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Edward was going to the coal mines. He had to pick up his new coaches along with some coal trucks. The coaches belonged to his older brother Garry. Garry is... no longer in the living world, but in a void, waiting for himself to be rebuilt. Garry worked with Toby, Edward, and the other trams on the old docks, but sent away when they shut down for the road usage only. "I wonder if his coaches will remember, what do you think Hanna?" "I hope those youngins wisened up! The way they acted, I  would have thought they were troublesome trucks!" She said, shutting her eyes angered. Though she did feel sorry for the coaches, losing their best friend. "Well, don't say that to them, they haven't seen you in forever and we don't want to make a bad impression dear." Edward replied, smiling at his coach, trying to make her happy. She sat there, and then she said, "Okay, but if they act up, I'll rip em a new one!" She called back, smirking. "That's my Hanna!" Edward chuckled.

They entered the coal plant. There sat a line of trucks and in front, some coaches. The first one was a coach that looked like Hanna. This was a coach name was Irene. The other two were open carriages, and they were named Milo and Brady. "Hello everyone." Greeted Edward as he rolled into the coal yards. The trucks had been loaded up, but they were very clean in general. "Okay then, we'll talk later, the trucks must be delivered to the top station." Said Hanna as the coach was buffered up to the rest. They had to wait for the guard, so they sat, sizzling in the sun. "Oh it's sooo hot out!" Said Milo. "I know, right." Said Brady. "Quit ye yapping! You act like you're melting with the groaning back there!" Said Irene as she looked back at them. Edward waited and began to sizzle some more.

"Landslide!" Called a man from a shed as he ran for cover. "Uh oh, we got to go!" Said Edward as he rang his bell. Some workmen sprinted into the coaches and ducked for cover. "Here we g-" Hanna was about to say when Demi Rose started charged towards them, "Wait up!" She called as Edward ran his bell again. She dove into Milo and then they set off. "Ah!" Yelled Edward as he struggled to drive on. "My side plates! They're coming loose!" He yelled as he tried to move. A stone came from the mountains and smacked into Edwards side, battering his frame and breaking his side plate into pieces. "Oh, oh my!" He yelled as he rolled faster along the tracks and he charged on, but then there was trouble. "What's that?!" Screamed Brady as they all looked to see some stones on the line! "Keep going!" Screamed Milo as Edward shut his eyes and hit the stones! "Oof!" Groaned Edward as they kept rolling into safety. Then they made it out, but Edward was now missing his side plates and his front cow catcher had been bent horribly out of shape. Not to mention the damage he got when he was hit by the stones.

But he was still moveable, and he did so as his driver opened the regulator and put the reverser to seventy percent open. Rhys was waiting at the station. "Where is Edward?" He asked impatiently. He had been sitting there for a few minutes with his GNR coaches. "But Rhys, we still have some time, it's alright." Soothed the coaches. "Ding Ding!" Came a bell as Edward rolled into the station. "Ooooh, hello Rhys. "So the coal mines will be shut down for a while. "EDWARD, WHAT HAPPENED?!" Yelled a scared Rhys. "Well, I'll tell you when I get some rest and get mended. This tra- no, I'm a tank engine like you now!" He laughed as he fell asleep.

"Hooray for Edward! He saved the day!" Yelled the workers as they climbed out of the coaches, for not one person was hurt in the landslide. "Well done Edward, you saved us, good job!" Said Demi in the coach, laying down tired from her sprint. She too drifted to a very comfortable sleep. "Hmm, Rhys, get Sally to get Edward to the works so he can be restored to his glory with a fresh coat of paint!" Said the controller when Rhys got to the next station. "Yes sir, right away sir!" And he puffed away.

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