Venomous snake (Harry)

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Since I haven't gotten any more requests yet, so here is one of my own ideas. Please tell me what you thought of this when you have read it, in the comments! Thank you for reading this <3.

Word count: ~1900 words.
The boys were in Philippines for a 2 week trip because they just finished a tour, so they wanted a break to just relax and have fun. It was a hot summer day. They decided to go to the beach, where was a jungle nearby.

After swimming and playing in the water at the beach Niall and Harry wanted to go explore the jungle. Liam and Zayn were sunbathing (both were asleep though). "Hey Lou, wanna come explore the jungle with us?" Niall asked. "No I'm fine here, maybe I'll join later" Louis replied.


It's been an hour and Niall and Harry are still in the jungle. "Oh look at that beautiful bird up there" Niall pointed up to a tree where on top was a colorful beautiful little bird, "yeah, it's very beautiful" Harry said admiring it.

"Hey Niall don't touch that, it could be poisonous!" Harry said slapping Nialls hand when he tried to touch a suspicious plant, "oh, ups, thanks" Niall said with a nervous laugh.

"Oh look at these flowers!" Harry said, "yeah!" Niall replied. Harry and Niall were admiring the flowers so much they didn't realize what was happening around them.

Harry could feel something move near his leg, but he just thought it was some insects. Sooner he realized it weren't insects. Harry was terrified of snakes, he totally forgot that there even was a possibility to come across snakes there. He got a little anxious when he realized there was a snake moving beside him. "Uhm Niall can we go back to the beach?" Harry asked nervously, "yeah ofc, why tho?" Niall asked worriedly.

Niall saw the fear in Harrys eyes and didn't question any more. They started walking but on their way Niall heard Harry say "Ouch", he turned to see what happened "are you okay?" niall asked, "yeah...I...I jus-" Harry said as he seemed to become more distant for every second that passes.

Harry started to feel pain in his leg, had trouble breathing, his heart was beating slow, he was sweating. "Oh my gosh Harry" Niall panicked.

Harry was laying on the ground barely aware. Niall had tried to reach Louis by phone but there was no connection. He tried to yell but they were too far. "Harry please, try to stay awake" Niall said. Harry tried his best but it was hard.

Niall called 911 and then carried Harry until he saw the beach. Oh my god, finally Niall thought to himself after carrying Harry through the jungle. "Okay, lay there, please, try to stay awake, please!" Niall said as he put Harry on the edge of the jungle and ran to the other boys.

"Niall what is it? You look terrible!" Louis said as he saw Niall. "Harry- he...snake...venomous...bitten, I-" Niall struggled to get out words, he was in shock, and exhausted from running. "Gosh! Where is he? Have you called 911!? Louis started panicking too. Niall nodded and they all ran to where Niall placed Harry.

"Harry? Can you hear me?" Louis said with tears in his eyes, he got no response. Liam told him to not to worry, Harry will be in good hands soon. Zayn and Niall were too worried to even speak.


When the paramedics finally arrived, they didn't even hesitate, he needed to go to the hospital immediately. Louis went with Harry while the others drove to the hospital.

Harry was immediately taken to the operation room. He didn't necessarily need an operation but he needed immediate treatment. The doctors allowed one person to be with Harry.

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