My Life As A Teenage Werewolf

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DD awoke on a Friday morning. He was already annoyed. Delilah was still asleep, it was two in the morning. "Being a werewolf is hard, I really do wonder how Delilah gets on with it." DD thought to himself. He sometimes had trouble controlling his powers, and due to this, his family found out on Sunday. Delilah had been helping him, and he was starting to get the hang of it. He would get little warning senses when he felt like he was going to change, and would ask to go to the bathroom before changing, then he would simply change back and head back to class. DD was still. He kept thinking about how this could have happened. But none of it added up. DD just shut his eyes and tried to go to bed. The sun rose and Delilah awoke. She looked at DD who was still asleep. "Good morning sleepyhead." She said as she kissed him on the cheek. "Five more minutes." He mumbled as he put his pillow on his head. Delilah chuckled as she got ready for school. She threw on a pair of black jeans, a blue undershirt with her letterman jacket on top. She also did her hair up in a little bun. DD slowly rolled out of bed. He did got changed into his normal gray jeans, white undershirt, and black and blue hoodie. However, he stopped wearing his goggles because he could see near perfectly fine, he just had a little trouble wearing reading smaller prints. He did wear a pair of glasses his parents got him on Wednesday to help. The boy then went to go brush his teeth. Once he was done, DD ruffled his hair a little. Delilah came over and stood over him. She took a little bit of his hair and pushed it so it curved around his eye, "Better!" She said and she brushed here teeth. The two were ready to head out, DD and Delilah got their shoes on and left the house. The two stepped out and DD locked the door behind him. DD just stared at the door, and Delilah turned to look at him. "You ready?" Delilah asked. "Yeah, yeah." DD said and the two started walking. Delilah took DD's hand like she had many moons ago on the cruise, this put him at ease. The two wandered down the street to school. Almost no one at the school knew what was going on, just Delilah, Emma, and Rhys. Rhys and Emma were head of DD and Delilah, and were already in their classes by the time DD and Delilah had gotten to their lockers. Billy was there. "Hey you guys." He said as they started opening their lockers and putting their bags inside. "Hey Billy." Said DD. "Hi Billy." Delilah said. "So did you know about the tryouts for the next play? It should be next week or something." "Really? You think I got a shot at lead role?" DD asked with a chuckle. "Yeah, you did it last year, do it again this year!" Billy said as he shut his locker. Delilah looked at DD with a puzzled look. "You really think you can pull it off? Not the play part, the holding form part?" She asked. "Yeah, I just got to change before and after the play." DD said. The warning bell rang, and the two hurried to their first period class.

The bell rang as DD and Delilah walked into the class. After announcements on the P.A, Mr. A clapped his hands together. "Alright, so, we are going to practice for the April show today. Practice your songs and yeah, just be ready." DD grabbed an acoustic guitar and sat down with Delilah. She was going to sing while DD played guitar, it would just be the two of them on stage for this little part. The two practiced their part of the show for the entire class. At the last five minutes of class, DD put his guitar back in its case and then in the back of the classroom. "And you say you're bad at singing." DD said to Delilah. "I don't like how I sound on records!" She said. "Ahhh. So that's what it is, well then I guess I'll have to tell everyone no cameras allowed." DD laughed and Delilah sneered at the comment. Then DD got a ringing in his ear. "Mr. A, can I please go use the bathroom?" Asked DD, looking rather panicked. "Uh, just wait for the bell man." He said, there was about 30 seconds left in the period. Once the bell rang, DD speed walked to the bathroom. Delilah just went to their next period class. "Oh God! Oh God! Oh God! Oh God! Oh God!" DD thought as he got into the bathroom and the stall, he looked at his hands as they changed. The blue light covered them and poof, they were covered in fur with paw pads on his palms. His nails turned black and sharp. A snout formed on his face, and his ears got bigger. A big fluffy tail sprouted out from his backside, but DD calmed his mind, he changed back. He flushed the toilet and then walked out of the stall, keeping up an act, and he washed his hands. DD went to his next class, sitting next to Delilah and waiting for class to start. When lunch rolled around, DD sat down with his food. He sat with Webly and Billy, the three boys began eating lunch. DD's nose then began to twitch. He had the need to sneeze. "A...A...A-CHOO!" He bellowed, and that's when it happened, he turned into a werewolf in front of the two. Thankfully no one was watching, but he threw on his hood, Webly and Billy noticed this. "DD, what's wrong?" Asked Webly. "I'm fine, nothing's wrong." DD said, turning away. "Dude, look at us." Billy said. DD turned his head and the two were stunned. "W-What?!" Yelled Billy. Many heads turned to face their table, DD his head under the table, keeping his face out of sight. "DD, you never told us you were going to play in the show!" Webly quickly covered. Everyone then went back to eating, and DD poked his head up. "Don't be so loud man!" Webly whispered to Billy. The three sat in silence as they waited for Delilah, Emma, and Rhys to get to the table. "So how long have you been a werewolf?" Asked Billy. "Twenty bucks it started since you were sucking face with Delilah!" Webly joked. "Just last Saturday, I woke up looking like this." DD said, and he was able to change back when their friends arrived and sat down. "So, I take it you transformed not too long ago?" Asked Delilah. "How did y-!" "Well, it's not everyday someone screams in the cafeteria." "Dude, you got to get it under control." Rhys said. "Oh, like I haven't been trying." DD said sarcastically as everyone around him started eating. "How's the longest you've gone in this form?" Asked Webly. "Two and a half hours. Delilah says I'm doing well, being new with this ability." DD said. "That's right, I forgot you were a werewolf Delilah! So are you like DD?" Asked Billy. "No, I was born like this, and both my parents are werewolves. DD is a rarity, so I expect him to have a bit of a more difficult time with this new handling." Delilah said. As they all finished lunch, the bell rang and they went to their last class of the day.

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