The Saviors

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"Alright guys, I think we should track down Z or one of his buddies, find their base of operations, and Dan can ram their doors down and we save Rhys!" Said DD one night in the sheds, he was laying on the turntable. As Mia and Emma sat by Rhys and comforting him. "Yeah, but what happens if we get caught in the first and the last bits?" Asked Emma. "What if Dan gets taken away?" They all looked at Dan, who then looked at Rhys. "They took Our friend away, I'll do my best if that means we get Rhys back!" He said as he stared out the window. "I'll bring him home!"

Emma had to spy on Z for a few days. Then she told them what she saw. "He went into this port, it's all walled off, so we should do this at night!" She said as she walked with DD and Mia one night. "Well then, we got to start thinking." Said Mia as she began to look up at the sky, putting her thumb and index finger on her chin. DD then pointed his finger into the sky,"I got it! As long as there are rails, we can ram the door down!" "OR, someone can climb over the wall, over to the other side, and open the door without setting off the alarm." Said Emma, hoping DD would listen. "Oh, that could work too." He said as they hopped onto a bus to head home.

"Wakey Wakey Rhys." Said Bert as he shook the boy's head. Rhys was still out cold. "I said wake up!" He said, punching him with his brass knuckles. A crack was heard from the boy. "...ow."'said a tired boy, he began to bleed from his mouth. "Good. Your friends are coming. Expect to see them one last time before you all perish." Chuckled the old man as he walked away. Rhys sat in the darkness for what felt like hours. "He's gone now. I'll let you go you know, you just have to do something for me." Said a scaly creature from the shadows. "Oh yeah, what's that?" Asked Rhys, he had trouble speaking through the blood. "Break up with my sister. Have me instead, I'll treat you good.~" She said, her cheeks grew red as she awaited an answer. They sat for some time, then Rhys said, "No, I won't." "Fine then, suit yourself, die then." She said as she walked away.

The squad coasted down the line to a sudden wall. "Wow, how can we climb that? Asked DD. The crew had an all blackout outfit set. Mia and Emma were wearing all black baggy shirts and pants with black boots. Dan had his paint covered up with some black tarps, they covered all his nice blue lining. DD however was wearing his black hoodie with blue sleeves, a white tank top, dark gray pants and black shoes. "Well... I've been hiding something from you guys." Said Emma, her purple eyes began to glow. "What is it?" Asked Mia, tilting her head. Suddenly, Emma shook and shivered, then she turned into a bat with a POOF and a FIZZ. "I-I'm a vampire." She then flew over the wall, changed back into a human, and opened the door by pressing the button. Then Dan was driven into to area, the rails were sharp, almost like they were meant for diesels.

"Where do you think he is?" Asked Dan as he cautiously puffed forward slowly down the line. "I would guess some cell, right?" Said an unsure Mia. "I think if I scout around as a bat, we could find him easily!" Whispered Emma, as then she changed into her bat form. "Wait, I'll stay with Dan while you and Mia go together, it would be safer to do so." Said DD as he shut off steam so they could coast quietly. "Hmm, I suppose you're right. Okay, come along Mia!" Said Emma as she picked her up and flew away. "Woah, woah!" Yelled Mia as she was going higher and higher. "Come back in ten minutes if you don't find anything!" Yelled Dan as he kept coasting smoothly. "And bring back our friend."

"Do you see him? Asked Mia, "No, do you?" Asked Emma, easily flying through the air. "No, but I think I know where he might be. You see that shed down there, over by the water?" Emma nodded as she looked over. "I'll bet he's in there!" Mia called as they began to fly over there. Meanwhile, Dan and DD were puffing quietly down the bend, "I'll bet he's in that shed." Said Dan as they looked at a steel box with a set of wooden doors. There was a chain and lock on the door. The lock however was unlocked, so, they pushed their way in. They then saw something they never would have thought was impossible. There sitting in the shed, was a blue diesel, big and bulky, perhaps a class 55, but there was a giant black claw attached to the roof. "Jonah?!" Yelled Dan as the diesel awoke. "Hello again Dan!" Called the diesel with a smirk of evil. It then started to roll forwards. "Long time no see, I've changed greatly thanks to master Z!" He cackled as he rolled towards the tank engine. "N-no, you were banished from the railway!" Dan yelled as he reversed. "I was, but, I was never seen leaving, so I can live here all I want!" The tank engine reversed fast, but the diesel was faster. Dan then toppled over cab over wheels as he hit a curve too hard.

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