Fire accident (Harry)

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I knoww I do more Harry or Louis sickfics but they just suits best for the moment xD it's hard to explain. But yeah, enjoy reading!<3.

The boys were having a rehearsal. Things were going really well and everyone was happy, even the management.


Harry's POV

We were in the middle of our concert and having a great time. We did all the stuff we usually do. A few minutes of running up and down the stage made me feel short of breath, so I grabbed my inhaler. As I went downstairs to grab it, I was shocked to see smoke coming out of one room.

I ran to tell the management but they assured me it was only the fog machines. I told them that it came from another room and they came down to investigate.

Third person POV

The manager got on the stage to tell everyone to leave as fast as possible, the band members had to leave the building as well.

The news of the situation came as a shock to everyone. The manager announced that the concert would be rescheduled for next week.

Louis wouldn't go anywhere without Harry. But when he tried to go backstage "You're not going anywhere, don't risk your life" the manager said. "But Harry is in there!!!" Louis said panicked. "No, he have probably just gone out from the other exit door, don't worry, he's fine" the manager told Louis. Louis had no other choice than to obey the manager.

Harry's POV

I saw the manager go tell everyone to leave, I was relieved to know that Louis would be safe...And the others of course. I was on my way out but the smoke was so thick that I could hardly see where I was going, and every second it was harder to breath. The smoke was making me cough a lot too. Then I noticed a flame...

I started to feel faint, the smoke was too thick and I couldn't breathe. "Loueh...I love yh" was all I managed to say before everything went black.

Louis's POV

There was no way I would leave my Hazzy in there alone. I knew Harry hadn't gone out. Otherwise he would already be with me. I went back in without anyone noticing, well except my friends. "LOUIS NO DON'T" Liam yelled. "I won't leave Harry" I said as I ran back in. I covered my face from the smoke and fortunately made my way backstage quickly without any damage.

The smoke was so thick and it was difficult to breathe, but I had to find Harry. I tried yelling his name a couple of times, but there was no response. I saw Harry's unconscious body near the exit door.

As soon as I saw Harry, I ran over and grabbed him by the arms, dragging him outside. Liam was quick to call an ambulance when he saw me dragging Harry outside.

The ambulance arrived within minutes. I was given an oxygen mask and Harry was placed on a stretcher before being wheeled to the ambulance.

I rode in the ambulance with Harry to the hospital. I was so worried, what if something happened to him? I held his hand as we rode to the hospital.

Liam's POV

It was really stupid of Louis to go back in, but I if he wouldn't Harry could be gone. I was concerned when I saw Lou struggling to catch his breath and asked him if he was okay. "I'm fine, but Harry..." Louis said, struggling to get the words out.

The ambulance arrived and the rest of us watched as Louis was given an oxygen mask and Harry was loaded into the ambulance.

It was just Zayn, Niall, the management team and me left by now, all the fans had been instructed to leave. After we had all been checked out and given the okay, we decided to head to the hospital.

A kind nurse showed us the way to Harry and Louis's room. We knocked on the door. "Come in" I heard Louis say with a raspy voice. I opened the door and saw Louis in one bed and an empty spot for another bed beside him.

"where's Harry?" Niall asked, half-panicking. Louis cleared his throat and said, "He's in surgery. He breathed in a lot of smoke which could have caused severe damage to his lungs if he wasn't taken to surgery immediately" He coughed a little between each word.

"Are you feeling okay? Just nod if you are. There's no need to exhaust yourself by speaking" I said. Louis nodded and fell asleep pretty fast.

We waited for around for about one hour before Harry was brought back in. "the surgery was successful...there were a few complations but nothing that we couldn't fix...Harry will be fine, he just needs some time to recover" the doctor said. We thanked the doctor and he left.

Harry's POV

I felt really strange. My chest felt sore. I slowly opened my eyes, wincing at the sudden brightness. "hey" I heard Niall say. I tried to say 'hi' but I barely got any voice out. I tried again, "hi..." I said. I looked around a bit confused, first I saw my mates, then the IV in my left hand and then I saw Louis.

"LOUIS...Is he okay?!" I asked as I started panicking. "Shh, Harry take it easy, he's just sleeping, he's fine" Liam said in a calming tone.

"why so loud?" Louis mumbled. I was happy to hear his voice and tried to get out of bed, but as soon as I stood up I almost collapsed but Zayn and Niall were there to catch me before I fell and helped me back to my bed. "Harry, you need to take it easy, you just had surgery" Liam said.

"Yeah, love, listen to him" Louis said sympathetically. I was confused. "Why?" I asked. "You inhaled too much smoke" Niall explained.

"How did I get out of there? I thought I was going to die" I said, almost teary. "Louis saved you, if it weren't for him you probably would be gone" Zayn told. I gazed lovingly at Louis and smiled, "thank you boo" I said sweetly. "always" Louis replied.


Louis was discharged from the hospital the next day, but I had to stay a few more days. Louis stayed with me and the others eventually came and went all now and then.

A week after the fire accident, I was finally able to leave the hospital. The boys took good care of me, especially Louis. Everyone made sure I was doing okay. A few days later, we had our concert - and no fire this time.

We still didn't know what caused the fire, was it accidental? or was it intentional? ---------------------------

I'm not sure about this one (maybe I'll rewrite it some day), this turned out way different than it was planned. I hate endings because I never know how to end a story haha. But I hope you guys liked it anyway<3.

Thank you for reading and requests are always open!

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