Ducky is mad?

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We see titan valley as the pterosaurs soar across its skies before landing right near Moxxie and Millie's house. Right now the two imps had just finished up their morning dip and gotten covered up

Moxxie: so, what do ya want to do today Millie?

Millie: not entirely sure. Maybe I'd like to just lay back and enjoy the quiet of our home

She proceeds to lay down on her back in the grass and listen to the sounds of titan valley, which were mostly the sounds of the other titans going about their daily business. Rodan resting in one of the mountains, anguirus slamming into boulders for some reason, mokele mbembe working on fixing many of the broken statues, biollante photosynthesizing, na kika and Oumihebi swimming in the deep lake on the other side of the waterfall, Rhedosaurus and red moon speaking about what titan will awaken next and Godzilla and mothra resting together

Millie didn't mind. In fact, neither did Moxxie. It certainly was better than Blitzo breathing down their necks and blaming him for screwing up their latest hit. But lately he thought about Blitzo every now and then and wondered if he and Blitzo were alright

However a loud roar interrupted his thoughts as he and Millie head up to Rhedosaurus and red moon. The carving of the apatosaurus was glowing indicating they were traveling to the land before time yet again. Pterano knew he had to wait a while until being accepted back so he took a back seat as the rest came to then

Rhedosaurus: alright. Are you packed up?

Moxxie: yep. Got all the essentials

Millie: so who's next up on the titan rescue list?

Red moon: oh he is quite the character. A bit unusual

Rhedosaurus: In fact, we nicknamed him from time to time, "Varan the unbelievable"

As he speaks red moon creates an image of this Varan and the imps we're astounded

As he speaks red moon creates an image of this Varan and the imps we're astounded

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Rhedosaurus: his clan was renowned for their gliding abilities. No reptilian titan came close to their grace

Red moon: they were tasked with controlling the wether around them. On those cold windy days or snowy blizzards

Rhedosaurus: that didn't mean they didn't have a little help of course. For by Varan's side we're a pair of Mega Volts

Red moon: their like dogs to us. Loyal to the end. And their quite the electric ones when their hot tempered I'll give ya that much

Rhedosaurus: they easily recognize who's friend, and who's foe, and protect their Allies no matter what

The two imps look to one another in curiosity as they saddle onto their pterosaur companions

Moxxie: we won't be gone long

Rhedosaurus: you never are

The imps pterosaur companions soar up before diving into the portal well through the dimensional vortex until they land right outside a forest in the great valley. The imps mount off and return their pterosaur companions just as they encounter Kosh the ankylosaurus

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