Delilah's Rough Day

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Delilah woke up early one Monday Morning. School had been canceled for the day as the snow was falling hard, and she wasn't expected to work. DD was still asleep, and Delilah looked at the digital clock on the nightstand. It was 2:17 in the morning. Delilah tried to go back to sleep, but she couldn't. As the sun rose behind the clouds that were dropping snow onto the ground, DD rose along with it. Delilah was still awake. "How long have you been awake for?" Asked DD. "What time is it? She asked, slapping a pillow on her face. DD looked at the clock. "7:27." "Five hours, ten minutes." She said, muffled by the pillow. "Good lord Delilah! What were you doing in that time?" "Nothing, just trying to go back to sleep." Jeff was heard outside and cleared the line, Tommy was behind him and salt was poured onto the road. DD and Delilah went downstairs to go get something to eat, and once they got something in their stomachs, they decided what to do that day. "Wanna invite Rhys and Emma over?" Asked DD. "I don't see why not. You got to ask your parents about it though." Delilah said. DD called up his mother, whom was at work with his Dad. "Hey honey, how are you doing?" She asked as she picked up the phone. "Hey ma, I'm doing good. How's work?" "Ah, not that busy, so I can't complain. So do you need something?" "Yeah, I was wondering if Rhys and Emma can come over today?" "If their parents say it's okay, then it's okay with me." "Alright ma, thank you. Have a good day at work. I love you ma." "Love you too kiddo. Bye!" "Bye." DD hung up the phone and texted Rhys. "Yo, Rhys, wanna come over today?" "Let me ask my mom, man." He texted back. A few moments later, he got another text, "I'll be over in a few." DD then texted Emma, "Hey Emma, wanna come over today?" He asked. "Sure, let me ask my parents." Emma texted back. There was a knock on the door, DD opened it to find Rhys. "Hey man, how are you." Asked DD as he stuck out his hand. "I'm doing good man, freezing but good." Rhys said, shaking DD's hand. Rhys went to go sit down on the couch. A minute later, there was another knock on the door. DD opened it to see Emma. "Hey Emma, how are you?" Asked DD, he stuck out his hand. "Hey DD, I'm good." She said, shaking his hand. She took off her coat and went to sit down on the couch with Rhys. "What should we do?" Asked Delilah as DD came over to the coach and sat down next to Delilah. "Why not some video games?" Rhys asked. "I will destroy you all in Puttputt." DD said. The four were playing video games for a few hours, having a good time. Delilah then grew quite tired, and fell asleep. Everyone noticed and paused the game. What they also noticed was the snow outside had stopped. DD's parents came home, and they looked around. "Hello everyone." DD's mom said as she walked into the living room. "Hi DD's parents!" Emma and Rhys said as the two looked back. "Hey ma, hey dad." DD said. "So we're going to have some guests over a little later, so I'm going to be in the kitchen and prepare dinner with your dad." She said, and the two went into the kitchen and shut the door behind them.

Rhys and Emma had to go home a little later. Delilah woke up to say goodbye to the two along with DD, and they left, DD shut the door behind them. The two walked not but three steps before there was a knock on the door. "Did Rhys forget something?" Asked Delilah. DD shrugged and went to open the door. There were two tall people standing on the porch. One was a man, the other a woman. "Hello." DD said, the two towered over him and felt scared by their presence. "Hello. Where is Helen O'mare? She invited us over." Asked the woman. "My mom's in the kitchen." The two walked in, took off their coats and shoes, they saw Delilah, whom was asleep on the couch. As she normally did, she was in her werewolf form as she slept. "Delilah! Not in front of the humans!" Yelled the man as he stomped over. "Huh?!" She shot up and immediately turned into a human. "You guys are here!" Said DD's mom. "Sorry, we didn't hear you guys come in. We'll have everything set up in a few." DD's dad added. "Oh, we won't be long. We're just here to pick up our daughter and then we'll be out of your hair." Said Delilah's dad. DD was surprised and looked at Delilah for answers. She just shrugged at him. "Come along Delilah. We mustn't let the car running. Pack your things so we can leave." Said Delilah's mom. "Okay." She said. She began walking to walk up the stairs. Delilah walked up the steps and turned the corner down the hallway. "I got to go use the bathroom." Lied DD, and he followed her up the steps. "So, were you planning this?" DD asked when he entered the room. "DD, I swear, I had no idea they were even alive, I don't know how they found out where I was." "Okay." DD helped her pack. "Well, before you go, take this." He said, he handed her a little plastic ring, it fit perfectly on her hand. "Aww, it's cute." She said. The two hugged and Delilah grabbed her bag. "We'll see each other again soon, right?" Asked DD. "Of course we will, you're my boyfriend, right?" She chuckled sorrowfully, and left the room. Delilah turned in the hallway and walked down the steps, she had the hoodie DD had given her along with her pendent. She got her shoes on and was walked out with her parents when she ran at DD's parents and hugged them. "Thank you so much, for letting me stay and all." "Of course my dear, it's not a problem at all." His mom said. "You're welcome to return anytime." His Dad said. "Come on Delilah, we haven't got all night." Delilah stopped hugging DD's parents and left, getting in the backseat of her mother's car. DD watched as the car drove off. It turned out of sight and DD began to weep silently. She had left the town. Delilah too wept in the back of her mother's car. "Cut that out. From now on we forbid you from seeing that boy." Her father said. "Why, he's a good person?" "We don't like him." Her mother said. "And why should I care what you think, last I checked you abandoned me in America and haven't cared about what I've done in the past!" "Watch your tongue!" The parents yelled as they drove down the road, passing Brian the Bus. Delilah just watched the snow covered countryside pass by, tears rolling down her face.q

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