The great valley blizzard

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Mr. Thicknose: (laughs) What's that? Hahaha! Frozen sky stars falling on your head?

It was the next day and Millie was just telling moxxie and the gang about last night's snowfall

Millie: yeah! It's called snow. It's basically frozen water that's too heavy to stay in the air but too light to drop straight down

The gang oohs at her description as Mr. Thicknose just scoffs

Mr. Thicknose: Miss Mildred, really. Such a thing is not unheard of, but never in the Great Valley. Only in distant places that Far Walkers come here to get away from.

Millie is about to speak back at him but remembers what grandpa told her moxxie and littlefoot last night about dignity and keeps her mouth shut

Mr. Thicknose: Very well. Now, to return to our previous discussion.

Millie: you believe me don't ya mox?

Moxxie: it would explain why the air is getting more chillier

We cut to later as spike is eating grass at his nest. He looks to the stegosaurus herd and sees tippy and his mother along with the rest of the herd grazing. It was clear that he just might fit in more with his own species than with his own family considering they splash around in the water, which was what ducky and her saurolophus family were doing at the moment. Spike just moans in sorrow, which didn't go unnoticed by his adopted mother

Mrs duckbill: Ducky, I think Spike feels left out.

Ducky: I cannot help it if I can swim, but Spike cannot. I am a Saurolophus, and he is not. No, no, no.

She had a point. Spike wasn't a Saurolophus. And since he was still pretty young despite his size, and he couldn't even swim like them. Suddenly something slammed into him making him land face first into the mud. He looks up and sees tippy right next to him

Tippy: Hiya! Hiya!

Spike then looks up and notices his mother was with him as well making the young stegosaurus smile with the older female smiling back

Spike then looks up and notices his mother was with him as well making the young stegosaurus smile with the older female smiling back

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Tippy's Mom: Well, hello there. We meet again. And where is your family, dear?


She looks up and sees mrs Duckbill walking up to her

Mrs duckbill: I am his mother.

Tippy's Mom: Really? How nice!

Mrs duckbill: I know it's surprising but you see, Spike was separated from his family as an egg and-

Tippy's Mom: Spike. Is that his name?

Tippy: Spike, Spike, Spike.

As they continued spike and tippy ran around together

Mrs duckbill: Yes. Anyway, there were no other Stegosauruses in the Great Valley and...

Tippy's Mom: Until now, if that's another word for Spiketail around here

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