The Grand Tour: Before Departure

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It was one early morning, the sun wasn't up yet, but Dan was hard at work, pulling The Flying Kipper. Dan had been on time passing the stations and was on great pace. They thundered down the line. Though all seemed well, something felt off. The engine and crew were silent, robotic even. Suddenly, Dan was sent flying into a siding, he screamed in horror as he saw a set of buffers up ahead! "Stop!" He screamed, but he picked up speed. He wanted to shut his eyes, but he couldn't! "AHHH!" He screamed as he woke up, waking everyone else up. "Is it time to start the day? Asked Hanna. "Can't be, it's dark out." Said Tatum. "Whatever has gotten into you Dan?" Asked Sally. "It's been like this for weeks!" "It's starting to scare me!" Said Edward. "Dan, what's wrong buddy?" Asked Rhys. But Dan just panted and panted, shaking violently back and forwards. "What do we do?" Asked Tatum. "I haven't seen him like this when... you know..." "You know... what?" Asked Sally, raising and eyebrow. "A long time ago now, Dan had a... I think it was a panic attack or something, but back when he was painted with red lining and I black and red, he had a falling out with Ryan that said some things I refuse to repeat here." Rhys explained. "But what do you think this is?" "Definitely not that event playing in his head. I remember when we first moved in here, I would sometimes wake up to him crying, silently sobbing and just listening to himself repeat the words, 'I am really useful. I am, I am.' Over and over." Tatum said. "Well whatever it is, it isn't good." Said Hanna as tried to go back to sleep. The others also tried to, but because of Dan's rattling and shaking, they had a hard time. By the next morning, Dan was still up and shaking. The other crews had come by to take their engines and one by one, they each left. "Poor thing, wonder what's gotten him shook up." Said the crews as they would leave with their engine. Finally, his crew arrived. They had some trouble getting on, DD had to pull Mia up once he got on because of how badly Dan was shaking. "It's like an earthquake in here! What's gotten into you Dan?" Asked DD as he sat down, trying to see if it was an internal problem. There was no response. "Well, you can't pull passengers like this. It will be far too bumpy, and trucks might try to throw us off the rails if you keep shaking like that!" Mia said. "Dan, are you okay?" Asked DD. After waiting a few minutes with no reply, Mia yelled, "Dan! What's gotten into you?!" That had done something because Dan was moving again, though he was still silent. "Oh boy." DD said as he stood up and checked the regulator. "Okay, let's take the passengers, then we can go rest, sound good buddy?" There was silence. "Okay then." DD got them backed down on the coaches. "Did you make sure that he has the head code set?" Asked Mia. "Ah shoot, you're right." DD said as he hopped out of the cab with a little metal sheet, he went to go put it on when he got in front of Dan. "Oh boy, Mia! Cut the steam pressure and come here!" DD called. She did so and the two stared at Dan. His eyes were basically sealed shut in a wincing expression and he was tearing up a little. "Okay, someone else has to take the passengers, Dan is out of commission." DD said as got his phone out to call someone. The coaches looked worried for Dan. "What ever is happening? Why can't Dan take us today?" They asked, and they thought for a bit. "Maybe he's sick!"David said. "Maybe he was told he has the day off." Said Clara. "Maybe he's having a mental episode." Said Henry, "You daft or something?" Asked David. "Dan can never, right?" Asked Clara. "I don't know, the way his crew's talking doesn't make it sound good."

Lydia came to pick up the passengers while Hercules take Dan to the works. "I hope you get better soon Dan." She said as her guard's whistled blew. She left with a saddened "Peep Peep!" To everyone. "Alright buddy, it'll be alright." Said Hercules as he puffed away with Dan and Charles, whom was being lent to by Eddy so he didn't have to sit around all day until he was repaired. When they arrived to the works, Dan was shunted into a siding next to Eddy and Josh. "Dan, I must say, you are a very splendid engine, I hope you get better soon. You too Eddy and Josh." Said Charles as he was taken back to his shed. "Wonder what's wrong with Dan." Said Josh. "Doesn't look like he's too good, like he's about to crash into something." Eddy remarked. A smartly dressed man arrived to look over Josh and Dan, he had inspected Eddy who was still waiting on a few more parts. "Hello there you three, Josh, I will inspect you first." Said the man as he walked under the tender engine and poked around. "Hmm, you could use some new Axles, they aren't going to snap or anything, but they're dented in a bad manner. Now for you Dan." He said as he walked around Eddy. He went under the tank engine and poked around. "You are in top top shape! Though some new paint would be splendid on you." Said the inspector at last. Dan was still squinting, and he didn't respond. "Well then, I suppose something might be wrong... I know just the trick!" Said the man as he reached into his pocket and grabbed out a small packet of something. "What's that?" Asked Josh. "They're smelling salts, I normally use them for waking engines up by giving something to smell, so let's give it a try." He then went under the tank engine's nose and cracked the packet open, Dan's eyes were shot open when he smelt the thing. "Damn that is strong!" He said. "Alright! What happened?" Asked Eddy, "Looked like you were preparing for a crash!" "I was pulling Th- a goods train, we were sent into a siding and then we were about to crash, then I guess it just froze time for me, and now I'm here telling you." Dan said. "I hope you know you made it here in one piece then." Said Josh. "Well, that's not the first dream I've had like this... there have been many, and I mean many, more dreams like that one. Almost every night really, though it's fine in the morning." Dan explained. "What I think you need then is a vacation! To get your mind off things and take time for yourself." Said the inspector as he put all his tools into his briefcase. "Thank you for inspect us sir!" Said Dan and Josh as he walked back to his car and waved goodbye, he then sped off down the road. Dan then was set to leave, he said his goodbye and left the shed. "Well, I can talk to my Grandpa and he could let you be free from work." Said DD as they rolled down the line. "I... I guess." Dan said as they puffed down the line. But as they approached the next station, a yellow streamlined A4 pacific thundered past with a shriek of his whistle! "What was that?!" Yelled Mia as it rocketed past. "I think that was the express? But who was the engine?" Asked DD as they began to start again. "I think that was Kevin, I heard Jojo talk about him and he mentioned that he takes a special express all the way to King's Cross." Said Dan as he weashed loudly.

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