A Weird Saturday

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On a Friday night, where almost all the snow was gone from the ground, Emma went home after a long day's work. She had some leftovers for dinner and some ice cream for dessert. She went into the bathroom, brushed her teeth, and went into her room. She laid her head on her pillow. She went to sleep. Rhys too had walked home. He entered the house and walked into his room. He went to a little mini fridge and got a snack, he ate it and then he went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. He wandered through the halls to his bedroom and went to bed, sleeping the night away. Delilah and DD got home at the same time, covered in coal dust. However took two different paths. Delilah went to the fridge and made a ham and cheese sandwich and ate it as her dinner. She then went into the bathroom, took a shower, changed into her pajamas, brushing her teeth, and walking into the bedroom. DD just brushed his teeth and went to bed, he was very tired and fell asleep almost immediately, all he did was move the blankets out of the way for Delilah. Delilah saw this as she came into the bedroom. She covered the two with the blankets and cuddled DD under the blankets. The two were fast asleep. No one knows what happened during the night. Perhaps a crazy gas leak all over the island, maybe a wizard practicing spells and magic, but when Emma woke up early one morning, and she felt weird. She walked down a hall and passed a mirror, and gasped. She could see herself, her face, and then she felt her finger around her mouth. She was missing her fangs, just her normal canines! "I-I'm not a vampire!" She yelled. She found this kind of exciting. She walked out in the sun as she normally did, and walked over the Rhys' house. Rhys himself had just woken up. He went to go to the bathroom. After finishing his business, he was washing his hands. Then, he looked into the mirror. "AHH!" He yelled as he looked around. His mother walked over. "Rhys? What's wrong, are you okay?" She asked her son knocking on the bathroom door. "Uh, I'm fine mom! Don't worry, the water was just super hot." "Oh, well don't yell like that, you ought to wake up the neighbors!" She chuckled as she walked to her room, she was going to go get ready for the day. Rhys just sat down on the bathroom floor for a moment, then he got back up, brushed his teeth, and hurried off to find Emma. Rhys opened the door and met Emma, who was about to knock on the door. "Rhys, I need to talk to you!" Emma said. "Me first, I think you might have hit me the last time we, uh, made out." He whispered. "What? Wh- wait, you're a vampire?" "Yeah, I couldn't see my shadow in my mirror!" "See, that's the thing, I could see my shadow, and I can't get my fangs to pop out, I can't even feel them!" "Is that the weird feeling in my mouth?!" Rhys and Emma were both worried. "Oh, Emma, are you going to join us for breakfast?" Asked Rhys' mother. "Uh, if you don't mind." She said as she put her hands behind her back. Rhys turned around to face his mom and the two smiled nervously. "I'll go make some pancakes for us. Come sit at the table while you wait." She invited. Emma walked in and Rhys shut the door behind her. She took off her boots and went to sit down. She had a big grey hoodie on along with some jeans. Rhys was still in his pajamas. "So what's it going to feel like when I go into the sunlight? You don't wear a ton of sunscreen, right?" Emma laughed. "Man, the movies really messed you up. No, that's not how vampires work. It feels hotter than normal, because we have lower body temperatures. Of course, hotter temperatures than a normal human can survive in, like 120°F is our limit, and that's where real problems begin. And no, we're not allergic to garlic. I had garlic on my pizza a few days ago and the only thing I suffered from was stinky breath." "Huh. You know, I never thought the movies would twist facts in such a way." "And that's what we call Hollywood." Rhys' mother returned with a ton of pancakes. "Eat up everyone." She said. And the three began taking pancakes from the plate. When everyone was done eating, Rhys took the plates and went to wash them. Rhys' mom went to brush her teeth. Then she went out for the day, shopping for groceries and utilities. Rhys then went to change into a Red hoodie and some jeans. Rhys and Emma left too, locking the door behind them. They took the ladder at the side of Rhys' house and put it by DD's window. Rhys climbed it. Rhys knocked on the window, he saw Delilah's head on her pillow while DD's head was under his pillow. Delilah rose out of bed and saw the boy. She opened the window. Rhys and then Emma climbed into the room. "Hey guys, what's up?" Asked Delilah. She looked normal. "Hey Delilah. Say, real quick, can you turn into a human really quick, we just want to check something." Emma requested. "Sure!" Delilah said, and she did. "Huh, that's weird." Emma said. "What's wrong? Was I not supposed to be able to transform?" She asked chuckling. "No, it's the fact Emma has a reflection and I don't." No one saw DD rise, but he did, and he took the pillow off his head. He felt his face. His face felt fluffy. His ears were pointed upwards. He had a snout. He had claws and paw pads on his hand and feet. He was covered in light and dark brown fur. And most of all, he had a tail! DD blinked a few times. His vision was perfectly fine, he didn't need his goggles, like they would even fit his new face. Everyone turned to look at him. "Good morning everyone." DD said as he waved. He didn't know what was happening to him or anyone else in the room. They all stared at him. "What's wrong? Is there something on my face." "Go look at your face!" Emma blurted out. DD got up and walked over to a mirror. "Well someone got up on the wrong side of the b-! AHHHHH!" He screamed like a little girl, thank goodness no one was home to hear him scream. DD just went over to a corner and sat in the fetal position. The other three were bewildered by the way DD was acting. "You know, you aren't the only one who's having a weird Saturday." Emma said. "Show him Rhys." Rhys stood up and walked over to the mirror. DD was literally standing behind Rhys, looking past him and at the mirror, and the mirror showed just DD! "What?! What?! Dude! You're a vampire!" DD shouted. "Yep. Crazy, right?" Asked Rhys as he gave a chuckle at his best friend's reaction. "I think we should figure out what is happening before we do anything else." Said Delilah. "Yeah." Said Rhys. Suddenly, DD was just gone, no words, no doors opening or closing. Just gone. "I think he's in the necklace." Emma said.

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