A Daring Escape

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The engines were working hard as ever in the D&D railway, getting trains to and from their destinations. Jayden was working very hard, he was doing passenger excursions along his branch line with two auto coaches. "Hurry, hurry! We mustn't be late!" He said to the coaches, picking up the pace. "We're coming along! We're coming along!" They clattered as they went over a bridge. They stopped at the station where Sir William V was waiting for them. "Ah, hello Jayden. I have a very important job for you. Tonight, you will be picking up some very important passengers at Pleasentville Station, you'll be bringing them all the way to Levi Station so they can get some rest. These are railway inspectors, so do take care." "Yes sir, I will sir." "That's a good engine! Now, be ready by 7:30, they'll arrive at 8:00." "Of course! I'll show them what the Great Western Railway is all about! And the D&D of course." And with that, Sir William walked to his car and drove off. "You ought to be careful with these passengers, no rough riding giggled one oh his coaches. "Yeah, it wouldn't be, 'Great Western'!" Chuckled the other. "Come along, we got to finish our passenger runs!" The guard's whistle blew and Jayden set off. It was 7:13 pm when Jayden reached the Pleasentville Station. They waited and waited. The clock struck eight and then a few seconds later, some very fancily dressed people boarded the coaches. The guard blew his whistle and Jayden returned the whistle with a "Pop Pip Peep!" He weashed steam and began his departure. "So loud!" Said a passenger. "The electrics are much better." Said another. "My tea is too hot!" Whined a third. Jayden ignored them and took off smoothly. They thundered down the line, but the passengers just kept complaining. "It's so bumpy, the electric engines are smoother than this." "I for one think the coaches are too old! The MK3 coaches are much better!" "My tea is cold now!" They clamored as the coaches rolled smoothly on the track. Jayden began to feel thirsty, so he slowed at the next station as he went to the water tower. "You would never have to worry about unexpected stops with the electrics! The steamers and diesels are out of date and not useful anymore!" Yelled a passenger. "Why I oughta." Muttered Jayden as he took on some water. Josh rolled past with a small goods train, he whistled as he puffed by.

Josh rolled through a mountain. There was a massive cut in the hill, the rocks were wet and the wind was fierce. "Aye, that donna look good." Said Josh as he puffed through. "You know, I think you might be on to something." Said his driver. "POOEEOOP PIP!" Whistled Blake as he thundered by with a long goods train, and that's what did it. Jayden was back on track, he was back to speed and going smoothly. Then there was a loud rumbling. "Let me take over driver." Said Jayden as he looked ahead. The earth was shifting and a landslide was about to fall. "What, wait, Jayden, no!" Jayden raced on, the earth began to fall down and the train just kept going. The coaches were horrified. "COME ON!" Jayden yelled as he thundered down the line. His lamp shown brightly as he raced under the falling rocks and dirt. "AHHH!" Screamed the coaches and crew. As the rocks hit the ground, Jayden barely made the cut, the last coach staring at the fallen earth. "AHHHHH!" Yelled a passenger. "What is it?!" Yelled another. "I spilt hot tea on me." He whined. "It's because of this engine, it rides too rough!" Someone else yelled. Jayden heard all of that, but he wasn't angry. "Thank goodness they don't know about the landslide. They might close down the railway if they found out." He thought to himself. At the next station, Jayden told the stationmaster about the situation. "Thank you Jayden, I'll telephone the controller and the signalmen about this." Said the stationmaster and he hurried inside. Jayden set off down the line once more for Levi station.

At Levi station, Jayden was greeted by the controller. "Hello Jayden, good to see you got here alright." He said, he gave a wink and mouthed a, "Good Job," as the passengers climbed out. "Ah, welcome to the Drabton & Deltic Railway, board of directors." Sir William V said as he walked over to them. Jayden whistled as he left for his sheds, being driven from the last auto coach. When he back to the shed, his driver congratulated him, "Well done Jayden, I honestly thought you were crazy back there, though I think daring fits you more." He said as he chuckled nervously. "Well, I just hope we don't get scrapped. Did you hear what they were saying?" Said Jayden with a nervous look on his face. "The controller won't allow it, and even if you are replaced, he'll make sure you guys get put on a nice heritage line, or Sodor even!" "I just hope you're right." Jayden said, then his driver and fireman walked off to the bus stop, got on, and sped back to their town. Jayden just shut his eyes as he tried to go to sleep.

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