Dan and the Entitled Aunt

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DD is a hard worker, he does his work whether he likes it or not. Mia is his co-worker, she makes sure steam pressure doesn't drop too low, there is enough coal and water, and that the fire is burning brightly. Dan is also their co-worker, he takes passengers and freight to and from their destinations, and he can tell his crew if there is a problem. The three are an amazing team, and rarely ever fight or are broken up. "Dad! Come on, why?!" DD asked one morning. "Well, your Aunt Christina is family and we just need to take her home, so she can ride in the cab next time you go Drenk Station." He replied. "AUGH! Fine! But you got to make sure she doesn't pull the things she does here!" DD said, he then went into his room.

"Gosh! Oh my! Damn!" Rhys coughed as he pulled into Bluebell station. "Not in front of the passengers. Hehehe- *HACK ACK ACK*." Dan laughed as he began to turn green. Normally he, like the other engines, could filter out the ash through his funnel, but the coal was poor quality, so the branch line engines were suffering dreadfully. "Yeah, yeah!" Rhys said as the tank engine went past.

Dan was trundling on with his coaches, they spoke in worry of their friend, "I think he ought to get his filter checked." Said David. "I think he ought to get a different engine to help him." Said Clara. "I think he ought to be given a break!" Said Henry. Dan had to stop for more water, and Christina was blowing a fuse. "I honestly think this tank engine should be put in a museum! It's a rough ride, the floor is covered in coal dust, and this smoke is ruining my clothes!" Dan coughed and sputtered, trying to keep his cool. "Well, you could have rode in one of the coaches." Mia said, the only person in the cab. "I should have been accommodate to my standard!" She yelled at Mia. "Ugh, I swear, she ought to be taught a lesson." DD said, "You and me both!" Wheezed Dan. As water flowed into his tanks, an idea flew into his funnel. "DD, can Mia clean out my smokebox at Drenk?" Asked Dan. "Um, yeah, sure, but why not at the next station?" Asked DD, stopping the water tank. "Oh you know, it takes time to do that, plus I can make it." "Alright... well if you need to then just do your little, 'pip peep' and I'll stop." Said DD as he got back down into the cab.

Dan struggled on, more ash built up in his smokebox and it made it harder for him to get steam to his pistons. "I wish I had a Geisel Ejector right now!" Said the tank engine as he coughed furiously. "Steady old boy! You've got it!" Yelled Mia as she looked out the cab window. "Old, more like an antique." Sniffed Christina as they pulled into Drenk. "Oh, Mia, can you clean out Dan's smokebox?" Asked Dan, "I'll deal with my aunt." "Daniel! I require an escort to the front of this tank engine so I can tell him how unsafe he is!" The woman demanded. "Yes Aunt Christina." DD said, now very annoyed that his real name was used in public. They began to walk up to the tank engine. "Come on, come on, come on!" Dan whispered to himself. Mia was on the other said of the engine, hopping over the tanks. She then got to his front, and just as Christina was past his tanks. His smokebox door flung open and was face to face with Dan. "Hello!" Dan said cheerful. Christina stared. There was a few seconds of silence, the last passengers were leaving the coaches when some jumped up high into the air when an ear piercing screech! Christian ran from the platform and down into her car, she reversed into another car, denting the bumper, turned out, and speed to her house. "Ha ha ha haaa!" He laughed as he slammed his face back into possession. But when he did, it didn't make the air tight fit. He then looked to where is should have shut, and there was Mia's hand. She took one long, deep breath, and then... "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" She screamed as she ripped her hand back from the engine and held it as she sat down. Dan had slammed his face on Mia's hand. "Mia! I-I'm so sorry!" Dan exclaimed. "MIA!" DD called as he raced towards the sound of her screams. The back of her wrist was cut, and her whole hand was red, starting to turn purple. Tears began to form into her eyes. "Hey, hey, hey! It's okay, I'll get you patched up in the cab." DD said as he held her hand. "M-M-Mia, I'm sorry, really, I honestly am, i-it's my fault, okay, I-I-I didn't mean to!" Dan sputtered as he looked at the damage. The tears fell as the blood dripped on Dan's running board. She sniffed and tried hard to breathe, but all she could do was cry as DD picked her up and carried Mia to the cab where she could be patched up. The station was empty and everyone was ready to head home for the day. Dan dropped off his coaches at the carriage shed and was being taken back to his shed, but then he saw the tram engines traveling home for the night, so he knew they would have to walk all the way home. Dan stopped, taking control of himself. "Just make sure I have a nice warm fire driver." Dan said as he exited the yard. "Umm, okay." DD said as he grabbed the shovel. Mia was starring at her hand, now wrapped in bandages and covered in ice.

The tank engine trundled along as DD turned on the radio for Mia, whom was now cuddling DD and nodding off to sleep. Dan then entered the tramway. The streets were quiet, and DD was dropped off first. "Goodnight Mia, goodnight Dan." He said as he kissed Mia, he walked into his house as the sun began to set. Dan then reversed down the line, his fire grew colder. "Mia, can I talk to you for a second?" Dan asked as he stopped at her house. "Sure." She said, sniffing. "Listen, I'm really sorry. I was just finally happy to get my own against that entitled woman and I should have warned you, but I just hope you know that I'm sorry." He said. "Dan, it's okay. I don't blame you! Honestly, I think it was funny." Mia said, smiling again. "Well, go on inside Mia, your parents will be worried." Dan said as he took off his brakes, he rolled backwards down the light grade as he shut his eyes. "Goodnight Dan!" Mia called. "PEEP PEEEP!" Dan rolled away, but his fire grew colder and colder. He rolled into the siding down at Deedburg station as he fell into a cold, deep, sleep as his fire went out.

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