Edward's old friend

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One morning, Edward woke up to Sir Topham Hatt standing in front of him. "Hello sir, how are you?" Edward said, he was still a little tired. "Good morning Edward, I need you to take some wagons of fresh parts from the Ironworks to Crovans Gate, think you can do that?" "Yes sir, I can sir." Said Edward. Sir Topham Hatt walked off to his car, and he drove off. The fire lighter came and lit Edward's fire, but his driver had to cold start him. It was an uneventful journey to the ironworks, Edward got his trucks, they were quite heavy, but Edward started off strong, and he got to the little hill and used it to send him down the line. "Steady now old boy," called his driver, "We're approaching the station." Just then Edward braked, he stopped perfectly at the station platform, and ran around his trucks and pushed them to the work sheds. Skarloey sat in there. "Hi Edward," he said, a little concerned. "Oh, hello Skarloey, what's on your mind?" "Skarloey looked down for a second, then looked into the sheds, then at Edward. "Do you know any Terriers besides Stepney that worked here?" Edward thought for a moment, then he sighed. "Back when the railways were in its early stages, there was a terrier, but... the war came here and they plopped a bomb at Killdane. But the engine saved everyone, but he didn't make it out. It landed right on him, but it didn't explode. Instead, the shell flew straight into the air, hitting the plane dead on, taking it down. He was taken to the works, but he never came out." Edward looked down, he remembered the engine as a very close friend. "E... Eddie?" Came a weak voice from the shed. Behind the trucks, an engine off its chassis , and had been mostly mended. It resembled the shape of a terrier.

"D-Dan?!" Edward called from outside the shed. "Eddie, how are you, my friend?" Dan was then being moved back onto his chassis mostly being fully repaired. "Dan! Oh my goodness, I've been fine! But what about you, I haven't seen you since the war!" "Oh, bout that, I was purchase before I was repaired, and I worked a whole railway, but as the only purchased engine for a while. And I've been put back into service for a while, thankfully." Oh my, I must tell all my friends about you! And when you are going to leave, I'll take you home!"

Later that day, all the Skarloey engines and the famous eight came down, and some other engines from different areas of the island came down to meet Dan. They moved Dan to the front to meet you everyone. Everyone had a chance to talk with him, and Dan shared some stories. And a afterwards, everyone went home to their sheds besides Edward. "We'll Dan, it has been a pleasure having you here Dan, thought I do know you must go." Edward frowned, but then Dan got an idea, "Say, why don't we host a little farewell celebration, I seemed to be a hit with everyone so they might want to see me before I go!" "That's a great idea Dan! Why, I bet we can pull the express as you leave." Dan and Edward smiled, then after saying goodnight, they drifted to sleep.

The next morning, Topham made plans for Dan and Edward to pull the evening express from Knapford to Vicarstown with a small stop at Crovans Gate. "Leaving so soon?" Asked Thomas and Henry, a little upset about it. "We'll miss you!" Called Percy. James, Duck, and Toby sobbed a little, but then they all cheered up when Dan said, "Well, you all can visit my line! And I'll come down here accident free" He then chuckled a little. Thomas then replied, "Well, your always welcome on my branchline!" But then, Dan and Edward had to leave. "Bye, I'll come back with my friends soon!" And with that, they were off. Gordon met them at Vicarstown. "A nice job with the express, you're early too." He said, "Just like your brother." Dan was too tired to think about it then, but he said "Thank yo-you Gordon, and it was a pleasure to pull your express." "Please, you did me a favor, I finally got a well deserved rest." A few minutes later, Dan left the station, and the two blue engines whistled a farewell to him, and Dan responded saying he would miss them and he would no doubt return.

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