A Marriage To Remember

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Rhys and Sally were given a few weeks off to plan their marriage, their crews were trying to figure ever out. "I think we should do it at the church at Levi. They've done a few for engines in the past, they got a whole plan they do." Said Sally. "First a feast for any people who come, and then the ceremony, and then a special wedding train that the crews of the engines getting married embark on with a special wedding omen that is supposed to bring good luck, the best engine gathers all that stuff." "Well I think that's a lovely idea, how does that fit onto February 10th driver?" Asked Rhys, the two crews were at a laptop at a desk. "Let's see here. The church is free for the whole day, so yeah, I will send them an email and we'll see what they say." Rhys said, he began to type out an email to the church as Dan puffed into the sheds. "God, I'm knackered." He said. It had been a long day for him, taking stone trains to Levi Harbour from the K.Q.C. The little engine was ready to go to bed. "DD, Delilah, come here!" Said Emma. As the turn table spun, DD and Delilah hopped out of Dan's cab. "What is it?" Asked Delilah. "Get the things on this list. Do it before the wedding." Said Emma as she handed them a piece of paper. "Also, you guys might want to get a head start on going home, we're going to be here for a while." Said Rhys as he typed away. The two did so, looking at the list as they walked to the bus stop. "Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed and Something Blue. I think I've heard of this somewhere." Said DD. "It's something you get for married couples, it's for good luck on staying married or something." Delilah explain. "Okay. So this is what we're going to be doing with our time off." Said DD as the bus pulled up. But before the kids could get on, Brian slammed his doors shut. "Go rely on your railway to get you home." He said, his driver snickered and the two sped off. "Well, how are we going to get home now?" Asked Delilah. "Wanna walk?" "I thought you would never ask." DD stuck out his hand and Delilah took it, the two began walking home. A silly but splendid idea. Meanwhile Dan fell fast asleep as Sally, Rhys, and their crews were working hard on the wedding plans. "Oooh, I got an idea, instead of having just a DJ at the party part of things, why don't we also have the Deedburg band play as well?" Rhys suggested to his fiancé. "I don't see why not, think you can get them to come?" Asked Sally to Rhys. "Don't see why not." Said Rhys. "Wait, what should we do for food?" Asked Sally's driver. "Well, what makes sense? I'd never know, I'm an engine after all." Said Sally, then an idea flew into her funnel. "What if you guys pick that out?" She said, and the four agreed. "Pizza." Said Rhys, "We need pizza." "Oh come on, you're childish." Chuckled Sally's fireman. "Well, I will have you know I am in fact a child." He said, in a joking defense. "Well then I think there needs to be a salad bar." Said Sally's driver. "And I think we need a bar area for us grown ups." Added the fireman. "I think we should have chicken tenders. And with the tenders we need fries." Emma said. "We should also ask some of our guests what they want too." Sally's driver added. The four agreed and continued planning. When they were done for the night, they turned off the lights so Rhys and Sally were able to go to sleep. Sally's fireman walked into the town and took a right to his home. "You two want a ride?" Asked Sally's driver. The two kids looked at each other. "Nah, we're good." Said Emma. "You sure? It's a long walk to Deedburg." "Yeah, we're sure." Said Rhys. "Alright. Be safe getting home." She said and she drove off. Once she was out of sight, Emma turned into a bat, picked up Rhys, and the two started flying home.

The next day, Sally and Rhys were taken to be repainted. Bryce was there, they were testing the sound of his motor as he drove around. He had "E84" on his sides, and was in an l dark green livery. "Give him some life!" Said a workman. His driver turned the key and his engine came to life, it made a good amount of noise and was excruciatingly loud. "There we go! You're all set to leave now Bryce!" The workman said as he looked at a clipboard. "Alright! Thank you!" He said. He honked his horn as he left, Rhys and Sally gave him a whistle each. "We've bee expecting you two. Come on in, we're going to get you repainted and ready to get married!" The two engines were stripped of their paint, the bare steel that made them being exposed. They were given pink undercoats as Dan rolled through the yards of the works station. It was littered with scrap and rusty rolling stock that was used for spare parts. That's when Dan came upon a brake van. It was a 10 ton North Eastern Railway Brake van, with rotted frames and rusted metal. "Hello? Here to break me up today?" Asked the brake van, he gave a slight chuckle at this. "No, but what are you doing in a rusty old siding like this?" Asked Dan. "Oh, my brakes failed. This is where they used to service the old rolling stock. I've been sitting here for about a decade." The brake van had a big white beard and wrinkles on his face. "Oh, how I wish to be useful again at the end of trains, keeping trucks in order. But I'm not useful anymore." "But you can still be useful! We can just patch you up!" Said Dan. He got in front of the brake van and his driver coupled the two together. Dan puffed to the other side of the works shed, out of view of Sally and Rhys, who were both taking naps. "Oh, lord, what happened to this guy?!" Asked a workman, worried. "He had been left I. The old service yard, awaiting the torch. Please fix him, he wants to be useful." Dan said. The workmen looked at each other and nodded, they went to find some blueprints and we're going to set to work. Meanwhile, Rhys and Sally were given a second undercoat, Sally got a white one while Rhys got a black one. Then they were painted in their normal liveries, except they were given black or white lining. Rhys got black while Sally got white. It was nighttime by the time the workers were finished, and they could hear the sounds of a piece of rolling stock being rebuilt. They thanked the painters and left. They returned to the sheds, where Dan was about to fall asleep. "So how was your day Dan?" Asked Rhys. "Ah, you know. Trying to find the items you want me to find." The terrier fell asleep as Rhys and Sally got ready to fall asleep.

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