Diana And The Ashley Stone Quarry

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"But Sir!" "No 'But's' Diana! I can't spare any other engine." "Aww man!" Diana was upset. She had to work at the Ashley Stone Quarry for a while until they could get a permanent engine to work there. "Now, you might want to get moving before Ashley blows a fuse." Sir William Said as he walked away. Before long Diana was steaming well and set off down the line. She went to the quarry, passing other engines that were flying by with passengers and goods. She went down the junction, and the first thing she saw was a mess! Trucks were scattered everywhere. "Good lord!" She said to herself as she began shunting trucks as a woman walked up to her. "Where have you been?! You were so supposed to be here five minutes ago!" Diana looked around and looked at a clock. She was on time! "But I'm on time, the clock says so." "No, no, no! You need to be early so you can get your job list!" She said as she gave Diana's driver. Ashley walked away, looking like she was about to blow a fuse. "I think if we just try to not interact with her and do a good job she won't yell at use for anything." He said, looking at the trucks. Diana bumped the trucks around, sorting the empties and the full ones, getting the empty ones under hoppers and loading them up. "We need a supply train up the mountain, and we need it now." Said a workman. "We have some con-flats and a van with the supplies in the yards, can you fetch it and bring it to them?" "Yes sir." Diana went to fetch the trucks and went deep into the yard. She found the supply train and noticed a marking on the van. It was a van filled with explosives. "We ought to be careful with this van, be gentle Diana." The driver said. They slowly buffered up to the train and gave a whistled. They were coupled up, gave a whistle, and set off.

As they climbed the hill, Diana's wheels were slipping ferociously, and there were sparks flying from her funnel and wheels. "Come on, come on!" She said, the trucks were very heavy. She gained her grip again started off, and she saw the work sight up ahead. "FIRE!" Yelled one of the workmen, looking down the hill. "Huh?" Diana looked behind her to see the van bursting into flames! "Driver, look!" She yelled, her driver turned around and looked aghast. "Diana, hold the train steady!" He said, the got out and bolted for the van. He uncoupled it from the rest of the train and uncoupled it. It started sliding back, its axles creaking and groaning. The van went down the line, switched into a siding, rolled to the back of a shed, and, "...BOOM!" The shed went up in flames, a siren began to blare through the yard, it bellowed up to the workmen and engine. There was an explosion as the shed next to the already burning shed began to burn as well. "DEAR GOD!" Her driver yelled as the workmen clamored into the brake van they had with the empty train Diana was supposed to bring back with them. Diana buffered up to the empty train and was coupled up. She gave a panicked whistle as she reversed down the line, gaining speed as she thundered down the tracks. "GREAT SCOTT, LOOK!" Yelled a workman, pointing to a crate with an explosion symbol on it under the burning shed. "Come on Diana, we got to get a move on!" Her driver said, opening the regulator more. Diana shot past the shed, and then another explosion occurred, shaking the rails and engine. The workmen rocked around in the brake van. "MEEP MOOOOP! MEEP MOOOOP!" A horn bellowed through the air. Dylan with a train of water tankers braked around the bend. Eddy followed behind him with some special gear for fighting fire, and some firefighters. "Diana! Get out of here, keep the workmen safe!" Dylan yelled as the men began to unload Eddy's truck and connected them to the tankers, dowsing the flames with water and taking control of the situation.

Later, when the only thing remaining of the sheds was smoldering ash and no chance of the flames starting up again and no more explosions occurring, an investigation was held. "It was my fault officer, the van was burning and we couldn't have kept going." "You know what was in the van?" "Explosives, I presume." "No, D-fusers. The burning van blew up because of the dynamite sitting in the back of the shed. Which should not have been there and someone should have made sure of that!" He said, turning to Ashley. "I had no where else to put it! So belt up, Benson!" Said Ashley in defense. "We looked into your warehouses, and you had plenty of space for a few crates to be placed, an entire warehouse in fact!" Said Benson, authoritatively. That shut her up, and then Benson turned back to the Engine and crew. "You were brave, I salute you. I don't think I would have the courage to do that even in my military days." Benson saluted them as the Controller walked up. "Yes, well done Diana, Kyle, and Stella! You three prevent the number of casualties from 23 to none with this daring escape." "Now then, we ought to discuss whether or not we should keep this place open sir!" Said Benson, the two began walking to Ashley. "Yes, this is one too many incidents for this place." "Let us handle that sirs." Said a man. "Yes, we want to handle it." Added a woman. "Uh, who are you two?" Asked the controller as the two men stopped. "I'm Patch." "And I'm Lily." "We've been meaning to buy this place from Ashley but we've been putting it off, but now things are getting too dangerous for the workers and we can't let this keep going on." "Well then, good day you two, and good luck on the purchase." Benson said, he tipped his hat to them, and he turned away and went back to the investigation site. "Diana, seeing as these trucks need to get to their destinations, do you think you can take them?" "Yes sir! Oh I've been waiting to leave this quarry!" Diana began to shunt a mega train and her driver was given a list from the controller for where to go to with the trucks and which ones to drop off. She added a brake van at the back and another at the front and began to move the heavy train forwards. Diana raced out of the quarry, a big smirk on her face. She raced down the line, making up for any lost time. She started the drop off of trucks at Levi Harbour and made her way down the mainline.

By the sunset, she was done, the only thing left was two brake vans. She made here way back to the quarry. She came back to see the sign was being changed! It read: "Kyanite Quarry Co." Some painters were just finishing up as Diana passed, whistling to them as she passed. Diana puffed in to see two new engines, one of them was her sibling! "Hello! I'm Angus!" Said the other engine, it was a 2f class. "And I'm Sage. It's a pleasure to meet you." Said the Terrier as she smiled warmly. "Oh, Diana! Welcome!" Said Patch as he and his wife walked over. "Um, hi. Who are you?" Asked Diana. "Oh, right, my bad. I'm Patch, and this is my wife, Lily." Lily waved with a smile. "Now, I know your controller said that you were going to work here for a while but we have our own engines, so if you feel like it, we are letting you go. We'll inform your controller whatever your decision is right away." Lily said. "Oh, really? That's awesome! But are you sure you don't need me around?" "Well, it's your choice. Though our engines are very capable themselves." Patch said. "Yes, working in many harbours and quarries before we purchased them." "Oh, well I'll take my leave then." Said Diana. "Alright. Well, goodnight and farewell!" Said Patch as the two waved goodbye. Sage and Angus whistled their goodbyes and Diana returned a long whistle as she puffed away. The next morning, Diana woke bright and early to get a head start on her work. She had a few passenger trains, a couple coal runs, and a shipment from K.Q.C.! "Already? They just started and they're off to a start, don't you think driver?" Asked Diana as her driver opened the regulator and spun the reverser. "Indeed, and I heard they're shipping out a hidden gem of the hills, it's called Kyanite." "Yeah, look here. I got a little Gem of it in my necklace." Said Stella, showing it off. Diana puffed down the line, happy that Ashley was out of her picture.

"Why?! God, I never liked the railway!" Said Ashley, she was walking through the town of Lickey as she muttered to herself. "A shame really, I was very fond of your work." Said a voice in a dark alleyway. "Why not come help me? I never liked this railway either." Ashley stopped and turned towards the voice. A hand reached out, and Ashley's hand took it. She was pulled into the dark alley. Cackling as she followed the hand in.

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