To Death...

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"Mom! Mom!" DD yelled as he ran into the house. "What is it, sweetie?" She asked as she looked over her laptop. "I got it! I got the lead role!" I got the role of King Drenk!" His mother smiled warmly, "Oh that's wonderful DD! Come here now." DD did as he was told and he walked over. His mother kissed him on the forehead, "I hope all goes well for you. And when your dad gets home, we'll celebrate, won't that be lovely?" DD nodded and he went to grab his hat. When he got it, he then began to put on his shoes. Before he got out the door, his mom stopped him, "Forgetting something?" She said then held up his stuffed elephant. "Oh, you found Humphry! Thanks mom!" DD grabbed Humphry from her and He ran out the door to his neighbor's house. He knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer it.

Then, a woman with a displeasing frown on her face opened the door, she stood at about five foot nine and was about two inches taller than DD. "Hullo. Who are you?" She asked as she then squinted her eyes. "Oh, um, I'm DD, Rhys' friend! It's a pleasure to meet you." Her eyes then widened and she smiled caringly. "Oh, so you're the guy Rhys' talks to all the time! Oh I'll get him to come down, give me a moment." She then yelled for Rhys and he came running down. "You're friend is here, go spend some time with him." "Oh, I will mum!" And after a brief hello to each other, they ran outside, running towards their school.

Rhys was the same age as DD, and he was older than him by two days. He was slim with black hair and was quite tall. But it didn't matter, as DD was faster and more agile. Rhys was at full sprint trying to catch up to DD. A few minutes later, they reached the school and when they got inside, it looked dim. They had never seen it in the main hall after. Suddenly someone snuck up on DD, "Guess who!" DD then scratched his chin, "Hmm, could it be my one and only Mia?" She then lifted her hands and kissed him on the cheek, "How are you, baby? Oh! I have some news!" She then took the two to a piece of paper put on a white board. "See, I got the queen! So I get to have my king." "Well, look who it is!" Said a voice suddenly. The group turned to see a man that looked taller than Rhys with blonde hair. He was thin and wore circular glasses. "DD, and his little friends. Hey, nice job on King, kid, expect me to take it from ya! Pa-ching!" He laughed as he punched DD's arm roughly. "Well, I know something." Said Rhys, "These next few weeks are gonna be rough thanks to Zach."

DD had been practicing his lines and movements at home, at school, on the railway, and at practice. All the while being harassed by Zach at school. The final preparations came in and Zach just got worse. "Just give me the role!" Yelled Zach But DD had muted his voice from his mind. And later that night, DD would play as the king for the first of three times.

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