Ryan and The Trucks

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Ryan was angry for about a month straight . "I'm tried of shunting in the yards! I want to pull trains too!" The engines would groan, "And don't we know it!" One night, Ryan was complaining about the yards. "I don't want to sit in the yards, I want to pull trains too and explore!" He said angered by the engines. The engines began to chuckle. "Do you want the truth or the honest truth?" Asked Tracey. "Well little Ryan," started Jojo, "You're impatient, you're bound to leave something behind." "And you're small. Small, small small, teeny, weeny, weeny. Unlike us, big strong engines that know everything!" Finished Tracey with a smug look on her face. Josh whispered to Ryan. "I'll talk to my driver tomorrow. You can take my trucks and I'll shunt in the yards." "Oh yes please!" But Ryan was so excited, he didn't sleep.

"Now remember Ryan, you can't be impatient with the trucks, they'll pay you out." But Ryan wasn't listening. "I get to take a goods train, I get to take a goods train!" Ryan said to himself. He backed onto the train and weashed steam. "And remember to let the guard get in the van before you set off!" Yelled Josh as he disappeared into the yards. Suddenly, the guard blew his whistle, and Ryan set off before he could get into the van! "Hooray, we're off! Hooray, we're off!" Ryan cheered as he whistled loudly. "You've left the guard behind!" Called a truck. But Ryan didn't listen. "Oh, we're not ready, we're tired!" They groaned. "Come along, come along!" He yelled as he bumped the trucks.

He chuffed down the line, with the trucks clattering behind, engines stared at the sight. Edward was sitting at the station, preparing to help the workmen with the tramway in Deedburg, when Ryan thundered by. "Oh! Who was that?!" Whined Edward, Hanna looked shocked herself. "I-I don't know!" She replied. The guard blew his whistle and Edward set off. Ryan saw the Lickey incline approaching fast. He charged at it, the trucks held the engine back. "No, I will not fail!" He said as began to strain. The trucks then gave up. But then, one spoke up. "ON ON ON!" She screamed as the train surged down the hill. Ryan was switched onto the runaway siding! But the trucks uncoupled, staying on the mainline. "Woah! Wait! Come back!" He yelled at the trucks, beginning to give chase. But it wasn't enough. The trucks kept going to The Grand Gap. They finally were on the runaway siding, but they broke the buffers and ran off the rails, over the narrow gauge line, and came close to running into the river. Ryan stared at the sight, scared of what would happen next. The breakdown gang was called to get the trucks out. The trucks were lifted onto flatbeds and taken to the works, and then the controller came to speak with Ryan. "You are clearly not fit for the mainline. I am upset with you Ryan, so do not mess up again!" He yelled, "And you are to shunt in the yards until you learn how to handle trucks with Josh." He finished as he walked back to the number eleven.

Ryan puffed back to the sheds. "Can't keep from trouble, aye Ryan?" Laughed Tracey. "I told ya you weren't ready for trucks, you left the guard behind!" Giggled Jojo. But Ryan was angry, so angry he shut his eyes and fell asleep at once.

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