Drugged (Harry)

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I'm so sorry for the delay of the requests. I'm working on them! I promise that the next ones will be one of them!<3. Also sorry that this is Harry again, the next one will be Zayn.

I feel like I have a bit of writers block but I'm trying my best!

Anyways, this is quite random. Enjoy!<3.
Word count: ~2150 words.
"Hey so are we all down for that houseparty tomorrow?" Liam inquired. They had been invited to a houseparty of a friend from theirs. "Yeah I'm down" Louis replied, as well getting agreeing nods from Zayn and Niall. "Harry?" Liam said. "Oh, uh. Sure, I'm not really in a mood to prty but if y'all go, I guess I can join as well" Harry replied. Honestly, all he wanted was to sleep.

They were all now going to bed. "Is everything alright love?" Louis asked before turning off the light. "Yeah, I'm just tired" Harry replied. Usually he used that as an excuse to everything but this time he was actually really tired. "You know, we don't have to go to that party if you're not feeling for it" Louis said soothingly as he wrapped his arms around Harry. "No, it's fine. I just want some sleep now" Harry said. "Okay, sweet dreams" Louis said and kissed Harry on his forhead. And then dozed off himself.

The next morning almost everyone was up early. Liam and Zayn was making breakfast while Louis and Niall was playing games on the PlayStation. However, Harry was still asleep. The boys figured it's better to let him sleep now when they actually have some time.

"Breakfast's ready!" Liam exclaimed. Everyone got seated around the table and started grabbing food. "I'll just go tell Harry" Louis said.

Louis went to their room and there he saw Harry fast asleep. He sat down on the edge of the bed and rubbed Harry's back gently. "Hey love, just asking if you wanna come down for breakfast?" Louis inquired quietly. "Mhm" was the only response he got from Harry. Louis didn't want to disturb him anymore so he let Harry sleep through breakfast.

Harry woke up a few hours later and was feeling more energized. The boys were getting ready for the party.

The boys knew that they couldn't drive home if they would be drinking, so they decided to walk. The party was anyway only a few blocks down the street so it wasn't a long walk.

The party was already at a full swing when they arrived. There wasn't too many people, but enough to call it a big party.

Niall and Louis were already at the dance floor with drinks in their hands. Liam and Zayn were chatting with friends somewhere else in the house. And Harry was just sitting there alone, watching people have fun. He had a drink as well but barely even took a sip of it...yet.

"Harry come dance with us!" He heard Niall shout. Harry hesitated for a moment but then agreed and left his drink alone. He tried to have fun dancing with Louis and Niall but didn't really feel like it. So already a few minutes later he went back to where he was before.

Harry felt awful for ruining the fun for others if they were worrying about him. So he took a sip from his drink. At first it didn't feel like anything. But when he took another sip he immediately started to feel weird (yes I know it usually takes a few more minutes but this is wattpad so go with it, thanks <3). Not drunk, just weird.

He felt dizzy and nauseous. He felt like his body became very warm out of nowhere and started sweating. His vision went blurry. He couldn't move almost at all. He tried standing up but immediately collapsed on the floor.

No one even noticed Harry, there was so many people, the dance floor was especially crowded.

Suddenly Liam appeared and noticed Harry laying on the floor. "Harry? Why the hell are you laying on the floor, you ok?" Liam asked as he helped Harry up.

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