Dan's new firewoman

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DD was just out of the hospital, he had suffered cuts and burns that somehow didn't scar his body besides a small mark on his forehead caused by a thigh sheet of metal crashing into his face. So, he couldn't work as much as he used to, and had to have a crew member work with him. "Oh bother!" He said, he liked working alone, and he didn't really like anyone in Dan's cab after the big accident. Dan had been home for a few days now, and was extremely happy to see DD again. "DD!" He yelled, "Your back! Yippee!" DD laughed, "I missed you too buddy, come on now, let's get going!" When he walked over to Dan's cab, a random woman was standing in it! "Who are you?!" Asked DD. Sir William V walked along, oh DD, my grandson! How are you?" He walked over and hugged him. DD hugged back, "Hey Gramps, I'm alright. Hospital treated me right." He looked over at the lady. "Oh, I see you met Mia! Mia, this is my Grandson, DD." Mia had blue dyed bangs with brown hair. She was about 16 while DD was 15, and she wore a normal workers uniform. "Hello DD, I'm glad to be working with you." She said, but DD looked down as he blushed, embarrassed he couldn't work alone anymore. He reached out his hand, and she pulled him up, she was strong! DD opened the regulator and turned on the radio.

Dan had a day full of goods work ahead of him. Dan didn't mind, and it helped DD get back into the swing of things. "Now, the number one song of the month is... Viva La Vida by Coldplay!" The radio screamed. Then the song began to play. DD began to get into the zone. Throwing some vans into place. "I used to rule the world, seas would rise when I gave the word." DD began to sing, Dan hummed along. DD got to the end of the song, and the radio stopped, Mia had turned it off, "You have a beautiful voice." She said after a while, DD blushed, he had never been complimented before. "U-um-uh-Thank you, Mia." Mia chuckled as Dan got the last truck in line. These trucks were a troublesome group, and began to plan their tricks. Dan got the train moving  along. "We'll do it at Slager." They said finally. The train set off.

Slager has two tourist spots. The first is a simple read end one lane station that diverts off the main line, engines like Rhys stop here to let off tourists, but you can past the station on another line. Before the station, an old bridge sits their, it is not used, as it was an abandoned project, and it sits there, and a switch was set their as it is used as a siding. Now before all this is a small downhill gradient, and if an engine isn't carful, it can become a run away like that. Dan was chuffing cheerfully down the line as the trucks put their plans into action. "ON ON ON!" They screamed, bumping Dan. DD noticed this, and looked at their speed. 60 mph, it read, they should have been going half of that. DD looked at Mia for the first time, Mia looked scared, he noticed the freckles on her face, DD nodded and then he yelled, "Forgive me Mia!" As he threw the breaks on and bushed her into some sort shrubs, She screamed his name out, but it was lost in the wind. The guard had thrown his breaks on. The radio turned on, a song began to play. "My patience is waining this entertaining? Our patience is waining. Is this entertaining?!" The consist was only going 50 mph when it flew off the rails, Dan and the first few trucks came tumbling off the rails as Mia began to run towards them. They too had fallen into shrubs, and most of the twenty trucks stayed on as they rolled into Slager Station. DD had been thrown around, and Mia tumbled down the hill, getting some small cuts and scrapes on her arms. DD shook is head, he had been relatively unharmed, just dizzy with small scratches. Dan was relatively unharmed too! Somehow, the vans were the only damaged things. DD ran to Mia as she fell down at the bottom. "Mia! I'm so sorry, please forgive me, I-I just wanted  to protect you!" But he was cut off mid sentence as she kissed him on the lips. He was taken aback. "Alright, hero boy, you better not try that stuff again," and she hugged him as DD almost fainted. "Aww, look at em Dan." Said a truck. Yeah, so cute together." "Yeah, they are." Said Dan, he smiled. "Alright you two lovebirds," said the guard, he ran back and was drenched in sweat. "Are you two okay, Mia, you seem to be harmed, let me take you to my van and get you patched up, Driver, look over your engine." He pulled away Mia and took her to the van. He took off his hat and shades as he shut the door behind him. She sat in the chair as she took a little drink from here small water container. "I'm fine," she began, and then the guard spun the chair and made her face her. "Now then, you have failed me, you never knew me as I know, you were meant to kill him, but no! Now your in love with him?!" Then, Mia punched the man in the face, and ran. It was Z, he had tried to get Mia to join him. She ran to DD, and Eddy with the Crew arrived. They got Dan out, and he didn't he need repairs besides some new paint. But Dan didn't mind, he just wanted to see his coaches. Mia and DD were taken to the hospital to make sure they were safe, but even they were okay!

Dan returned to the sheds with his crew, to see Sally taking up one of the two open berths, and she was right next to Rhys. "Welcome back Dan! How are feeling after that crash?" Asked Tatum once he was parked under the sheds. "I'm great, I guess, I don't understand how that happened though." He answered "But I do know one thing, I'm tired, so goodnight." And with that, he shut his eyes and went to bed.

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