Baby chomper

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It was sundown. All the dinosaurs of the great valley returned to their nests to sleep.

Ozzy peaked out from behind the rocks at the foot of the Great Wall and grinned.

Ozzy: Now is the time for all good little eggs to be safely tucked into their nests

Strut: I wouldn't mind being tucked in, I'm "egg"-austed.

He briefly laughed at his own pun.

Ozzy looked down at his brother with annoyance and kicked him in the snout. Strut grunted and shook his head.

Ozzy: Would you stop complaining!

Strut: But Ozzy, I'm tired. And I'm hungry. Couldn't I just have an ity-bity little green nighttime snack?

Ozzy: No! Can't you see I'm trying to wean you away from that "stuff". From now on you've got to think, feel, and breathe only one food group: eggs.

Strut: Ozzy, what's the matter with a little vegetation? Last time we had eggs we were nearly sharp-tooth bait!

Ozzy: Are you still fretting about that?

Strut: Yes, I am as a matter of fact, If you hadn't insisted on us eating the whole nest we wouldn't have been chased at all.

Ozzy: And we still left behind one juicy egg,

Strut: Ozzy, Can't we for once play it safe and just have some green food instead?

Ozzie: Do not worry, dear brother, The Valley will be asleep. Tonight, we feast

The two quickly and quietly ran across the Valley. They hid in the shadows as best they could, search for herds with a nest full of eggs. As they approached two elder longnecks and a hatchling, they crept among the tall grass until they were out of earshot.

Grandpa: Littlefoot, You're grandma and I just don't want to lose you.

Grandma: You are all we have,

Littlefoot: It's so hard to be little,

Grandma: Oh, you'll grow up faster than you think, Be patient. Enjoy being young while it lasts.

Grandpa: And stay close to the herd,

Littlefoot groaned at the lecture.

Geandpa: We feel safe here in the Valley,

The elder male Apatosaurus looked out toward the surrounding rocks,

Grandpa: The Great Wall protects us from sharp-teeth and other dangers of the Mysterious Beyond. But there are dangers in Valley as well, Littlefoot. You must always be careful.

Littlefoot: But my friends...

Grandma: Hush now, It's time for sleep.

She then looked up and scanned around the area.

Grandma: and where are moxxie and Millie?

Littlefoot sadly looked down at his forepaws for a moment and then looked toward the river.

Littlefoot: I saw them go that way.

Grandpa Longneck walked toward the river and saw Moxxie on his side fast asleep and Millie sitting on the edge of the bank, gazing at her reflection. Her legs dangled off the edge, just inches away from the water and she sat in a slumped position

Grandpa: Millie?

Millie: Yes, sir?

Grandpa: Are you alright?

Millie shook her head.

Grandpa: I'm still thinking about what happened today.

Grandpa: I know. It must be hard to go through such an experience

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