Saving the bukuvu

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We are at the Bujumbura airport where we see the crate the gang were in being loaded off. The gang all exit to breath in the African air

Narrator: Upon arrival, George whistled for Shep to take them home.

George: (whistles)

That's when they saw Shep emerge from the jungle charging at them at full speed

George: Hey, boy! Over here, boy! Come on! Come on, Shep! Come on, Shep! Come on, boy! Come On!

Shep stops right in front of George and licks him like crazy. Then he looks to Millie and hugs her with his trunk

Millie: that's a good boy! Good boy! I missed you too! Yes I did!

Narrator: See if you can spot our discreet product placement.

Narrator: See if you can spot our discreet product placement

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George: That's my Shep.

With that Shep mounts up George ape Ursula junior and Betsy as moxxie and Millie summon Carl and Frank. The three then charge into the jungle to ape mountain before it was too late

Ape: l tell you, George, it's good to be home.

George: Maybe Tookie wrong and Mean Lion not king. Jungle not look different.

Moxxie: not different?! Just look at the signs right there!

They look around to see literal signs saying "mean lion for king"

Millie: seriously! Even an illiterate warthog would've noticed them

Narrator: indeed. Because there was a big problem. Lyle's maniacal machinery was moving ever closer to Ape Mountain. Meanwhile, the cowardly constituents scampered, as our fearless hero ran after them beseeching them to stand and fight.

We see the group following several of the animals who were running

George: Don't run! If we work together, we can win. George still king.

Mean lion makes himself known and stands on a high rock

Mean lion: IM THE KING!

Ape: get down here! You know you're not the king. You've had a narcissistic personality since you were a cub. And there's no reason that the rest of us should have to suffer for it.

Mean lion just roars loudly not giving two shits and many of the animals covered in fear

George: lf you really care about Bukuvu, then think better idea-we have a bone-crushing fight for kingdom afterwards. When we still have kingdom. What Mean Lion think?

Mean lion; EAT FUR JUNGLE BOY!!!

Mean lion leaps right on top of George as the latter holds his mouth back as mean lion scratches his chest, visible blood dripping out. George kicks him off and leaps to mean lion, but the feline dashes to the left and pounces on him again and tries to rip his throat out

Helluva boss: alternate continuationМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя