Cataclysmic drop

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Rhys was still in the works, so Ryan had to take over his yard duties, while Tatum took his goods trains on the branch. Tatum enjoyed the work, it allowed her to go different speeds and fly down the line. However, she always took care at Slager Ridge, slowing down before she even needs to. Tatum woke up one morning, cheerful as it would be her last day with the goods trains. She would miss the fast paced run, but she would rather have her friend back. Ryan was shunting her train that morning, and he was fairly groggy, and he arranged her trucks roughly and forgot the brake van. Steve was away helping in another yard so it was up to Ryan with the trains. Tatum backed into the sheds, "You're welcome." Said Ryan in a pompous way. "Thank you." She said, Ryan then felt like bragging, "You know, if it wasn't for us small engines, then you big engines would have to shunt and have no bankers." Tatum rolled her eyes as she whistled loudly and left the yards. As she went into the station, she saw Jojo, he was struggling more than he normally did, and he seemed sick. As she puffed by, she whistled a "Hello!" to Jojo, but he didn't responded, also as she passed, she saw a LNER green C1 Atlantic, A purple 3F, and a BR blue class 40. The Atlantic backed down on Jojo's line and coupled up to him. Then, they departed after Tatum on the express line. 

Tatum chuffed down the branch line, suddenly, she saw a red signal! She braked hard, bumping the trucks around as she came to a stop. A level crossing had swung shut for her as some boys ran behind a bus, laughing and smiling. This made Tatum smiled. But the trucks were cross, "Who does she think she is?!" "Yeah, lets teach her a lesson!" Tatum then Whistled as the level crossing gates opened and the signal glowed green and she rolled along. The trucks then made their plan. "Hey Tatum can we go faster please?" Said one, "Yeah, the limit is 30 Miles Per Hour, and it feels like we're going 10!" Said Another. "And it is your last day after all, call it a celebration!" Added another. "Oh alright, I guess we can. Tatum then picked up speed, her driver called out, "Steady old girl, we're nearing the ridge!" But she spoke too late. The trucks the bashed into one another, spilling stones and coal. "Let's get her boys!" Yelled a truck, they thundered down the line, approaching the ridge. Tatum and a truck or two uncoupled from the train, and she picked up speed. The rest began to slow, but Tatum hit the bend too hard, suddenly her wheels left the rails, her crew jumping out and tumbling down the hill, getting a few scratches along the way. Tatum rolled down the hill, on her wheels as she stopped finally, burying her wheels in the ground. The trucks that had broken away snapped a spring pressured points, the first truck noticed this while the others were still laughing. They rolled down the track and suddenly, they shot off the bridge, crashing in the fields.

Tatum lay in the field as her crew looked her over, "Are you alright Tatum?" Asked her Fireman

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Tatum lay in the field as her crew looked her over, "Are you alright Tatum?" Asked her Fireman. "I feel fine, but my paintjob is ruined! and the day was so nice too!" She lay there for an hour or two before Eddy came with the Breakdown train, covered in grime and soot. "Sorry I took so long, the mines were being troublesome, and they oil running machines malfunctioned, the whole crew was in a mess." Tatum was loaded onto a flatbed and the trucks were added to the consist and after being secured, they rolled to the works station. I hope Tatum gets out soon, I think the engines will miss her, don't you?

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