The Grand Tour: England

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DD woke up the next morning to hear barking in the shed. "What's that?" He said as he picked his head up from the table. He walked out of David and looked around. The sound was coming from Clara. DD walked around and then turned towards Clara. The sound wasn't coming from her, but behind her. He climbed around her to find his dog Ghost being walked by his dad! "Dad, what's Ghost doing here?" Whispered DD. "I was told I could bring her by your grandpa. He said she would be like the railway mascot." Winked his dad as he let the dog pee on one of the coaches wheels. Clara awoke and snickered at the sight. "Alright, we got to get you back in the coach big guy." Said DD's Dad as he picked up Ghost and put her in Clara. "You know we're not going to be able to make a stop until we reach King's Cross, right?" "I retrained her to use the pee pee pads." "Smart move." Said DeeDee and he and his dad walked to Dan. "You sure you wanna go alone?" Asked DD's Dad. "We won't stop till King's Cross." "I think I'll be fine, plus it's best to be moving at 4 AM, we'll be there at around 10, two hours ahead of the others." Said DD. "Alright, just stop at a station and I'll get in and help." He said as he walked back into the David. DD grabbed some coal and lighter fluid. He threw the coal into the firebox and then poured some lighter fluid into the coal, he lit the flames and added some more coal on top of it to make it burn nicely. He then took two lamps and set Dan up for an express run. He then oiled the joints as he waited for the fire to burn well. When he got back into the cab, it was blazing hot! "Good lord." He said as he shut the firebox and checked the steam pressure dials. Dan were ready. He was still asleep when he was starting to move. The coaches next to him awoke. "Whatever is that horrid smell?" Said the first. "It smells like dog urine!" Said the second, and Clara chuckled and said, "Check your wheels." As she and her colleagues rolled out of the shed. "A dog used me as its bathroom!" It shrieked and that got everyone to wake up. The coaches and Dan burst into laughter as they puffed away. The passengers were questioning, "What's happening?" "We're moving!" Said Rhys as he looked out the window. "Dan must be moving on his own." Said Emma. "Wait... where's my son?!" Yelled DD's Mom as she stood up. Her husband just pretended to be asleep. "He must have lit Dan's fire while we were asleep." DD's Grandma said as they tried to back to sleep. "Yes, now do hurry back to sleep." Said DD's Grandpa. She then did so, and the train carried on. "Driver, you know you can open the regulator more, I can go top speed!" Dan said as he puffed slowly. "Well I dunno, I haven't driven you like that since the incident." Said DD as he checked the speed. "Well it's fine! Plus there's no engines going at this hour!" "I suppose so." DD gently opened the regulator more and more, more steam billowed into the pistons, and Dan picked up the pace. "Alright!" Yelled Dan as he went faster and faster! The coaches swayed from side to side and swooned happily as they rolled through stations. Though DD wasn't as happy, he was quite tired. Suddenly, Dan could hear a snoring come from his cab, "Driver?" He asked. "Driver!" He yelled, "PIP!" He whistled as he began to slow, preparing to stop at a water tower. DD awoke and quickly slammed the brakes as he winced. "Oh!" Yelled the coaches, "My!" Yelled the passengers, "Ruff!" Yelped the dog. "Lord!" Yelled the engine. They stopped right at the water tower. Someone got out of the coach, "What are you playing at DD?!" Yelled a voice, it was Sir William V, being followed by his Grandma and parents. "I-I was asleep Grandpa, I was awoken by Dan and I immediately slammed the brakes because I thought we was about to crash." DD explained. "Alright buddy, it's my turn, I'll take the next shift." Said his Dad as he began to escort him to David. "But Dad!" "No buts, this isn't like one of our road trips, you need a break." Said his Dad as he put him on a bench. The rest of his family clambered in and his Dad went to the engine and began to fill him up with water. "So, you're driving me again Sir?" Asked Dan as DD's Dad began to let water flow into the tank engine's tanks. "Yes Dan, I am." He said as he waited for the tanks to be filled.

They thundered through Hadley Wood Station passing many diesels and some steam engines even. "Man, it's so rare to see clean engines nowad- AUGH!" Screamed Dan in pain suddenly as there was a crack. "Dan!" Yelled DD's Dad as he cut off steam and threw the brakes on. "What happened?!" Asked Henry as he looked behind him. "There's been a cracking noise." Said Clara. "Oh that's not good." "No good at all." "Shhh!" Shushed David as Mia clambered out and ran up to Dan. "What's wrong?" She asked him as she ran up. "Something's wrong with my left cylinder, I don't know what!" He yelled in pain as he squinted. "Is the steam completely off?" Asked Mia as she looked under. "Yeah, and the brakes are jammed on, we won't be moving." Said DD's Dad. "Good, I'm going under." Mia said as she prepared to go under. "What?!" DD's Dad yelled as she began to crawl under Dan. "What are you doing Mia?!" Yelled a voice from the coaches. It was Joe, and he was very angry. He was being followed by DD's mom and grandparents along with his siblings. DD himself was still asleep. "I'm getting us moving!" She yelled back. She got out her phone and used it to inspect the cylinder. There was a crack in one of the rods that really moved Dan on the inside. "We can keep going, though we have to go at reduced speeds as to not let Dan get any worse." She said as she crawled back up. "Ought to let me drive then." Muttered Joe. "No way in Hell, pardon my language sir, am I letting you drive me!" Dan yelled as he shut his eyes and sniffed indignantly. "What?! Why not?" "You are the main reason the Terrier Gala express was almost cancelled! And you treat Diana with no respect. Not with me you won't!" Said Dan, and everyone looked at Joe who held his hands up and smiled nervously. He went back into the coach and got a well rested DD out and walked over to the group, where Rhys, Emma, and her parents had come out. DD yawned, "Oh bug off Joe. What's wrong?" DD asked as he walked over. "Dan won't let us move him, not even your dad." Said DD's Mom. "Let me talk to him." He yawned. "Well Dan, what's wrong? They tell me you refuse to move." DD said. "Well, what they say are true. I won't! I won't let them move me. You're my driver, not Joe ore even your dad, I understand if you are tired, but I don't want anyone that doesn't know how to drive me like you do to take me. So please driver, will you?" Asked Dan as he looked sadly over. "Well, no, I can't." DD said, then he laughed, "Who do you think you're talking to? Of course I will! Who would I be if I didn't drive you?" Said DD with a big grin on his face. "Everyone!" DD yelled as he walked over to Dan's cab, he climbed the ladder while whispering, "Pause for dramatic effect." "We are going to be moving again!" He yelled as he hopped into the cab. They cheered and jumped with joy as they got back into David. "So, gonna drive on your own?" Asked Mia as she laid her arms on the footplate. "I never do." He started, he laid down so they were at eye level. "I got Dan with me!" The boy laughed as he went to kiss Mia. "Ha ha." She said annoyed as she kissed him back. "Come on, can't let me fall asleep again." He grabbed her hand after standing up and pulled her up. "Wow, someone's been working out." "Yeah, Rhys has been getting stronger." DD as he opened the regulator to around 30 percent. "Come on! Let's go!" Yelled the diesel as she honked her horn, she had been held up because of Dan and was trying to leave for King's Cross. The other diesels stared, one of the tank engines had left, but a little Peckett was watching, staring in awe of the engine barely bigger than him, taking on a big challenge. "PEEOEEP PIP!" Whistled Dan as he slowly rolled forwards. The tank engine crossed the points and rolled out of the station. "Well I'll be damned." Said a class 42. "I know." Said a class 19. "Hurry along shunter!" Yelled a class 26. "Oh, yes ma'am!" Said the Peckett as he rolled away to fetch some more trucks.

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