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Z got into Dan, DD was in the cab, quickly Z smashed DD's head into the controls, making him bleed from his forehead, and then he fell to the cab floor unconscious. Dan started to move! Z moved Dan forwards, slowly he set off. "Help, help!" He whistled loudly as he rolled along, faster and faster! "Come along Lydia, we must save them!" Lydia and JD began to chase Dan. There is a junction before they reach Drenk station, 5 miles from the station. Dan was charging for the junction. 

Rhys was shunting in the area, he hummed as he pushed some tankers behind a gunpowder van. He was talking to the station master. "Sorry Rhys, but you'll have to take the trucks, Steve is out of fuel so he can't take these to the yards." Rhys sighed as he buffered up to the tankers and the gunpowder van, he forgot to couple up to them, and he set off. Dan suddenly slowed as he reached the junction, "So long, suckers, see you in hell!" Z jumped out of the cab and rolled in the cab. He ran away.

Lydia had an awful wheel slip as she puffed after Dan. meanwhile Rhys saw Dan stopped on the junction, He screeched to a halt, but the tankers kept rolling! Lydia was closing in on Dan, but it was too late! The trucks crashed into Dan. The first two tankers exploded and fuel leaked everywhere! The gunpowder van's doors popped open to the sudden stop and several barrels fell out. DD awoke and looked out of the broken cab window. he saw the fuel, then he saw Lydia puffing towards them, he also saw she was fuming hot ashes coming from the her funnel. DD blew his little whistle, waved a flag, and screamed "STOP!!!" She suddenly reversed, but, some off the ashes fell into the fuel. A circle of fire surrounded Dan and DD. But then, DD looked the barrels. "Go, get out of here!" Dan looked at Rhys, Rhys was moving towards him with the fire brigade, he also brought the fire train, with a water tanker behind them all. But, before they reached them, The barrels exploded a massive explosion filled the sound, air, and sky. 

Dan was filled with dents and holes, DD was covered with cuts and bruises. "DAN! DD! SOMEONE GET HELP!" Rhys was panicking and screaming at people. Eddie rush along with the breakdown gang and the paramedics. The controller rushed over to the scene, he starred at the hole that was burnt and smoking. He saw his grandson, and got a hold of his parents. They too got down there being chased by a cop for speeding, but the cop decided left them alone once she saw what happened. Dan awoke, he was in pain and groaned. "Oh, this is my fault, I couldn't keep him safe, if only that Z didn't take control of me..." He fell unconscious again, the old engine creaked as he left the area and off to the works. DD's mother got into the ambulance and his father and grandfather followed in their cars. Rhys went back to the sheds, alone. He sat in the sheds and cried, his best friend could have died, and it was all his fault, he thought to himself. An engine look in the distance, it rolled away, silent as the night surrounding it.

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