Drowning? (Zayn)

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Alright another one, I enjoyed writing this but idk if it's that good or just confusing 😭😭 hope you like it!!

Wordcount: ~ 1200 words.
Enjoy! <3
—————————————————After a week full of interviews and photoshoots, the boys finally had a free weekend to relax and do whatever they wanted.

The sun was shining and it was warm out, a perfect summer day. The boys had decided to have a picnic by their favourite lake.

Zayn decided not to say anything about his fear of water, since he didn't want to spoil the fun for everyone else.

"Liam, where did you put my bag from the last trip?" Louis asked as he walked downstairs, looking around for it. "I don't know, I haven't seen it since?" Liam said, coming out of the kitchen with a cup of coffee in his hand.

"I saw a grey and red backpack in Harry's closet yesterday," Niall said, joining the conversation. "Hey, what were you doing in my closet?" Harry chimed in.

Louis couldn't help but notice Zayn, who looked dejected, his head in his hands and leaning on his knees. "Hey, mate? Everything alright?" Louis's voice softened as he sat next to Zayn, putting an arm on his back.

"Yeah I guess" Zayn replied, avoiding eye contact. And well, he wasn't quite convincing anyway.

But Louis decided not to press him more and just nodded. "You know you can tell us if something's wrong though, we understand" he assured Zayn.

"Yeah, thank you."


Liam was driving, Niall in the front seat and the rest of the boys in the back seats. "Alright lads, we're here!" Liam announced as he pulled onto a sandy road by the lake.

Everyone got out of the car and took their stuff to the spot they had chosen to set up their picnic blanket. It was a beautiful day, and the sun was shining.

Once everything was ready, they all sat on the blanket and placed out the snacks and drinks, enjoying each other's company and talking about their day.

Niall laid down on his back, looking up at the sky as he listened to everyone talk. He smiled as he watched a few birds fly by overhead. It was so peaceful here...

"Oi! We should go for a swim shouldn't we?" Louis  suggested.

"Already?" Zayn thought to himself. He thought it would go way longer before Louis or anyone else brings swimming up. He feared water but couldn't tell anyone. He thought it was embarrasing and he didn't want to ruin for others.

"Are you coming guys?" Louis shouted, already in the lake. "On my way!" Niall exclaimed.

"Eh I don't know, I'm really enjoying the sun" Harry said, "yeah me too" Zayn replied.

"Oh c'mon guys just join us, it'll be fun!" Liam said and dragged them both to the lake. Harry didn't really mind, it was fun after all. But Zayn...

His heart was pounding like a drum the whole time. He was too afraid to even get close to the edge, let alone jump in. Everyone was laughing and enjoying themselves while Zayn just stood there, feeling like an idiot.

"Zayn, come on! It's not that bad!" Niall said as he came out of the water. Zayn shook his head and tried to smile but Liam could see that he was uncomfortable.

"It's okay mate, we don't have to do this if you don't want to" Liam said sympathetically. "No it's fine, I can do it! Just give me a few minutes okay?"

The panic only raised in Zayn's body as he saw everyone's stare. He took the first step into the water of the lake and it started well.

"Good job Zayn! Just a few more steps!" Louis cheered him. Zayn made his way to them, he could still feel the mud on his feet and the cold water seeping through to his skin. Once Zayn was in and enjoying the company of others, everyone's attention turned away from him.

A few minutes later, Harry began to panic when he couldn't spot Zayn anywhere. "Uhm, lads...where's Zayn?" He asked worriedly.

They searched the entire lake and the grassy hills surrounding it. "Oh fuck" Liam cursed, seeing something on the bottom of the lake. "Oh shit" Louis noticed him too.

The boys quickly lifted an unconscious Zayn out of the lake and laid him on the edge where the water couldn't reach. "What do we do?!" Niall asked panicking.

"Zayn! Zayn! Wake up mate! Please!" Liam tried. "Is he still breathing?" Louis asked anxiously. Liam quickly checked for a pulse to see if Zayn was still alive. He's barely got any pulse at all" Liam said and gave a worried look to the others. "Cpr! Do cpr!" Harry shouted in panic and everyone started to help.

Liam, Niall and Louis were doing cpr. "Zayn! Zayn please wake up!" Harry said as he tried to keep his tears at bay.

After a few long minutes of cpr, Zayn finally coughed and everyone sighed in relief. Zayn coughed out a lot of water and then laid back down giving everyona a confused glaze. "Hey, oh god you scared us buddy" Liam said, giving a little rub on Zayns shoulder.

"Where am I? What happened?" Zayn asked with a raspy voice. "You almost drowned" Louis said, still feeling a bit shaken up.

"Should we maybe call an ambulance or something?" Harry asked. "You know, just to make sure Zayn's alright?"

"Just called, they're on their way, 3 minutes" Niall told. "Guys I'm fine, I don't need an ambula-" and Zayn was cut off by his coughing fit.

"We just want to make sure you're alright mate" Liam said as he patted Zayn's back.

The ambulance arrived a few minutes later and the paramedics checked on Zayn. He was fine, just a little shaken up. But the medics still wanted  Zayn to be checked up at the hospital, just in case.

Zayn was loaded onto a stretcher and taken to the ambulance. Liam and Louis rode with him to the hospital, while Harry and Niall drove separately with their own car.

Zayn sighed in the ambulance, muttering "this is so unnecessary".

Liam and Louis tried to reassure him, but he was in no mood. He just wanted to go home and sleep.

When they got to the hospital, Zayn was taken into a room for further examination. "You almost drowned, it's not something that happens everyday and you need to be checked up" the doctor told an irritated Zayn.

"Okay, I've got your results. They seem to be a bit off, but nothing unusual after a case like yours. I'd advice you to just get a lot of rest and if you get any weird symptoms you call us, alright?" The doctor said and Zayn nodded.

He walked out of the room and met his friends in the waiting room. "So? Nothing bad?" Louis asked. "No, they said I just need a little rest but overall I'm alright" Zayn explained.

"Okey, I can drive us home" Niall offered and Zayn nodded, grateful. They left the hospital and Niall drove them home. When they arrived, Zayn said goodnight to his friends and went upstairs to his room. He changed into some comfortable clothes and laid down in bed, feeling exhausted.

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