Dan and Brian

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Brian is a bus, a very rude one who hates the railways. "Free The Roads!" He would yell when he passed stations when a passenger train was about to depart. His bus driver is a nasty older lady who doesn't like the crews who use the bus to get home. She only tolerates them because her manager is good friends with Sir William and knows DD personally, so the kids are allowed to ride the bus. The kids aren't even loud or disruptive, they sit quietly and only say thank you when they get off. One morning, Dan was sitting at Drenk station with his passengers as Brian the bus honked his horn and sped by. "FREEEE THE ROOOADS!" He yelled as he raced by. "The nuisance." Dan said as Billy blew his whistle and Dan returned with a, "Peep!" And set off down his branch line with his coaches. Dan forgot about the bus as he puffed down the line. He passed by Bluebell station and the road came near the rails, a massive puddle filled with cold muddy water was strewn across the road, and then he heard it. "HONKKK HOHONK!" Brian raced along side Dan, and the water went up in the air and down on the engine, David, and Dan's crew! Dan's fire went out as muddy water sloshed around the cab. "You little! Ooh if I get my buffers on him. Said David as Brian sped off down the road, cackling like a madman. The train continued down the line, Dan's crew had to drop his fire and make a new one, the coal was ruined. The fire had to build up heat, so Dan was running off of his boiler heat for a few minutes which slowed the train down, and they were late. At the next station, DD and Delilah got out of the cab to shake the mud off of them, Delilah got the worst of it as it got into her fur. "Bother!" DD said as the two walked behind the station to shake off the mud, not trying to ruin the passengers who weren't covered in mud. "We ought to do something!" Said Delilah. "I think we should put them in their place." "Like spraying them with steam?" "No, that would ruin it for the passengers, and they're suffering with that bus's rough riding as it is." "What if we raced them? We could do it when we're getting that coal train!" "You're right!" DD said, shaking his head to get the mud out of his hair. He got a little on Delilah, so she shook off all the mud, spraying it everywhere, and getting a little on DD. The two laughed, DD got the mud off of him and the two went back to their engine. "Dan, we're going to get some payback, so get ready." Delilah said, and as Billy blew his whistle, Dan gave a, "Peep, Pip Pop!" And the three chatted about the plan.

Dan dropped off all his passengers and went to go get a wash with his coaches. The cleaners were hurrying and the four heard a horn honk, it was Brian. "Well, well, well, Dan here needs to be squeaky clean to do his work!" He said smugly as he stopped. "Are you free tonight," Dan started, brushing off the bus's comment, "because I want to race you." Dan was following the little script his crew had read to him many times out loud. "Sorry, I'm a busy bus, my passengers need me, I'm a quick A-B connection. You wouldn't understand." Brian said, starting to drive off. "Or are you just chicken? Afraid to lose to a little old tank engine like me?" Dan said, and this stopped Brian. "Where to where?" Asked Brian, angry at the little tease Dan made. "Starting at Levi Station. We're going all the way through Drenk and down my branch. The finish line is at Deedburg Station." Dan explained. "We'll go when my guard blows their whistle." "I'll be there." Brian said, and he sped away. Dan chuckled. "Oh boy, this is going to be fun." As soon as Dan and the coaches were ready, they backed down the line towards Drenk. "Dan, can you please drop us off at Deedburg, in that shed?" Asked Henry. "Yes, please! We want to watch you win!" Clara added. David just gave puppy dog eyes. "If you guys want to, I suppose it's okay." Dan said and his coaches cheered. He whistled at the junction, the points switched, and he went down his branch towards Deedburg as his coaches cheered. After Dan dropped off his coaches, Dan hurried back down the line to Levi Harbour. The tank engine passed green signals and passed some of his friends at stations. He rounded the bend at Slager Ridge and shot down the line like a bullet. He got off his branch line and went down to Drenk to top off on water, coal, and get turned around. As he did so, her heard a bus horn honk, Brian raced past the station, swerving left and right. Dan went into the sheds and was turned around. He hurried down the line and passed a few goods trains that had left Levi station. He was reversing the whole way when he saw Cyril shunting Dan's trucks at platform Eight. "Thank you Cyril!" Dan whistled as the green tank engine rolled away. Dan waited for the guard to whistle, and that's when he heard Brian the bus pull along side the opposite side of the wall between the rails and the road. "You ready Dan?" Asked DD. "I don't know if you are, but your fire is!" Delilah commented, shutting the firebox door. "Oh You know I am." Dan replied. A few moments later, the guard's whistle blew.

Tales from the railsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें