Lydia and the Ditch

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Lydia is an American tank engine. She was built in New York City, and then after a few months and some modifications, she was shipped off to the NWR with Rosie, both arriving in the 80's. Rosie proved very successful at the coaling plant, and Lydia was shipped off to the Mainland as a shunter at Paddington. Lydia was an expert shunter with little experience under her belt. In the early 2000's, she met Sally, and the two became close friends. She then rolled onto Drabton & Deltic rails in 2022, where she became affiliated with Dan and the branch line crew. She has also been close friends with Dan, even though the two don't talk often, they always whistle a hello to each other when they pass.

One morning, Lydia awoke in Dan's berth. "Dan will be back today, won't he?" She asked her Fireman, Robin. "I think so, why?" Lydia was eager to see Dan, and as her fire sizzled, she whistled loudly in excitement! "Hooray! I will 'Peep peep' a hello to him as I pass!" She sung happily as she awoke the others. "Huh?" Asked Rhys. "It's morning already?" Asked Tatum. "What's happening?!" Edward asked. "Five more minutes, Driver." Snored Sally. "Oh, sorry guys." Apologized Lydia as she rolled carefully onto the turntable.

Sally had to go to a yard across the island since there was no station pilot. "Sorry Sally, I got work at Blue Harbor." Said Steve as he was preparing to leave. "It's alright, I can take it from here." Replied Lydia as she began to look at the yards. Steve departed when the signal turned green. Lydia then whistled a, "Bye-bye!" As she rolled into the yards. She looked around, there were three lines that went for about two miles before some buffers to prevent things from rolling beyond that point. The yard was empty. Vale Station is right after The Grand Gap just before the bend that engines tend to charge through. Suddenly, there was a thunder down the line. Josh loomed into view, he began to slow down as his steam filled the air and he grew closer. "Hullo Lydia! Long time no see!" Greeted the Scottish Engine. "Hello Josh, this all for me?" She asked. "Most of it, the fuel tankers and chocolate trucks are for me." He explained. "Ah, well, get uncoupled and I'll shunt them into their respective spots." She commanded as the tender engine did so. He puffed around after she took the trucks and began shunting the trucks in order. "See you later!" Whistled Josh as he began to set off. "Bye!" She whistled back as she began to break the train up.

After she was done with those trucks, Lydia waited as sizzled at the platform, awaiting another engine to come by with trucks. She then saw Micheal cross The Grand Gap. He had a few trucks with him as he braked into the station. "Hello Micheal." Said Lydia. "Hey." He said as he uncoupled from his trucks. "I was told to drop this off and help you until Steve returns." "Okay, just set those there and I'll sort them." She said as she began to get ready to move them. "I got it." He said as he got behind them and just pushed them down into the siding. He had two mineral wagons and some box cars. "Well, make sure to put the open wagons with the others and the vans with the vans." She said. "Nah, it's better this way." He said as he threw them down the line. They collided with the buffers. "No no, that line is for assembling the next train." "Well the line is open, so I'm putting them there." He replied smugly.

Lydia went into the yard as Dan rolled into the station, he saw Lydia, but she didn't see him so she didn't whistle. "Hey guys, what's up?" Asked Dan. "We're busy, but off." Said Micheal coldly. "Oh, well I'll leave you two to do your thing." Said Dan as he whistled a loud, "PEEeep, PIP PEEP!" Lydia looked up from what she was doing. "What was that?" She asked as she saw Dan leaving. "Oh no! I didn't whistle my, 'peep peep' to him! He might think I'm mad at him!" She thought to herself as she moved the last wagon. Micheal then saw Saint Mungo roll in with a few vans to drop off. "Saint Mungo, how are you today?" Asked Micheal. "Better than rotting in that shed." He joked as he whistled a loud, "PEOP POP PIP!" As he rolled away. Lydia jumped, she knew Saint Mungo but had never heard his whistle before. Her driver jumped and threw the regulator open by accident. The crew didn't know what happened until it was too late, and Lydia began to roll faster and faster! "Driver? Why are the buffers coming closer really fast?" Asked Lydia, already knowing the answer. "Uh oh, jump clear!" He said as he applied the brakes, knowing that it was useless. They jumped out into some shrubbery on the side of the hill. Lydia slowed, but she crashed through the buffers with a mighty SMASH! She slid bunker first into a ditch, dazed and surprised. "Oh dear." She said as she let out steam and her fire turned to ash.

Dan then came back, he had been told to by the signalman. Micheal was rushing around to get a big train ready. Every truck in the yard was being moved so they could all be taken back to Levi. "Dude, where is Lydia?" He asked. "Down the line in a ditch! Serves her right for telling me what to do." Dan then looked deep into Micheal's eyes, "Get this train ready, tell the stationmaster you want to take it, and leave." Micheal was afraid. He realized that what he said was wrong and apologized, got the train ready, and left without speaking to Dan. "Driver, get the winch, I'm going to save her." Said Dan as he rolled down the line. DD went into Dan's toolbox behind his bunker. He opened the lid and pulled out the winch, the spare chain, and a few sleepers to help rerail the poor tank engine. "Hey Lydia." Said Dan as he rolled slowly toward her. The setting sun gave the tank engine a beautiful shine as he stopped and weashed steam. DD chained the winch up to Dan's buffers as Mia hooked the winch up to Lydia. "You ready?" Asked Dan as Lydia looked at him, "Uh huh." She replied. Dan then began to reverse. "Come on, come on!" He said as he began to move cautiously backwards with the winch, the cable strained and Lydia began to roll forwards. "Little engines can do big things! Little engines can do big things!" He puffed as his cheeks grew red. "Come on old boy! You got this." Said Dan as he opened the regulator more. Mia opened the sandboxes and sand slowly gripped Dan's wheels. "Come on Ran! You got this!" Yelled Lydia as she moved forwards, onto the rails. Dan grunted as he then rolled backwards quickly! Lydia was back on the rails! He braked hard as Lydia bumped Dan. "You know, I come here and save you, yet you haven't even whistled a hello to me." He said jokingly. "Oh, yeah, sorry. I didn't mean to, I really wanted to say hi." She said as she began to weep. "Hey- hey! It's okay, I was just kidding with you. Come on, let's get you to the works." He said as his driver ran back for the sleepers and unhooked the winch. Lydia giggled and finally whistled a "Peep Peep!" As a hello to the terrier as they set off.

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