I Feel Good

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DD woke up on Monday Morning with Delilah. The first thing he did was kiss Delilah on the forehead. "Good morning sleepyhead." He said as he sprung out of bed. She yawned as she scratched her head. "Good morning." Ghost was sleeping away as DD walked past, this woke her up. "Walk time?" She asked. "When I change." Said DD. "Then walk time." He quickly changed and grabbed his goggles. He felt the bruise he had all week, it didn't hurt as bad as it did, but he didn't care. He put the goggles and got Ghost's leash. "Let's go!" DD said he put Ghost's leash on and opened the door. It was a winter wonderland outside, Jeff was clearing the line. "PEEP POP!" He whistled, "Hello!" He called out, throwing snow to the sides of the line, Tommy the Troublesome Van was attached with some men pouring salt out onto either side of the line, his doors were wide open. DD waved and Ghost barked at the engine and workers. Ghost did her business and the two went back inside. DD gave Ghost her bowl filled with food and she began to eat. Delilah was in her human form, ready for her first day at Deedburg High. "We ought to hurry, we have to walk." DD said as he took off Ghost's leash. "Do you think I'll fit in?" "Yeah, I mean, everyone knows about Emma being a Vampire, and they're cool with it." Said DD. "Are you sure?" She asked, she began to pace around. "Delilah, it's going to be fine. If someone try's to bully you, let a teacher or even the principal know and they'll help you. Or even get me, and I'll help." DD said as he grabbed his arms and squeezed her. "Okay. Yeah, I got this." Delilah said with a deep breath. "Okay, you ready?" "Yeah, let's go." The two walked out and DD shut the door. "Bye Ghost!" He called as the door shut. Ghost just walked back to her bed and laid down, shutting her eyes and going back to bed. "How far is the school?" Asked Delilah as the two walked towards the school. "Ah, a few minutes by foot, but hold my hand." DD said as he put his hand out. She grabbed it, and then Jeff came back with Tommy and DD jumped onto the footplate. "Morning DD, off to school?" Asked Jeff as DD and Delilah grabbed Jeff's handrail. "Yep! Oh, Jeff, this is Delilah, my girlfriend." DD introduced. "Nice to meet you Delilah, welcome to the D&D railway!" Jeff said as he began to slow and let the two off at the school. "Alright, have a good day!" He whistled and the two waved. "Hey DD!" Said a voice. It was Billy, he caught up to them in the snow. "Hey Billy, you didn't really get to meet her, but this is Delilah!" DD said with a smile. "Nice to meet you." Said Delilah. "Hi Delilah, I'm Billy. So how was your weekend guys?" "Oh it was wonders! DD and I spent every second together, we worked on the railway and played video games together and had a fun time!" Delilah said happily. "Well that sounds fun. I actually might be working with you guys soon as a guard, I'm crossing my fingers I get the job." "That's great Billy! We could use one on our passenger trips." Said DD as they entered the warm school. There was Mr. L, the principal. "Oh, hello Billy, hello DD! Is this the new student I heard about?" He said, he had a big smile on his face. "Yes sir, this is Delilah." DD introduced, "Delilah, this is Mr. L, the principal." "Anyways, how are you guys feeling? We got a lot of snow for Christmas this year, and I heard there's going to be a special event on Christmas night at Levi." "I feel good!" DD said with a smile. "Yeah, I might be working as a guard for the railway if I get the job so fingers crossed." Billy added. "I feel good to be here." Finished Delilah. "Alright! Well, Delilah, here's your schedule, I hope to see you around and you love it here at Deedburg High School. I'll catch you all later." Said Mr. L and he walked away. "Let's take a look here." Said DD as he looked at the schedule in Delilah's hands. "Oh my, oh my oh my! You have the exact same schedule as me!" "Wow! Good for you guys!" Said Billy as the three walked to their lockers. Delilah's was on the left side of DD's, and DD's was on the left side of Billy's. "Wow, we're even right next to each other!" DD said. "Yeah, that's really odd. It's like they know you two dating." Said Billy. "I'm just glad we get to spend the day together." Said Delilah. "Oh, we got five minutes before the bell rings guys, so Billy, We'll see you later." DD said. The three split up, Billy to his class and DD and Delilah to theirs. "So I think you're going to love our first cl- OOF!" DD said, he bumped into Justin the Jock. "Sorry bout that, we must be off, so as I was saying, Mr. A's class is awesome!" DD said as he walked off. "That kids gonna get it during Matball." Justin said to his buddies, DD and Delilah turned into Mr. A's class as the bell rang.

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