Home At Last

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It was a particularly busy day on the D&D railway. Engines leaving almost as soon as they entered. Ryan was having trouble putting trucks in order where some just went missing! Rhys was running Dan's branch line services while he was on Sodor, but even he was having trouble with trouble with it! At Levi, the top station, there are two through lines normally open. However, one was open due to Josh's trucks running hot axels! PEEEEEEEP PIP PIP PIP PEP PEEP! An engine raced down the line, with a heavy goods train of rails and steel beams. The engine was Dan, and he tore down the line faster than before! Dan saw the line was blocked and whistled loudly, and a quick thinking signalman acted before it was too late. Dan was switched onto the other through line, passing Rhys and Tatum. "What was that?! Asked Tatum as Dan thundered past. "I think it's Dan!" Said an excited Rhys.

Dan screeched into the yards, he uncoupled from his train and ran around it, shunting it into a siding. Ryan was there, having trouble with trucks. "Come along! Your train is due out in 5 minutes!" But the trucks had their brakes on, "No we won't! No we won't!" Ava, Tommy, and Jarrid were on the train, they were the leaders of the yard. Jarrid was the tanker that helped Dan when he was in the siding. Tommy was Ava's right hand truck, and the three rules all yards they came across. Ryan then looked over at Dan and when he did, he stopped. "We'll don't just sit there, come and help!" Dan switched over and the two were able to move the trucks as they had let go of their brakes, even the leaders of the yard had respect for the terrier. They rolled to the platform, Ryan mumbled a thank you, and Dan set off to find more trucks to push around.

After the station was cleared of everything, the two took a break and got some drinks from the nearby water tower. The sun began to set, and Dan went over to the harbor. Ryan followed him slowly and saw that he was sitting in a siding by the sea. "Hey, uh, Dan. I wanted to apologize for what I said to you before your accident. I was just angry that I wasn't treated like you, ya know." Dan breathed in. "Smell that?" He asked Ryan. "Um smells like... the sea?" He didn't know how to answer. "It's the freedom of it. Being free, that's something you should want, that's something you have. When I was stuck in my shed, I had time to think, like about how it would feel to be free again. Ryan, I forgive you for what you said to me, but do learn, sometimes being wanted isn't the best thing, it's being free." Ryan then rolled up to the buffers next to Dan. He looked at the sunset, and the two seemed very, very satisfied.

Dan rolled back to his sheds. He was very tired after the days events. Rhys then steamed in, weashing  loudly. "Man! Running a branch line is tough! Oh hi Dan." Rhys took a second to realize Dan was back. Dan! You're back!" He yelled. Tatum rolled into the other berth, "Wow, you are back" she said, happy to see her friend again. Rhys was so excited, "Dan, you have no idea what's happened lately, so many engines have joined the railway, and I got a girlfriend!" "Wow, that's great Rhys, who is it?" Rhys began, "Her name is Sally, and she's the other engine that joined the railway with Lydia, and we started dating a few days ago!" The boys chatted for a bit, as someone stared in from the darkness. It was Lydia, she was trembling. She believed she had caused the whole thing and Dan was going to be mad at her. "You know, I could use help from you." Said a voice from the dark shadows of the station. She looked for the source of the voice, but couldn't see where it was coming from. "Don't fret dear, just join me, and in due time, you will be strong enough, Dan and his friends won't be able to make you feel fear." She then began to tremble, she weashed and raced away. "A pity, well at least my identity is till a secret," mumbled the voice. It then vanished into the night, as the lights of the station went out.

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