The Grand Bridge

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For a few months, Dan and Eddy worked very hard on the bridge. And during that time, Dan and Eddy saw new engines joining the railway. Aside from Angelica, Liz, Dylan, and Dom, there were five other engines. Alfred, a ex Sodor engine after rudely treating the other engines on sodor. He is a changed engine, and is much nicer. Crovan, another ex Sodor engine who had been kicked out for the same reason. He is also nicer and doesn't mind the work he's given. Evan, an 0-6-0 that looks up to Crovan, and takes his advice, good or bad.  Elsie, a diesel engine sent to work on a new branch for a clay quarry. And DD, an engine whom was somewhat quiet and worked in the iron mines with Night Owl.  Dan and Eddy had completed their half of the bridge, and the Sodor engines were quick to match them.

Dan was going to the site one day when he saw a small Yellow 0-6-0. He had six small wheels, a tall thin funnel, a long thin boiler and a small fat dome. "Hello there, I'm Stepney, what's your name?" He asked Dan, "I'm Dan, it's a pleasure to meet you Stepney." "Same here Dan. Say we're going to finish this bridge today, so tomorrow will be the testing, do you think you can come down here again?" "Oh, sure!" Said Dan, the two engines whistled and Dan set off to get some trucks for his next job.

The next day, he came back with his coaches, the lines were completed and in a siding, very large boiler sat on a flatbed he arrived before anyone else, he sat in the siding and the coaches chatted with themselves about what they would be doing. "Do you think we can pull a special train?" Asked Clara. "I wouldn't doubt it. We are the coaches of the number 1." Said David. "Perhaps, but JOJO might take it instead. He has been getting special jobs lately." Added Henry. "That is true." Said the other two. They chatted a bit more, but then, they heard a whistle. Then another, and another! Suddenly, All the engines came in with the controller, his entire family and Sir Topham Hatt! "Sorry we're a little late, we had to pick up the controller of the North Western Railway." Said Tatum. "Oh, I thought I was early." Said Dan. "Dan, would you like to take charge of the trip to Sodor?" Asked Sir William V. "Oh yes Sir, thank you sir!" Replied Dan. Dan was then hooked up to the flatbed with the boiler as Sir Topham Hatt said that it was needed for the new engine they wanted to build to run this line. Dan weashed steam and begin to start. He whistled a loud, "Peeeeeep Pip Peip!" Then all the engines set off.

When they arrived on Sodor, they were greeted warmly by the engines there, where Stepney waited. He was about the cross the bridge himself to see Dan. The engines were happy to have made the short trip and to be on the island. Alfred and Crovan puffed off to find Edward. "Hello Edward," started Alfred. "We wanted to say sorry for how we treated you when we were last on your rails." Said Crovan, "Can you please forgive us?" They both asked almost in unison. Edward thought for a moment, "You were both very rude... but I'm not one to hold grudges, I forgive you both." He said. "Oh thank you Edward." The two said, then the three puffed off to enjoy the party.

DD, Mia, and Rhys were all sitting around talking about school when a man that looked like he was in his thirties walked up. "Hello m'lady, how are you on this fine Thursday afternoon?" "Oh, hello! I'm fi-" She was cut off by the man, "That's very good, I'm very great, thank you. Now, what's a pretty girl like you hanging around with these, ughk, boys?" "Well if you must know, these are my friends. Now then, you better get you busy butt out of here or else ill-" The man cut her off again, but this time he grabbed her hand and started pulling her away. "Come along, the dance area is playing some very romantic songs I hear." DD and Rhys stood up and began to peruse the man. But then two older men blocked them. "You boys ain't going no where, that's the boss's son, and he'll dance with anyone he wants to. Rhys then socked the man that spoke in the face. "That's our friend and you won't stop us!" DD then kicked the other man's knee in and tackled him. Rhys then picked DD up and they ran to find the man. "Rhys, you check over there, I'll go check the tables and bathrooms!" He nodded and the two boys split up.

Over by the tables, aside all the people chatting, he could hear yelling from the bathrooms. "Get off of me! Get off you twit!" DD rushed in there, and he saw Mia being grabbed by the man. "You get off her right now!" He yelled, his words trembled a little, but he stood strong. The man let go, and stared over. He sucked his tongue in and gritted his teeth into a smile. "And what are you going to do, pipsqueak? Beat a big guy like me up?" Then, he lunged at DD, DD moved quickly,  it it wasn't enough to dodge him and he got pulled to the ground. He hit his head hard and his jacket came undone, the zipper being pulled down, revealing his white tank top. The man took off DD's jacket as the boy lay unconscious in a pained state. "Yuck, blue and black is a disgusting color design." He said as he began to toss the jacket into the trash.

Mia caught the jacket before it fell in. Mia then told the man, "Now listen here, you big blithering idiot, I don't know who you are and I don't care! Oh leave my boyfriend alone!" DD then awoke, very slowly and he couldn't move. Mia stood strong, she then put on a face and then the man charged at her, he picked up DD and threw him at her. She ducked and DD hit the wall with a crash! He fell to the ground, now blood dripped from his mouth. Mia then stood up and charged at the man, She knocked him to the ground and then she ran back for DD, scooped him and ran out the door to find Rhys.

"Rhys! Where are you Rhys?!" She screamed, people turned and looked. The controller's turned and saw DD, they rushed over, grabbing his family and ran over to a table. "Who did this to you two?" Asked DD's brother and father. "That man in the bathroom, he was trying to kiss me, and DD came in to try and save me, i ended up saving him. The two walked over to the bathroom and saw the man, he had just gotten up. DD's mother and sister began to check out his injuries when he woke up. He sat up. Something was off with him, he saw a bruise beginning to form on Mia's face. "Mia... who did it?" He asked her slowly. She sat back, frightened at the way he spoke to her. His voice was much deeper than what it was. "D-DD?" "I said, who did this to you?"  Everyone looked the controllers looked at each other and went to find a cop or the telephone. "That would be me." Everyone looked over to see the same man, now hold DD's dad and Seth. DD was pissed. He then stood up and darted towards the man, he rammed into him and started beating the crap out of him. He didn't stop until the man began to beg for mercy. "Please sir, I'm sorry, I won't do it again!" The man began to get on his hands and knees and begged sincerely. "Good." DD said before collapsing again. The man stood up, "Now then!" He kicked DD hard and sent him crashing into an engine. Rhys looked and saw blood on his tanks. "A-AHHHHHH!" He screamed and all the engines looked over and screamed too! "W-what the hell?!" Asked Jojo, he was frightened by the site. "DD!" Screamed his mother as she came running. Then, his father, his brother, his sister and Rhys tackled the man, "hold him still!" Directed Josh, he then weashed steam at the man in a direct, hot blast. The man yelled in pain, he ran to a punch bowl to cool his face off in. Then, he was cuffed by the cops that had pulled up and saw what happened to DD. They put him in the car and drove off. DD was then taken to the Crovan's Gate hospital where he was treated for his injuries, and he made a full recovery. But before he left, he saw the boiler in the sheds, with a little black diesel pushing tools around for the workers as they worked on a chassis for an engine. DD didn't know what it was, but he didn't bring it up. That day, the engines came back and resumed work, Rhys was given a proper wash down and new coat of paint, and Josh was some what declared a hero for what he did. The man was arrested and was thrown in jail for a long time, and now, all is well on our little island, don't you agree?

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