Big Engines on Strike

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"WEASH, PIP PEEP, WEASH!" "SILENCE!" Boomed the controller. "We don't like our treatment on the railway! We are treated as the actors of a TV show!" Yelled Jojo back. He and the majority of the tender engines on the entire railway were now on strike. "We don't want to be working until we get better treatment, like new coats of paint at the end of the week, or wash downs every evening!" Yelled Tracey. "Yeah, we shouldn't be treated like clowns!" Added Josh. The big engines, as well as other engines in the sheds and across the island, sat angrily in the sheds. "Well then! You'll just wait here until you are needed again!" Answered the controller loudly. And with that, he walked off.

Soon the controller was in his office, talking with a man on the telephone. "Why yes, I would indeed like four new tank engines. Do you think I could come over by tomorrow morning?... Why thank you my good sir, have a wonderful day yourself." Sir William V hung up the phone. "Oh bother, how will I break the news?" He said as he put his hands in his face. There was a knocking on his door. "Come inside!" He called. The butler opened the door. "Sir, the passengers are waiting for their trains." He replied, he then grabbed the controller's coat and helped him get it on. "Oh bother. Get Dan and Diana to the station for the express, and we'll put Lydia on the local with Micheal." He said as he threw on his hat and walked outside.

"WE WANT OUR MONEY BACK! WHERE ARE THE TRAINS?!" Screamed the passengers as they looked around angered. Then, Dom shunted the express into place, "Where is Jojo? And where is  Sue?" He asked himself. Ryan then got the local ready as the controller stepped onto a barrel to make himself taller. "Everyone! Listen up!" He started in a megaphone. Everyone started to look over as he continued, "I understand you are all mad that your trains are late, however, I have gotten some engines to pull the express and the local, now if you all can just wait a moment, you will all be taken to your destinations!" He said, and the porters got the passengers to board their respective trains. Soon, Micheal and Lydia rolled into the station, "Are you ready to do this Micheal?" Asked Lydia. "Pah, I've pulled heavier trains than this, just leave it all to a strong engine like me!" Said the little Porter as they coupled up to the local. The guard's whistle blew, and Michael pulled as hard as he could, but they didn't move an inch. "Do you want me to help you?" Asked Lydia, but was cut off by Micheal, "No no! I got it!" He said. Lydia rolled her eyes and then began to pull the train. "See! I told you I could do it!" He called as they slowly set off.

Then, the express engine came in. Dan was alone. "Where is Diana?" Asked the controller in his office. "She had to take a goods train sir. She won't be here for another hour." Said the stationmaster. "Bother! We have to break the news to Dan." Said the controller as the two stepped out of the office. The two walked over to Dan. "You'll have to take this on your way own Dan, do you think you can manage?" Asked Sir William V. Dan's expression changed from happy to grim, "I'll try sir." He said as the guards whistle blew. Dan then began to pull the train, his wheels skidded fiercely as the train slowly crept down the tracks and out of the station.

"Come on! Come on! I can do it! I can do it!" Puffed Dan to himself as he began to pick up speed. His driver leaned out of the cab, checking the wheel slip. Dan puffed on, faster and faster. Then Dan saw it. The Lickey incline. He also saw Micheal and Lydia struggling on the hill. He was switched on their line! Dan then buffered up to them, pushing them higher up the hill he got stuck where they were and they had gotten over the hill, Lydia whistling a "Thank you!" As they rocketed down the hill. Dan's wheels spun faster and faster, but he went nowhere. He began to give up. Then, he began to move forwards! Steve was pushing Dan over the hill, pushing Dan and the express up the hill. The little diesel honked his horn, and Dan yelled back, "Thank you Steve! Thank you!" As he created the hill. "No problem!" He called back as the express rocketed down the line.

Dan sped past the local, now being back on the express line as he thundered down the rails. Dan kept going, rocketing through stations as he made it all the way to the final station, with a few seconds to spare. The engine sat at the platform, waiting for the express. "How did a little tank engine like you make it all the way here?" Asked the snooty diesel. "Little engines can do big things." Dan replied, he wanted a drink. His crew took him to the water tower and they let him rest for a bit. A few hours later and some engines came to help with the express on the return journey. Jake, Lydia, Micheal, and Stephon had arrived to help. "Hey guys." Said Dan, his cheeks were slightly pink after the morning run. "Hello Dan." Said Micheal, he was a little annoyed that he needed help with the local, not just from Lydia, but from Dan too. "Come on, let's get ready." Said Jake as he buffered up to the coaches. The line was in this order: Stephen, Dan, Micheal, Lydia, and Jake. "Y-y-you know Jake, if you were painted like us, t-the train would look amazing!" Said Stephen. "You're right little dude! That would be awesome. But I like my paint the way it is, a tribute to the good ol' days." Replied Jake. Dan then got their attention, "Guys, we're leaving soon, everyone is onboard the trains!" He said. The engines sizzled as the doors were shut and locked, the guard looked at his pocket watch, he then check the clock to make sure it was right. It read 7:45 pm. He got into his cabin, and he grabbed his whistle, "PHEEEHP!" He blew into his whistle and the engines blew theirs in return! "Sheeee! Shoooo! Sheeee! Shooo!" Their piston rods puffed and turned as they slowly left the station. "Come on! Come on! Come on! This is dreadful!" Said Micheal as his wheels struggled to grip the rails beneath him. "Use your sandbox! You're getting sparks everywhere!" Said Jake as they rolled onwards. Micheal did as he was told and the train began to go faster.

The cavalry had reached the southern side of the Lickey incline. This side is very hard to climb, no flat areas to aid you until you reached the top of the hill. The engines pushed on, but they were unable to climb the hill. "How is this so heavy?! It's the five of us!" Asked Lydia. The crews then went along the train. Someone on it had taken the brake lever in the coach and threw it on hard. They had to go along the train and unpin their brakes and fix the lever. Suddenly, Dan felt a storm breeze roll in. A few rain drops in it. The train had to be backed down the line. "CHARGE!" Screamed Dan as they thundered down the line. Stephen released sand onto the line, the others were able to use it for grip as they sped along the rails. The coaches held back, but the five friends charged up the hill too fast for themselves to feel the weight. They ran over the hill, thundering down the tracks. They arrived at the at the station, right on time. Rhys was there w to the boats. "Hey guys." Said Rhys. But he couldn't stay long, he winked and puffed away. The five friends sighed in relief, and they shunted the coaches away, and went to they yards sheds, going to sleep one after another.

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