His Friends

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DD had ran over his mom after the play, they embraced for a few moments when DD looked around, "Where's everyone else?" He asked his mom. "Oh, they're at home, but don't worry, they'll be here next time." DD stopped and the realized something. "Wait! Did you remember to re-" His mom then held up the camera, and that reassured DD that he could show everyone how well he did.

DD ran over to the sheds that night, he then woke up the engines. "Hey guys, you know how my play was today? Well, my mom recorded it! So if you want to, we can watch it!" Edward then looked at the boy, "Well, I mean, I kinda have to sleep so..." "Oh you can stay up late! You always kept me up late on our old line! Do it for the boy!" Said his coach, Hanna. "Oh I'd love to see it DD!" Said Dan. "YAWN, I'd like to as well." Yawned Rhys. "Count me in!" Said Tatum. And so DD plugged his camera into the projector. They watched the performance as DD acted out the story of the old King, King Drenk. At the end, the engines watched as DD climbed a castle prop, making it to a tower being chased by an angry mob. Then DD looked back, turned to the people, saluted them, and jumped. He fell down, landing on a huge mattress. Then the curtains closed, and the clip ended. The engines cheered as DD bowed. "Wow! I'm glad I stayed up for this!" Said Edward. "Yeah, that was really good DD!" Added Sally. "Well, I think you better get to sleep young man. Your parents must be worried." Finish Hanna. "Oh, my dear, you mustn't discourage the young man." Chipped in Edward. Dan winked a "Great job," as the couple went back and forwards. "Well, good night everyone. Wish me luck tomorrow!" And with that, DD shut off the lights, shut the doors, and went home.

The next day, he got up bright and early as he looked at the time, he had two hours to get ready for the first of two play! "OH MY!" He darted out of bed and got dressed in a black suit and blue tie and undershirt. He also wore some Black dress pants and dress shoes. He found a spare top hat and cane his grandpa would use when his other stuff would go missing. "There, now I look Really Useful." He ran downstairs and he, his mom, dad, brother, sister, nana, and Grandpa piled in their car and sped off to the school. On arrival, Rhys greeted them and took them inside. DD then looked at the yards, He then got Dan and his friends into the yards as they had no work to do. DD ran inside and got dressed up in his king outfit. "Why hello there My King," Said a very flirtatious voice coming from the other side of the dressing room. Mia walked over and kissed DD on the side of the cheek and got a little lipstick on him. "Hello, My Queen, and how are you on this Saturday morning?" "Much better now that you're here. That Zach is annoying as hell! He keeps begging me to tell you to give up the role." DD rolled his eyes, "If he keeps doing this, bring him to me, I'll get him to stop." She kissed him again, leaving more lipstick on him. "And another thing, he keeps asking me to go out with him! And no, I haven't told him we're a thing because I know you aren't ready to tell the world." DD smiled, then the director, Mr. Stock, came in, "Okay lovebirds, come along now, curtain call!" He then rushed out. 

The play went as plan again, but someone in the crowd had their eyes on DD the whole time. DD had bits of lipstick on his face. DD broke Mia out from the cardboard cage as she then ran offstage as part of the play. Then the scene became alive. Twenty-one people surrounded DD as DD said, "What? What do you want?! To lock me up like you've done my wife?!" "No, we want you dead!" Screamed a person from the crowd. "Well then, come at me as you wish!" DD then bolted up the stairs as the people gave chase. DD then reached the tower, and Mia, as part of the play, screamed, "My lord! Please be safe!" "No time for that dear, I'm busy!" He called, then three people ran up, DD walked back to the edge, he looked down and then back. "Viva la Vida" He said, he then saluted them and took a step back. He landed on the mattress, and the curtains closed. Everyone in the audience roared with cheers, "WELL DONE, DD! WELL DONE!" Screamed his family, Rhys saluted the stage with a smile and a tear in his eye. Everyone didn't notice someone had left the crowd and ran to the steps of the stage, suddenly, the curtains opened everyone in the play bowed, along with the Stage Crew. 

That evening, Steve had dropped off a train of wool in some nice new blue trucks. "Hey guys, what are y'all doing?" He asked. "Oh, listening to a play that DD and Mia are in!" Answered Sally. "You can come join if you wish to." "Sorry, but I have to do another job, but maybe after that." He rolled off and the engines tuned into the live recording thanks to the controller.

After the curtains dropped again, The guy ran onto the stage and grabbed DD! "Zack, let go of him!" Mia screamed. DD got lifted up, shaking the whole way, and then getting punched in the face being sent across the stage! Suddenly, the family turned towards the stage, Rhys and Seth, the younger brother of DD, ran towards it. The family followed them. Zach then stood over DD, grabbing him again. Rhys watched as DD was punched three times and then kicked in the waist. "This is what you get for stealing Mia from me!" Suddenly, DD was thrown again, getting caught by Seth and Rhys. "LEAVE MY BROTHER ALONE!" Screamed Seth as he charged towards Zach, Rhys handed DD to Mia and raced after Seth. DD's mom, sister, and Nana ran over to him as his Dad and Grandpa looked at each other and split up. William V ran to find someone to get help for DD and the other boys while his Dad ran to get some immediate first aid. Rhys charged at Zach and kicked him in the shin, while Seth jumped on Zach's back. Some security guards walked in and got Seth and Rhys off of Zach. "I'LL KILL YOU THREE FOR THIS!" Zach screamed. They pulled him away and threw him out of the school. DD didn't have too many injuries, but his most notable was his lip. It had been busted and was bleeding heavily. "I'll be fine, it'll stop soon, plus makeup exists." His mom hugged him, and then Mia did, as a surprise to everyone. "Yeah mom, I wanted to wait to tell you, like, until after the play or something... but you can see how that went." He chuckled a little before clutching his stomach as he groaned in pain. "I just wish you two told me sooner. I'm your mother after all." She said, beginning to pull out DD's hoodie, and she began to wrap it around him.

After that, DD had to be filmed on stage, and a camera was attached to his cape. It wasn't noticeable, and was also quite bad. But, he wore it. The play, for a third time, went perfectly, and by the end of it, DD was tired. He took out his phone, plugged in his airpods and started to listen to some music. He walked out of the school with Rhys and Mia when suddenly, DD was hit on top of his head, along with everyone else. Everything went black. "Ow... my head...." Said DD when he woke up, he looked around and then noticed where he was. He was on top of the skyscraper next to the school! "Well, well, well, look who's finally awake!" Said a voice. Zach was supporting his body with an AC unit, starring at DD. "Come now, let's fight!" But DD was in no shape to fight and he knew what to do, "Where is everyone else?!" He stalled like his life depended on it! "Down waiting for you, now then! WE DANCE!" Zach sounded like a god as he said that, standing powerfully. DD got into a fighting stance. "Hao, come and bring it!" Zach charged at the young man, ready to punch DD, but then he shifted into grabbing motion. Then, he threw DD to the edge of the skyscraper. "Now then!" He put his boot on DD's chest. "Any last words?" He smirked. DD looked over the edge, he saw the trucks and made a plan. "You know what? Yeah. I do. To Death And All His Friends, Not This Time." Then DD grabbed Zach, throwing him off balance but putting DD over the edge, then he nailed Zach in the face before falling. DD saluted and then crossed his arms over his chest and shut his eyes. "Look! There he is!" Screamed Mia. Rhys, Mia, and Seth saw the wagons, uncoupled one, and tried to push it under DD. However, they didn't have enough

"So, this is how I die? Huh, kinda cool I guess." "Not yet you do!" Said a voice in DD's head. Suddenly, DD glowed blue and he was in the truck! He crashed down, almost breaking the truck! But he then stood up, and he smiled. "I live to see another day!" Everyone cheered as DD got out of the truck, he hugged his brother, then Rhys, and then He hugged Mia, whom he then kissed. This was right in front of a huge crowd, that cheered loudly. "Got over your fear, huh?" "Not so hard after you almost fall to your death." He winked at her, and then, the batch of people walked home.

"GOD DAMNIT" Screamed Zach, "Why isn't he dead?!" Zach then called someone. "Boomer, get over here, I, Z, have a plan."

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