Through another's eyes

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Moxxie wakes up to the sounds of nature. He looks to the trees and sees a bald eagle call out before flying off. He looks to his surroundings and sees his mer-imp tail

Moxxie: guess I forgot to change back

He then gripped his crystal as his tail turned back into imp legs. He then looks to Kenai and Millie, whom the latter was the second to wake up stretching her arms and mer-imp tail and seeing moxxie

Moxxie: you okay Millie?

Millie: don't worry. I'm fine

She reverts her tail back into her legs just as Kenai regains consciousness and looks at them

Kenai: who-who are you two?

Moxxie: oh. We haven't been properly introduced. I'm moxxie, and this is my wife Millie

Millie: hi

Kenai: uh. Hi?

Millie: we're, really sorry about your brother Kenai

Kenai: how, how do you know my name?

On cue, Tanana appears out of nowhere by the riverside startling the three

Tanana: so! You three finally decide to join living. Ooh-hoo. That's quite a bump you've got there, Kenai. That must have been one heck of a ride down the rapids

Kenai: oh. Tanana (gasp) Nana, you won't believe this! I was at the top of this rock, and all of a sudden...

(However, unknown to him that he's been turned into a bear, Tanana, couldn't understand a word he's saying as he just growls or grunts. But to moxxie and Millie's ears he was speaking plain English

Kenai: this giant two legged lizard things attacked! And the bear saved me! Even after I blamed it for-

Tanana: Kenai, honey... Sh-Sh-Shh.. I don't speak bear.

Kenai looked confused

Kenai; Uh, what's she talking about?

Millie: well Kenai, you don't exactly, look like yourself

Kenai: Huh?

Moxxie: see for yourself

He gets out a transportable mirror and shows Kenai his reflection

Kenai: (gasps and looks at himself; panicking) No. (scratching his to notice fur) No, no! (looks at his feet now as paws) No! (gasps)

He notices his tail and wiggles it

Kenai (V.O.): (screaming in horror)

His screaming was echoed around the valley startling birds and alerting Elks.

Tanana: Alright! Alright! Alright! (a panicking Kenai, now a bear, passed her) Would you settle down? Settle! Kenai! (he passes her again while panicking) Kenai.. Kenai.

Millie: Kenai! It's not as bad as it seems!


Moxxie: okay now your over exaggerating! It's not a curse! Your just got turned into a bear!


Millie: is not!

Tanana: Kenai. (he falls down before getting back up) This is isn't going to work.

Millie: alright, anybody got something to calm him?

Tanana: Leave it to me. (took out her boot and tossed it to his head as he stopped panicking upon impact) Kenai, listen to me. Sitka did this.

Kenai look confused wondering why

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