Stuck in burning house (Harry)

701 20 25

Request by: justthehiddentruth

I'd say this was one of the most interesting requests I've gotten so far, really fun to write! <3 I probably went a little overbord but I got inspired so live with it.


Wordcount: ~2460 words.
The boys started to grow in fame, which also brought more haters. Especially Harry, he had the most haters and usually they didn't care about them but sometimes it was just too much.

"Hey, we're going to the club today, wanna come?" Liam asked passing by as he was going to the kitchen. "Yes indeed!" Louis replied. Louis and Harry were on the sofa in the living room, Harry was lying on Lou's lap while Louis was watching TV. "Hmm, I don't really know if I'm in the mood today, but the rest of you just go!" Harry said.

The boys asked Harry again, but he assured that he would be fine here alone at home. However, it was still daytime so they still had nothing to do. "Shall we go have lunch?" Niall suggested. "Let's go, at least I'm already hungry" Zayn joined the conversation. "Alright, let's go then, boys. Any suggestions to where?" Liam said and the boys started getting ready. "A pizza place would be great, I really crave it right now" Niall said and the others actually agreed so they went to a fat food restaurant nearby their home.

The restaurant was so close that they decided to walk there. Of course, on the way they ran into enemies who have been hanging around on the streets lately. They were some little teenagers still going through puberty. Whenever the boys walked past them there was giggles and evil laughter.

"Okay, what would I like to order" Niall looked at his list. "How about some pizza" Louis joked. "Yes, or take a pizza with all the toppings!" Harry said. Niall thought that was a great idea. "Niall, I was just kidding" Harry said. "No, it was just the perfect idea, why haven't I figured it out before!" Niall said and the others laughed along.

After they had eaten their pizzas and paid, they made their way home. Then the boys just chilled at home until they started getting ready for the club. "Liam, which shirt" Zayn asked, holding up the two options. Liam thought for a moment and then responded "left one I'd say".

Just before leaving, Louis checked to make sure Harry really wanted to stay home alone. "Yes Lou, I have no problem here. Go have fun!" Harry said and after giving Louis a kiss the boys left and Harry was left alone.

Harry was just chilling at home, reading a book, drinking tea, watching a series and cooking, nothing more amazing than that. Suddenly he heard some rustling outside, a bit like he also heard some giggles. He went outside to look if there was anything but then thought maybe it was just some animal when he didn't see anything. So he went back in.

These Harry's enemies had this brilliant idea to set the boys' house on fire. However, Harry didn't notice the fire right away. It was a few minutes before he started to smell smoke and then saw flames.

Panic hit immediately and he didn't know what to do. His first instinct was to go out the front door and call the fire brigade, but in the midst of the smoke, he couldn't see anything and couldn't find his phone. And the front door was already on fire anyway.  Well then he tried to go through the balcony or the windows and nothing was possible anymore. "Is this how I die now, young, alone in a fire?" was his last thought before everything went dark.

Fortunately, the neighbors had noticed that the house next door was on fire and they then called the emergency center. The perpetrators had already run away some time ago, but the police were already on the trail. However, Harry was found unconscious in the house and taken to the hospital.

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