The Rude Diesel's Invasion

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Dan's Branch line rarely sees the sights of diesel engines or the latest electric engines. It's only seen when someone like Steve is coming by with the rail replacement crew. Steve is very nice to the other engines, seeing every engine as a really useful engine. But one night, he broke down as his engine began to freeze! He was in a deep freeze, and nothing he did could help it. He had to be sent to the works for a few days until his engine was repaired. The Deedburg Branch line's rails were in need of being replaced So they sent in a replacement diesel to cover his work. For her first few days, she got on well with the repair crew along the mainline, but all things began to change as they began to work on the branch line. The branch line is set up where most of the line is two tracks running parallel to each other, though from Bluebell to Slager, it's one track. She set to work fixing the line, and all things were going well, and they even finished the whole line a day before they thought they would. Along the way, she made friends with some of the engines saw along the line. She left and some of the engines felt sad that she left, however, it wasn't the last time they would see her. As the Winter began to leave the island and the snow was properly melting, Dan was puffing along his line with his coaches in tow. He stopped at a red signal on the new rails, they were smooth but his wheels could grip them like never before! "Ella did a nice job with these rails, better than what we laid!" Dan said to his crew. "Oh, yes! They're very smooth!" Said David. "The smoothest in years!" Clara added. "They're better than the ones on the mainline!" Henry finished. "We still need to be careful. We don't want anything like what happened in Deedburg to happen again." DD said concerned. "And what adventure did that lead us on?" Asked Delilah with a chuckle. Dan then heard a horn honk in the distance. "I didn't know Steve was here." Dan said. "That doesn't sound like him." Delilah commented. "Maybe he got a new horn at the works!" Clara suggested. A green BR Class 16 rolled around the bend with Rhys' coaches! "That's Ella!" DD exclaimed. "We have eyes." David said, "Well I can't see!" Henry said, "So thank you DD." As Ella and the coaches passed, the coaches looked a little worried. "I run this branch line now!" She thought to herself with a sly smirk.

At the station, Dan stopped at the station and let his passengers off. He heard a sobbing from the station. He was uncoupled from his coaches and went to check out the sound. A little ways from the station, Edward and Rhys were sitting together. Edward, along with his coaches, were comforting his coaches as the Blue tank engine wept. "Rhys, what's wrong? I saw Ella with your coaches." Rhys just wept louder as Dan said that. "I-I- *SNIFF*, I went to go get a drink of water, from that tower right there. *SNIFF*, A-a-and then she coupled up to my coaches, a-and then she was off with the guards whistle!" He said through tears. "Why would she do that?" Asked Dan. "She said something about an invasion. I just think she's Koo Koo!" Edward said. "Well don't worry Rhys, me and Edward will get your coaches back!" "I can't, I got to head out in a few minutes." Edward said. "Well then I'll get your coaches back. You have nothing to worry about." Dan said with a big smile. "I got to get going. I'll talk to you two later." Dan said as he reversed back to the station. He was coupled up to his coaches and DD got into Henry's controls. The train set off in reverse, to finish up work for the day. As he continued down the line, he had to stop at a station. Tatum was there, seething with anger. "Why, if I get my buffers on that diesel, I'm going to rip out her engine and-!" "Woah, woah, woah! Calm down Tatum, what's wrong?" Dan asked as he stopped. "That Ella, that Ella! She took my trucks! She came in with Rhys' coaches, buffered up to my trucks, and just took off!" "I figured you would like not taking trucks and mucking up your paint." Dan said. "I would, but I was going to be pulling a brass statue, I would have been everyone's attention!" Tatum explained. "I see. Well, maybe you can help me and yourself. I'm going to get Rhys' coaches back, and you can give Ella a piece of your mind." "Hmm. I suppose, sure, I got nothing better to do." Tatum said. Tatum then buffered up to Dan and they waited for the guard's whistle blew. Suddenly, the coaches chains jerked and the two engines started forwards. "What's happening?!" Asked Tatum. "I dunno!" Dan answered, and Henry gave a yell. His coupling gave a quick and loud snapping sound, and he was taken for a couple yards before the diesel came to a stop. "Get off of-! Oh, I found Rhys' coaches and the brass statue!" DD stuck his head out of Henry's cab window. "He did!" He reassured. Ella was uncoupled from everything and sped away. "At least you got the brass statue back." Dan said. "Yeah, you're right. I'm going to take my train now, you take your train and get Rhys his coaches back." Tatum said, and she was uncoupled from Dan. She shunted Rhys' coaches out of the way and took her flatbed and brake van away. Dan shunted Rhys' coaches behind David, the five being happy to not be behind that diesel. Clara was coupled up to David with her hook and they were ready to leave. Henry would have to go to the works to get the chain replaced. Dan was able to set off, but now he was late.

Dan finished by getting the last of his passengers to Drenk Station. He took his coaches and dropped them off in the carriage sheds, his crew made sure to lock up the doors. Dan then was coupled up to Rhys' coaches and gave a whistle as he set off down the line. Dan hurried along, the coaches were glad they were going to be reunited with Rhys. Dan made his was along the line to Deedburg. Dan looked for Rhys, but he wasn't where he last was. "Rhys? Rhys! Where are you? I got your coaches man!" He yelled out, "You got them back?! Oh, my darlings!" He said, bursting out of the shed. Dan nearly jumped into the air as his insides rattled around. He swears that his pipes to this day all out of order. "Rhys!" They sang out, the six began crying happily. Rhys coupled up to them and whistled a thank you to Dan. Dan smiled and follows behind them down the line. Back at Drenk Sheds, the other engines hadn't arrived back, all aside Sally. "Hey Sally, what are you doing here?" Asked Dan. "Well, I was done for the day so I was going to take a rest in the sheds. I buffered up to it and tried to push it open, but now the doors aren't opening!" She said frustrated. Rhys shunted his coaches into the carriage shed and watched as Dan tried. His wheels slipped and screeched, and he almost opened it, but it wasn't opening. "It's like there's something on the other side!" He said finally as he backed off. "Try ramming into it." Rhys said. "That's not a bad idea." Sally said. "But I'll destroy my buffers!" Dan countered. "Don't worry, I got an easy fix." Sally said. "Just trust me and charge." After a few seconds of careful thinking, Dan reluctantly agreed. Dan whistled as he started his charge at the door. He shut his eyes and there was a flash of purple. The doors shot open and Ella was sent flying into the back wall, Dan's back wall was ruined! "Ella?! What are you doing in here?" Asked Sally. "I wanted a rest, but I can't even do that!" She yelled. "Then why did you block the door?" Asked Rhys. "My question exactly!" Boomed a voice. Sir William V walked over from his car. "Uh- sir! There wasn't a berth for me so I sat by the door, you see." "And taking Rhys' coaches? Or Tatum's brass statue?" Asked the controller. "I just wanted to help! That's all." Said Ella. "If you want to help, you'll start by taking Dan's coaches to the works, and getting a train of bricks so we can repair this wall. In the meantime, you engines will have to find other accommodations for the night until we can get a tarp on this hole." The controller said. "That is right after we repair you." The controller said. "Dan, tow her out and to the works." The controller turned on his heel and walked back to his car. Dan's winch was taken out of his toolbox and hooked up to his front. They hooked up Ella and were ready to tow her out. Dan began pulling as his friends watched. The terrier pulled hard, his wheels slipped a lot, Sally and Rhys tried to help. "Don't mess with the process." but he managed to get Ella back onto the tracks. She was then towed away the sheds and all the way to the works. Dan slept there that night, his crew had to catch the bus home. "So, helping us out, aye?" Ella sighed. "I just want a branch line to myself, you know? My driver read the story, 'Thomas The Tank Engine,' to me and in the story, Thomas helps an engine and saves the day, and he gets a branch line. So I thought if I help out a lot, I could get my own branch line instead of taking slow goods down the mainline. "I get that. I used to be the Levi Station pilot until Sir William IV saw my potential. Trust me, on this railway, you can really only go up, with little downs here and there of course. Dan was able to fall asleep. Ella just looked up at the sky. "Just ups, huh?" She asked herself as she too fell asleep.

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