The Return

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It was the day the famous eight engines left. Jojo and Gordon were set to take a special train that day. Then, the rest would follow along with the numbers one through eight on the D&D. Everyone was upset to leave, but before they did, the controllers got together in front of the engines. "Should you do it?" Asked Sir Topham Hatt, "I believe you should, Toppy." Said Sir William. "Do what?" Asked Thomas. "Me and Sir William were talking about how we wanted to build a bridge that connects the two islands seeing as it would be a few miles long! And not only that, but starting up tourist trains to and from each island!" He beamed. "What?! Really?!" Asked Jojo, "So will there be a new branch line?" "Why yes there will be, and we will build an engine to run it." His controller said proudly. The engines smiled and cheered, shooting sounds across the entire town of Levi, the controllers thought they would be deaf for weeks. Soon, they train left, and the engines departed to the final station.

At the station, the engines said their goodbye, some tears were shed, but all the engines knew that some day very soon, they would see their friends again. In a dark shed, a diesel sat, it was big and scoffed, "Pah, silly engines." He said as he liked away. The next day, the controller came up to Dan. "Hello sir, what do you need?" "Good morning Dan, I need you to take the new shunter to the yards, he will be doing the main work there as well as be the pilot there. Don't worry, he's a bit of an older engine so he knows the ropes of yards. Then I want you to go find Eddy so you two can start work on the bridge." "Yes sir!" Said Dan, and he started off. But before he left the siding, Dan was cut off by a flash of BR blue! "Woah! Who was that?!" "Outta my way! I got a job to do and I gotta do it now!" It said as it zoomed by.

Dan then puffed to Lickey, he saw both Eddy and a new engine talking. "Hello there you two, I'm here to pick up the new pilot for Lickey." "Oh, that's me! My name is Dom." Said the engine. Dom is a 2-4-0 GWR build. He has very tall funnel and fat Dome. He also has an open cab where part of the back is cut out. "Oh, Eddy, I also need you to come with me, we have a project to start." Eddy perked up, "What kind of project?" He asked. "We need to start work on a bridge. It's going to connect Sodor and Sunset Isle together." Eddy came along with them, they dropped Dom off and helped him put some trains together before finding their trucks, the breakdown cranes, and Dan's coaches. They then got ready. Dan was at the front and Eddy was right behind him, followed by the cranes, then the trucks, and then the coaches. They were about to set off when a diesel horn blew in the distance. DD then hopped out of the cab to investigate what was happening. He turned a corner, but then he came running back as he was being chased by a diesel! "Oh no! It's Jonah, and what's that thing on his roof?!" Said Dan as he tried to start, but he had no driver. On top of Jonah was a big laser thing that used the sun to warm things up. The laser uses that energy to heat up objects to a boiling point, in which they either burst a leak or blow up. DD hopped into the cab and began to open the regulator and opened the reverser to forwards. The train began to slowly set off. Then to everyone's suprise, Z hung out of the window of Jonah's cab! "You ready now?! I'm back, and now I can end you and this horrid Railway!" He called. "Come on Dan, come on Eddy, you got this!" Mia called loudly. Suddenly, Eddy chargers even faster, "Dan! Where is that junction?!" He called out slowly. "It's a few miles from here! A one lane track that goes to the left!" Eddy and Dan picked up more speed hitting eighty miles an hour! Dan saw it and whistle loudly! The signalman changed the points and the two engines thundered down the line, Jonah could not keep up and sped down the wrong line. But he kept going, "Damn it! You said we would get him!" "I did, and we will, that line is under construction, they are bound to crash at that speed.

Dan and Eddy thundered down the line, trying to stop. They skidded along the line, then they saw the site! "Shoot! Eddy! Stop!" Dan screamed in terrier as he got closer to the ledge! Dan began to fall into the viaduct! "Breakdown Gang, it's time!" The gang wasted no time fastening a cable to Dan and Eddy. They used the advantage of the weight of the train to hold them down as they phoned for an engine help with the cranes. Josh came as soon as he could and began to take the train apart. "Whatever is happening, whatever is happening?!" Cried the coaches, they had to be put into a siding as they had figure out how they were going to keep Dan from falling and releasing all the weight at once. Josh then thought of a brilliant idea. "Hook me up! We can't lose anymore weight." So they grabbed a chain and hooked up to Dan. The two engines pulled as hard as they could, and Dan helped as much as he could. They pulled Dan onto the rails where he was safe and sound. Dan rolled backwards. "Thank you guys, if it weren't for you, I would've fallen into the ocean!" Eh, no sweat." Said Eddy, he then set up the cranes so they could start work on the bridge at once.

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