Dan's Real Exploit

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Dan was relaxing one day, he had done a lot of work and was ready to go home. He had to take the kipper that night and with that clear the mainline of snow. The trucks were rowdy that night. But with the Friday night came his normal crew, DD and Delilah. Later that night, the three were all hooded up and ready for the Kipper. That's when the engines heard a ghostly whistle in the docks! "Who's that?" Asked DD. "I dunno." Said Delilah. "I think I've heard that whistle before, but if so, it can't be." Dan added. "Who could it be?" DD said, "I've watched engines go by back in the day but not one sounded like that!" "You wouldn't have been born yet, but he was a little box tank that piloted this place. Never knew what happened to him though." Dan said. "Dan, my lad, how ya been?" Asked the engine as it rounded the bend. "SHHHHH!" Dan shushed the little engine, it was a gray box tank that had the label, "D&D DOCKS." On his sides, and his name was Andy. "What, I'm I really that loud?" He chuckled. "No one knows it's me." He explained. "Also, what happened to you? I haven't seen you since the 60's." "I was put in a warehouse, they got some more, 'Older Folk,' If you will, in there. They're letting us roam around as a tourist attraction around the island." He explained. "That makes no sense whatsoever, but it's good that you're back." Dan said, then the guard's whistle blew. "Right, I don't wanna be late, see you later Andy." Dan whistled and left the Harbour. "Bye... uh, Not-Dan!" Andy said with a laugh, and he went to shunt trucks around. Dan hurried down the line, the night was cold and the snow colder. Though his boiler was warm and his fire hot, the vans didn't smell as bad as they normally did thanks to the cold however. The trucks swayed lightly, Tommy and his sibling, Vanessa, were on the train, keeping the others in order. Some of the trucks were planning to behave, but some wanted to cause a little trouble. "Hold back, hold back!" One whispered when they reached the Lickey Incline. But it was pointless, all the trucks began floating in the air! A clear blue mist covered their undercarriages and they were lifted off the rails, and the floated up the hill while Dan pulled along. Then they were all gently rolled back onto the rails as they made it onto level ground. Then they planned to push Dan down the line, but their brakes slowly clamped on all on their own! The train rolled down the line, thundering over The Grand Gap! The train thundered past stations and hurried to Pleasentville to get the trucks unloaded. However, they weren't expecting Rhys to be sitting at the other platform, there wasn't that much mail due so he was ahead of schedule. Dan rolled into the station, the purple tarp still covering his face and tanks. "Oh, hello there." Rhys said, trying to be friendly. "Say, who are you?" He asked. Dan remained silent as the trucks were unloaded. Rhys waited for an answer. "Give it up old boy." Said Rhys. "Yeah, he's not going to make himself known any day soon." Said Emma. Soon the Mail was ready to depart and Rhys gave a loud whistle. Dan whistled back, he had an older whistle that could be swapped out with his normal whistle. He whistled, the ghostly sound blasting through the air. "PWEEWEEP!" It rang out through the air. Soon the Kipper was unloaded and Dan had turned around with the loop, he was preparing to leave when he noticed something weird in the corner of his eye. It was a sparkle, he brushed it off and whistled his ghostly whistle again and departed from the station on his way home. He had to beat Rhys home so the tank engine wouldn't be suspicious.

He dropped the trucks off at the harbour and hurried back to Drenk Sheds, passing Rhys at Levi Station, he was going to drop off his coaches. Dan had his tarp taken off and he was going to sleep when Rhys rolled in. He pretended to sleep as Rhys was turned around, his crew put his sleeping cap on and he went to sleep. Dan soon fell asleep as well. "So you ran into The Engine who pulls The Flying Kipper?" Asked Hanna the next morning. "That's right!" Rhys said, "And I think I know who it is." "Who could it be?" Asked Tatum. "It's either Tim or Tom. They're both painted black and 0-6-0 tank engines. "So? There's a lot of 0-6-0 tank engines painted black on this railway. Like all my siblings." Said Dan. "And Lydia." Added Sally. "Well, I'm going to be working at Levi today, so I'll have the time to ask them." Said Rhys, and he rolled onto the turntable. He set off and then the other engines began to start their day. Dan was set for a big tourist train. However, he was going to be at the end of the train banking it. Dylan was going to be heading the train. They were using big British MK1 coaches and Dan's faithful coaches at the end. Dan buffered up to the coaches and then waited for Dylan to arrive. He rolled in, his new coat of paint gleamed in the sun. The coaches had been cleaned and painted in a beautiful Crimson and Cream livery, and Dan's coaches had some touch ups done. The passengers boarded and the guard blew his whistle and the two honked a horn and blew a whistle. "HOHONK!" "PEEEEEEP... PIP!" The two whistled as they departed Levi Station. The train departed for Pleasentville Station, the coaches were a little heavy but they were able to get the train moving quickly. The two hurried along the mainline, and once they got up the small incline, the slowed down so the passengers could view the countryside. The train went along smoothly, but the frosty air was cold and dry, but the engines pressed on. The two rushed through Drenk Station, and thundered past Maddox Goods Station. They hurried down the mainline. "Come along, come along." Said Dylan. Dan's coaches replied, "We are, don't fuss! We are, don't fuss!" Dan just chuckled. They saw the Lickey Incline up ahead. The two engines charged for the hill, climbing it quickly. They slowed down and cruised down the incline on the other side, then they went along The Grand Gap. The passengers were having a splendid time on their journey, the coaches were comfortable and well heated compared to the outside Winter Wonderland. The train pressed on, passing goods and slow passenger trains along the way. When they reached Pleasentville Station, they used the loop line to run around. At this point, Dan's coaches were coupled up to Dan. Dylan was to set off with the passengers whole were ready to leave, while Dan's passengers were to tour the town. Dylan honked his horn and departed the station. Dan waited for his passengers to return. Josh had rolled into the station, he whistled when he saw Dan, and Dan returned the whistle. He went to go pick up some gunpowder vans, dropping off a stone train. He whistled a goodbye and hurried down the mainline. The passengers then returned to David, Clara, and Henry. They boarded the train, Billy blew his guard's whistle, and Dan set off down the line. He heard a small, quiet, diesel engine behind him as he left. "Should we go after him boss?" Asked the diesel. "Let him get around the bend first, I need the laser to charge up." Said a man. "Heheuhehaha!" The train then went around the bend, disappearing from sight.

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