Football accident (Louis)

437 11 2

Request by: anonymous

I maybe went a little overboard here bc the request was pretty simple, but I got inspired so I hope you still like it tho <3.

Wordcount: ~ 1960 words.
It was a hot summer day and the boys had time off. They had no idea what they should be doing today.

The boys didn't really do anything else when they were on their phones or hanging out at home. It was many hours before one of them finally broke the silence, "I'm so bored!" Niall complained. "Can we do something please I am begging?" he added.

"Actually, what would you say if we went to play football on the field? That could be nice" Liam suggested. "Yeah! Let's go now!" Louis got excited. The boys packed all their gear and then walked to a field near their home.

They had a lot of fun playing together and everything went better than well. Until the end of the third match...

"Harry! Pass the ball here!" Louis exclaimed. Just as Louis was about to get the ball for himself, "Lou watch out!" Liam yelled as he came running forward and accidentally tackled Louis.

"Louis!" Niall screamed as he saw him fall to the ground awkwardly. "Damn it!" Zayn said and ran to Louis with the others following behind.

Louis wasn't unconscious though, but he looked very dazed. "Lou, can you hear me? Can you talk?" Harry asked with eyes of concern. Louis seemed to be in a lot of pain.

Louis tried to give a thumbs up so the boys knew he could hear them but he couldn't speak properly. "Where does it hurt? Can you point?" Niall asked worriedly. Louis pointed to the neck and head with his toe.

"Hey hey, stay with us, try okay?" Zayn said as he noticed Louis was having trouble staying conscious. He nodded carefully.

"Don't move, I'm gonna call an ambulance" Liam said as he knew there was no other option, Louis could have a bad neck or head injury so calling for help was their only option (a/n: haha funny, just when I wrote this I heard an ambulance outside of my house, what a coincidence).

"H- h-hurts!" Louis said with his face screwed up in pain. "Help is coming honey, just hold on, you'll be okay soon" Harry said and took Louis's hand.

Liam couldn't help it but to feel very guilty about this event. "The ambulance will be here in ten minutes at most" Liam told the boys, "hold on Louis, I'm sorry for all this" he added quietly, mostly he consoled himself with that.

"He's losing consciousness! Tell the ambulance to hurry!" Zayn said. Liam did as he was told and they got word that the ambulance would be there in three minutes, they ordered to try to keep Louis awake as long as possible.

"Louis, can you still hear us?" Liam asks and Louis gave a really weak nod. "Try to stay awake, okay? I know it's hard but you might have a concussion and then it's really important that you stay awake" he continued when he ended the call and the boys heard the sirens of the ambulance.

The ambulance came and two paramedics ran to Louis. "What happened?" one of them asked. "It was my fault, tell me he'll make it?" Liam said, almost even letting tears fall. "Tell me what happened and we'll know more precisely how to handle the situation," said the paramedic. "We were playing football and suddenly everything happened so fast when I was about to catch the ball and I accidentally tackled Louis with it while not realizing how close I was to him" Liam told the paramedics. "Thank you, we'll take over from here on, was it Louis? Louis seems to be a strong guy when he's still somewhat conscious" one of the paramedics said when he felt his neck and concluded the level of the injury.

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