The other engines

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Once Rhys and Sally returned, they were surprised when Sally was taken straight to the works! Rhys went to the works as well to see what was going on. He saw that it was packed! He saw engines he didn't even know that were take to the works, and they were all being repainted! "You'll have to wait your turn, Rhys, we don't have enough room." Rhys look puzzled, he still wondered why everyone was there. He saw Ryan and figured he should get some answers somehow. He rolled up to him as Ryan was relaxing. "Um, R-Ryan? What's going on?" Ryan opened one eye, still a small smile on his face. "Oh, right, you weren't here. Yeah, controller made us works super hard, then he bought a bunch of engines I think, some were the trail engines like Eddy and Steve and now we're all being repainted to what we want." Rhys thanked him and moved around, but then, he saw a blue and yellow diesel being painted green. Rhys began to shake a little, before he was bought and joined the railway himself, a diesel replaced him and it was a class 08, same as this diesel. Rhys looked around and saw some engines, some GWR engines, they seemed to be arguing. "The Great Western railway is an amazing railway, and you should know!" Yelled the 14xx. "They tried to scrap me! I count my lucky stars and thank the lord I'm not dead!" Rhys rolled over to them. "Hi, are you guys new to to railway?" He asked, trying to break up the arguing. The 57xx looked over, "I'm sorry, I'm Marvin, and this is Jayden." "Well nice to meet you two, I'm Rhys." He then rolled away.

Rhys then saw a black tender engine and a J70 tram engine. "I can't believe we escaped! That was such a thrill!" Rhys rolled in, he hadn't been listening to them, but he still wanted to know who they were. "Hello there, I'm Rhys, and who are you?" He asked, and the tram responded, "I'm Edward, and this is my friend, Tracey." He said, he looked a little spooked. "Well, it was nice meeting you two." Then Rhys puffed off.

He noticed some engines that seemed to be done, as they glistened in the sun. He saw a 2-6-0 that looked like Jojo, but It was a dark green with black pistons and a different firebox. "Hello there, what's your name?" Asked the engine as Rhys rolled up to then engine. "Oh, I'm Rhys, and you?" "The name's Eddy," he said, "Here to help with the breakdown gang, as a permanent engine." "Oh, we'll, that's good to know!" Said Rhys, "Well, I got to go, bye now!"

A green class 08, and two hunslet austerity, one with the 16 foot saddle tank build, were relaxing in a siding. Rhys saw that the diesel was awake, and he carefully puffed over. "H-hello." Rhys said, he was scared of diesels because they were normally rude and over the top. "Oh, hello there, I'm Steve." Said the class 08 softly. "Who might you be?" "Rhys, I'm Rhys, a pleasure to meet you." Rhys was shaking a little. "Oh, and these are my friends, Jake has the 18" build, and Stella has the 16" build, we had to come a long way, so they're tired." "Well then, I hope to see you around then Steve." "Bye Rhys!" Called Steve are Rhys rolled into the now freed workshop berth.

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